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Any one else having this problem with fall scheduling?

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I am unable to detemine which days of the week we will be out of the house b/c I'm waiting on a bunch of people to plan their fall schedules and it is driving me crazy! Maybe I'm a control freak? I am waiting for schedules for the following...


riding lessons

dog handling classes

new 4h meeting times- they are changing the current monthly schedule

piano lessons

therapeutic riding volunteer times

IEW B Continuation course w/ 2 other families


The bottom 2 may not happen b/c we do actually need to fit in school somewhere. :ack2: I'm not even sure what we can commit to and what we may have to say no to b/c of conflicts. Some of these are flexible and are waiting until I hear about the others to choose their day of the week. Uggh! I need to :chillpill:


Anyone else going through the same thing? I'm considering just telling everyone we won't do any extracurriculars until after the first 2 weeks of school. That way I can just forget about it all, focus on academics and maybe then these people will get moving and I can decide on the extras.



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That would drive me nuts. I DO have control issues but, I'm sorry, this is why it is important for everyone to be timely, IMO.


I would plan school and then send my regrets to those whose late-determined schedules just don't fit in. I haven't got time for other people's scheduling issues.


(and there you go. Anyone who has been harboring the delusion that I am nice, you can let got of it now.)

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I am having the same issue. Registration day happens for everything on sept 11th and until that day I will have NO idea when things are. The exceptions are kids church/youth group which is every thursday and TKD which is Sunday nights. But with 1 going into cubs, 2 in cadets, 3 in 3 different levels of 4H, 2 in swimming lessons, 1 in violin, 2 in MYC music lessons, and not sure what music if any the last one with take music lessons or not this year, plus community drama (that is usually shorter set than the rest) and volunteer time.


Almost everything is in the evenings, so school time still happens, but when I don't know what actual things there is at what times, I can not schedule the kids other therapies in, or set the time for DS's community worker to take him out etc.

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I am having the same issue. Registration day happens for everything on sept 11th and until that day I will have NO idea when things are. The exceptions are kids church/youth group which is every thursday and TKD which is Sunday nights. But with 1 going into cubs, 2 in cadets, 3 in 3 different levels of 4H, 2 in swimming lessons, 1 in violin, 2 in MYC music lessons, and not sure what music if any the last one with take music lessons or not this year, plus community drama (that is usually shorter set than the rest) and volunteer time.


Almost everything is in the evenings, so school time still happens, but when I don't know what actual things there is at what times, I can not schedule the kids other therapies in, or set the time for DS's community worker to take him out etc.


Well, you win! (not meant in a snarky way, truly) I feel better after reading your post, but I can't stop thinking how stressful planning must be for you even after you do know when all the activities etc. are scheduled. I think I need a cup of tea after reading your post! Makes me think I better stop complainin'!



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I am unable to detemine which days of the week we will be out of the house b/c I'm waiting on a bunch of people to plan their fall schedules and it is driving me crazy! Maybe I'm a control freak? I am waiting for schedules for the following...



YES! My brain is about to blow over here because I'm waiting for the last few bits of info on stuff my kids want to take. :cursing: I've been on edge for 2 weeks! MOST places around here get their fall schedule stuff out late July/early August. I'm still waiting on a couple - and they might just get an obnoxious letter from me in the not too distant future. One is an extracurricular that has over 800 kids involved and they still do not have their schedule out. But they have plenty of time to cart their most advanced kids to event after event. If I could talk my kids out of this place, I most certainly would. It's a circus arts school though, so they have a monopoly and a waiting list to prove it. We volunteer for this place, donate extra money left and right. And they can't get their schedule out in a timely manner for the average family who's not dedicated 24/7. Sorry for the vent! Right there with you!


Our piano teacher is amazing. I think we had our piano lesson time by mid-July set. And our (more slacky) violin teacher had to work around it and schedule accordingly. Got that set earlier than usual too.

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I have had some of that as well. My dd has 6 hours of therapy a week that we have to schedule around. The week before we began school, they changed the days and times. :glare: We chose a 4H group that has multiple ages and that meets at night once a month so that helps some, but then the leader keeps canceling and rescheduling for the same night ds has youth group. I finally had to bow out of some activities because I couldn't get a firm schedule and I was tired of waiting. One leader seemed shocked that as a homeschooler I couldn't be more flexible and that I actually operated on a schedule.:confused:

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I hate, hate, hate this time of year. I always spend the first weeks of August trying to get our schedule for they year straightened out: art teacher, clarinet teacher, piano teacher, flute teacher, FLL and FIRST teams, gym classes, outside classes, sports, Scouts, meetings, and so on.


