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PRAYER REQUEST for my uncle please.....

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Please pray for my Uncle .....he is like a 2nd Dad to me....a wonderful, godly, humble man!


He was in the hospital another time for a perforated intestine. He came through that fine, but now after he went in for "back" issues they ran a ct-scan or some kind of image where they found he has yet another concern with perforated intestine. We are praying that God would grant him many more years to his 80+ Also, we are praying that he does not contact septses (sp?). His daughter is my cousin Sherry who is like a sister to me and she called me a while ago to ask for prayer.


God knows the plans He has for my Uncle. It is selfish of me to want to keep him here, but I love him so! We all do. However, God knows what's best for him.




There has been miscommunication and/or understanding. Here is the correct info as of 1 pm today, Sat.

I spoke with another cousin and he said that my Uncle has "air in his abdominal cavity". The doctors decided NOT to do emergency surgery. It was explained to me that the doctors would have proceeded as such on a 40 yo man, but my Uncle is 85'ish and it's too risky. His blood work came back normal. He has NO symptoms as of this writing. So, once again, he does have air in his tummy. They do NOT know the source.

Your continued prayers are appreciated and I'll update. Thanks.

Edited by sheryl
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Thanks to you for praying! So very appreciated.

It's Sat almost noon and I've not heard a thing. Called my cousin, no answer, but left message. Called her dd and no answer, left message. Next I text my cousin and no answer.

Don't know what to make of this.

Continued prayers are welcomed and appreciated!

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