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Anyone here in New England worried about Irene?

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I am getting a wee bit concerned. We have A LOT of trees around our property, and fearful one will come crashing down on the house.


We are prepared as far as food, generator, gas, water, prescriptions refilled, dog and cat food.


Today we are going around and picking stuff up from the yard. Which I have to say is quite a bit.


Are you prepared or getting nervous at all?

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I'm not worried even though one predicted path shows the eye running right past the house. Last I looked she is a Cat 2 storm so all things considered that's not too terribly bad.


I'm kind of laid back about these things though. I lived in the coastal south too long to panic. (I stayed during Hugo in '89, and inadvertently tent camped through a tropical storm in '94.)


There are only so many options. Stay or go being the biggest two. Your house will stand or not, nothing you can do about it. Trees will fall or not. You can only really be there when it happens or not.


Make sure you have good insurance. Take family photos with you if you leave. Have supplies and water on hand. Have gas in you vehicles. Make sure you have a good first aid kit. Be prepared but don't worry over much. You can't change nature. Only pick up the pieces afterward.

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I am. We've weathered this sort of thing before, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried. I always worry. We often wind up sitting out some sort of hurricane remnants during out sailing vacation. That is no fun. You go up a muddy river, put out two anchors, batten down the hatches, reduce your windage, and pray a lot. This should be a remnant of a hurricane rather than a full force hurricane as well, but there are plenty of horror stories floating around about storms that didn't do what they were predicted to do. Ug. The basement will almost inevitably flood, even with a remnant of a remnant, and we'll have to tie our tiny dock to a tree to keep it from floating off down the lake. We may have to stash the cars on the other side of the low spot so we can get off the "island". The roof will leak and I'll have to rescue books and bedding. We will lose power for a few days. We'll spend a scary night wondering if a tree is going to come through the house. The harbour will come into my Dad's yard and his dock system will be higher than its ramp and all the fittings will bend. All that happens every few years. We spent last evening taking the sails off all the boats and battening down the hatches and hauling all the dingheys and small boats high up into the yard. I am getting all the laundry clean and I just rummaged through the recycling for all the juice bottles I could find, to fill them with water and put them in the freezer. That will help keep things frozen as long as we aren't out of power for too long.


If Irene is still a hurricane when it hits us, things will not be nice at all. We have lots of glass and lots of big trees and lots of boats, not all of them on good moorings. Our roof is not exactly anchored on to code. I live in an old hunting shack built out of recycled materials. It wasn't designed to withstand a hurricane. The storm surge alone will wreak havock, to say nothing of the wind.


Irene should have been over land for quite awhile by the time it hits us, which will weaken it. It will probably be ok.


I'm worried about the people in the Carolinas.



Edited by Nan in Mass
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We are inland but the path is supposed to go directly over us. Things like this usually do not concern me. But, we live in an area surrounded by trees. And they are MONSTER trees!


Is the basement really a safe place to be?

Yes. Go to the basement if you need to. Better to dig out then be crushed. Take water and food and toilet paper down with you if you go. Shove a few mattresses down there if you need some comfortable place to sleep.


How is your ground? Saturated with water? Saturated could mean trees brought up at the roots. Alternately you could have tornados spin off from Irene and those may take the tops of the trees off.


Another thing you can do is to cover your windows with plywood.

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I am nervous, but more for my animals than I am for us. We'll be in the basement if it gets really bad, and I know we'll be safe there.


I need to get all my animals into the barn and shut them in.


We'll likely lose power. :glare: Oh well, country living at it's finest. I wouldn't trade it for a thing!


The kids are getting excited.:confused:


We're going out in the yard to pick up anything we can. I hope and pray the two large trees in our front yard remain strong! Our yard will likely not be passable for at least a day or two. To that I give a big :thumbup:unless there's some sort of emergency. Even so, our little town is pretty good about getting to one's home during an emergency, in all types of scenarios/situations.

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We've been through Hurricane Bob in 1991. The older children were young and don't remember much about the event and youngest daughter wasn't even born yet.

My husband went out to get extra flashlights and batteries last night and I think we're as prepared as we'll ever be. My main concern is for my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter at Fort Eustis in Virginia. They are in a low-lying area, not far from the James River.

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We are in the DC area. I went early to get bread, water, etc. I don't anticipate it being too bad here, but then, I grew up near New Orleans. :tongue_smilie: I figure we may lose power, but don't expect to be without long.


Don't forget in your storm prep to fill your bathtubs with water. You don't want to be unable to flush the toilet! :ack2:


I hope and pray that all of you WTM'ers are kept safe and your homes undamaged!

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We are a little concerned in CT; mainly about trees. Right now it looks like we're going to be a direct hit. We have a gas stove top and a ton o' candles/kerosene lamps, and we've prepared as best we can.


My parents live right on the coast, but at the highest point in their town so no flooding worries, but they are also surrounded by trees.


DHs parents have a place on Martha's Vineyard, which is where they are right now. They're not directly on the water, but w/i a quarter mile. So we're all watching this one closely.

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Our ground is quite saturated with water right now since we have had a ton of rain. Plus the tornadoes we recently had does not help much:confused:


Good points on toilet paper and such. One never knows! We actually have a portable toilet we have used for camping.


I don't know, I just don't have a good feeling about this one.


Praying for all to be safe:grouphug:

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Its hard to know how worried we should be because we are so far inland (vermont) but currently there are tracks saying it could hit us directly...I am suppose to be getting out of the hospital with dd about the same time the storm will hit and the idea of driving home in it even if it is just tropical storm strength scares me a little.

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I just came back from CVS to get my prescriptions, and oh MYLANTA. No water or batteries to be found, and the lines were HUGE.


And there are long lines at the pumps.


I don't remember it like this since the 80's when we had that hurricane that broke up and it wasn't as bad as everyone thought.


Well, at least I can't say "IT IS ONLY SNOW PEOPLE!!"

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