I was telling dh (who is so wonderful to treat me like a princess for these weeks each year) yesterday that it is like trying to work a jigsaw puzzle that has pieces from ten different puzzles mixed together. Once it is all worked out, our year works well, but getting it all to fit it like stacking a house of cards.


I had it all lined up, but then the flute teacher changed her schedule, so then we had to go back to the drawing board. We had to cancel soccer, and I had to register for a different math class. Now the robotics team might have to meet on a different night, and the clarinet teacher can't find a sitter and might have to change days. Then one co-op class was canceled, so I had to rearrange dd's schedule and find another class, then juggle to get her into something else at a different time.


I was actually going to start a thread about this, but didn't want to hear from people who would say to just do less. :lol: It's so nice to have company.

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I was actually going to start a thread about this, but didn't want to hear from people who would say to just do less. :lol: It's so nice to have company.


:D We love filling out our schedule with activities, but trying to fit it all together is difficult. And waiting for lazy administrators to send out their schedules this late into August makes me want to scream! I'm so glad I'm not alone on this. My husband really does think I'm nuts (but insists we do the activity that most drives me insane because it's so "great"!). He however balks at the music lessons (which I consider mandatory). Guess we round each other out!

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I hate, hate, hate this time of year. I always spend the first weeks of August trying to get our schedule for they year straightened out: art teacher, clarinet teacher, piano teacher, flute teacher, FLL and FIRST teams, gym classes, outside classes, sports, Scouts, meetings, and so on.


I was telling dh (who is so wonderful to treat me like a princess for these weeks each year) yesterday that it is like trying to work a jigsaw puzzle that has pieces from ten different puzzles mixed together. Once it is all worked out, our year works well, but getting it all to fit it like stacking a house of cards.


I had it all lined up, but then the flute teacher changed her schedule, so then we had to go back to the drawing board. We had to cancel soccer, and I had to register for a different math class. Now the robotics team might have to meet on a different night, and the clarinet teacher can't find a sitter and might have to change days. Then one co-op class was canceled, so I had to rearrange dd's schedule and find another class, then juggle to get her into something else at a different time.


I was actually going to start a thread about this, but didn't want to hear from people who would say to just do less. :lol: It's so nice to have company.


:iagree:It is nice to know I'm not alone. Also not wanting to hear "just do less". There are a couple of things that we can just do without if we have to, but most are activities we are committed to. If our dogs didn't get the classes and 4H practices we would have a house of berserk dogs. We didn't get Dd a new puppy for 4H only to drop it now!


Ah, well. At least I know there are others feeling my frustration and it will all get ironed out sometime in Sept.


One leader seemed shocked that as a homeschooler I couldn't be more flexible and that I actually operated on a schedule.:confused:


We get some of this too. I love how everyone seems to want to fill up your school day, b/c after all, you are available during that time. Ah, no we are working on our school work. The longer we homeschool the more I like activities late in the afternoon, or preferably in evenings.



Edited by shanvan
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Yeah, We are waiting on the piano teacher to send the information for next year. Last year she scheduled us on Wed. mornings. We usually went skating on the first Wed. of the month. My kids would murder me if that happened again.

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I hate, hate, hate this time of year. I always spend the first weeks of August trying to get our schedule for they year straightened out: art teacher, clarinet teacher, piano teacher, flute teacher, FLL and FIRST teams, gym classes, outside classes, sports, Scouts, meetings, and so on.


I was telling dh (who is so wonderful to treat me like a princess for these weeks each year) yesterday that it is like trying to work a jigsaw puzzle that has pieces from ten different puzzles mixed together. Once it is all worked out, our year works well, but getting it all to fit it like stacking a house of cards.


I had it all lined up, but then the flute teacher changed her schedule, so then we had to go back to the drawing board. We had to cancel soccer, and I had to register for a different math class. Now the robotics team might have to meet on a different night, and the clarinet teacher can't find a sitter and might have to change days. Then one co-op class was canceled, so I had to rearrange dd's schedule and find another class, then juggle to get her into something else at a different time.


I was actually going to start a thread about this, but didn't want to hear from people who would say to just do less. :lol: It's so nice to have company.


:iagree: Especially with the bolded. It is important to me and the kids that they do a lot of activities. Last year we took the year off from most things because we had too much going on to keep up with it, and once things settled down we all felt the lack of activities. Our main issue comes from having 4 kids in different things and only 1 of me to take to everything. I have a feeling we will be at activities 7 days a week between them all. Usually I hear we should do less, but that doesn't interest me. Each kid does not have a huge amount of things, but even if they each only do 2 things that is 8 classes to get to already.

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