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the great escape.....I NEED your help

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2 nights ago my son's hamster escaped his aquarium cage. We looked in all of the places we could without moving every piece of furniture and books case etc. We didn't find him. So, I thought I was going to be really smart and we set up a "trap"....books that make a stair case, leading up to the top of his cage which was covered by paper towels. Then we put food on the floor around it (not much just a few yummy treats), a few more up the stairs and then a few on the paper towel. With the idea that if he would go out on the paper towel he would land safely in his cage (we took everything out except the 3 inch bedding and the water bottle. Well, we woke up this morning and the food on the floor was missing...and a few pieces on the lower half of the "stairs"....but that was it. So we know he is alive....but still MIA. We are leaving tomorrow for a 2 day camping trip and really NEED to find him before that....PLEASE....if anybody has any suggestions, I need your help. The level of the house he is on, has several rooms so we don't know which room he is in...please help us!!!

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Wow, that is an impressive set up. Have you seen those no-kill mouse traps? It is a rectangular "cube" with a door that can be pushed open, but can't be pushed outward. You could put something irresistable in there like peanut butter. Make sure you place it along any trails you might see him using or along walls. I might even get more than 1 to try to catch him. Good luck, and let us know if you catch him!

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Put the food ONLY on the trap. He's filling up before he gets there :p


Also, if you DON'T catch him, it will be okay :D Just make sure that he can get to food and water. I lost a hamster for over a month in my closet :blush: It lived very well out of a food dish and water bottle taped to the wall.

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Put the food ONLY on the trap. He's filling up before he gets there :p


Also, if you DON'T catch him, it will be okay :D Just make sure that he can get to food and water. I lost a hamster for over a month in my closet :blush: It lived very well out of a food dish and water bottle taped to the wall.


I thought of only putting the food at the top but then I was trying to figure out how he would know there was food at the top....to me, it seems like a fair ways up there for a little guy...thus the trail. But I see your point too.


While your hamster was loose, didn't you worry about him burrowing into padded furniture....or something?

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Wow, that is an impressive set up. Have you seen those no-kill mouse traps? It is a rectangular "cube" with a door that can be pushed open, but can't be pushed outward. You could put something irresistable in there like peanut butter. Make sure you place it along any trails you might see him using or along walls. I might even get more than 1 to try to catch him. Good luck, and let us know if you catch him!


I have thought of those traps...but living where we live, that might mean a 45 minutes one way trip to a store that would carry them. There is one place closer and I will be calling them today...and then hoping if they do carry them, they won't cost a lot...so that we can get a couple to place around.

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I thought of only putting the food at the top but then I was trying to figure out how he would know there was food at the top....to me, it seems like a fair ways up there for a little guy...thus the trail. But I see your point too.


While your hamster was loose, didn't you worry about him burrowing into padded furniture....or something?

Not really, I was more concerned with him getting stuck in the walls :lol:


If you can't catch them, though, you don't have much choice. Then, it's a little comforting to know that if you put out a food/water station near wherever you lost them, they'll at least survive (no surprise corpses ;) ).

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How we catch our hamster. I take a very deep bowl (slippery and he can't climb out), place a of sliced peach in the bowl. Place two textbooks near bowl so he can climb up and drop into the bowl.


He's always in the bowl the next morning. Works every time.


Now, someone help us figure out how to fine a lost snake!

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How we catch our hamster. I take a very deep bowl (slippery and he can't climb out), place a of sliced peach in the bowl. Place two textbooks near bowl so he can climb up and drop into the bowl.


He's always in the bowl the next morning. Works every time.


Now, someone help us figure out how to fine a lost snake!

:001_huh: Call Samuel L. Jackson. He can handle it.

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How we catch our hamster. I take a very deep bowl (slippery and he can't climb out), place a of sliced peach in the bowl. Place two textbooks near bowl so he can climb up and drop into the bowl.


He's always in the bowl the next morning. Works every time.


Now, someone help us figure out how to fine a lost snake!


excellent...I don't have any peaches...will cucumbers work? Thinking strong smells here...right now I have his cage trap set up again in one of the rooms...with a ramp (instead of books) and cucumbers ar the top and on the paper towel. I also put a fan in the room with a piece of cucmber tied to it in a piece of tulling...hoping to move the smell around the room and entice him out. In addition, I put a piece of cardboard at the bottom of the ramp with flour on it...so that if he tracks the flour we might be able to find him...(but the floor is carpets, so I don't know if it would work or not. Time will tell.

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We found a lost hamster behind the fridge once. Worth a look.



thought of that too...haven't moved those applicances yet...this afternoon will be the great hamster search....starting with rooms we can block off...the problem is the living, diningrooms and kitchen are all connected with no doors. So we will see.

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I thought of only putting the food at the top but then I was trying to figure out how he would know there was food at the top....to me, it seems like a fair ways up there for a little guy...thus the trail. But I see your point too.



they can smell the food.


I had hamsters, but my kids have only had gerbils. One was a really good little escape artist - and could go upstairs (my friend and I were talking late one evening, and it went running through the room! upstairs from where it was kept.) I did a similar set up to yours and only had the food in the cage when it was loose in my basment. (there was NO WAY it would have been found down there). It smelled the food (I think we just used sunflower seeds) and climbed up and in to get it. and that was that.


I'm not a guinea pig person - but their size vs hamsters/gerbils is very appealing.

Edited by gardenmom5
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just reporting back. I searched for him and found him. He was behind a matress that was standing on end...we coaxed him out (he wasn't happy about it) and then i threw a towel on top of him and put him in his cage...he was NOT happy...but I am...so now I can go camping in peace!!! thanks for all of your help and suggestions...hoping to not need it again anytime soon.

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I lost a hamster once, and we found her in the return air ductwork (not the heating ductwork). She was a bit dusty, but just fine.


For some reason, I think this thread is interesting. I love the bowl/books/peach slice trick. Cool.


Also, I agree with the tips that if you don't find the hamster before you leave for camping, you could leave out food and water for him. Good luck!

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