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What do you do when school work is finished?

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We have been home schooling for only a few months. My kids finish their school work usually around noon. They have a short nap/quiet time. Then ... they wait until the neighborhood kids get home so they can go play with them. And they are so bored.


I don't want to give them more school work, or even threaten to give them more if they keep fighting. We go to the library more than once a week. We go to the park weekly, as the weather permits. They have swimming lessons and soccer practice twice a week each and Cub scouts once a week, so I don't want to add another activity (or incur more fees) or commit to another long-term activity.


I need ideas for things to do at home (while babies are sleeping) and for things to do away from home (when babies wake up). I would rather they not watch tv, play video games, or use the computer, although this is what they are doing to fill in their time right now.


Ideas for 7- and 8-year-old boys are appreciated!

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We usually finish around 11:30 or 12:00. After that we clean up and eat lunch. From 1-3 the babies nap and I rest. DS has quiet reading time from 1-2, and then from 2-3 he has computer time. Then, once the babies are up, we usually try to go outside for a couple of hours, to take a walk or play with friends in the neighborhood.

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How our afternoons are normally spent:



Play-doh (yours may have outgrown the fascination?)

Art projects


Science/history hands on projects

Evan Moor literature pockets

Read alouds (this takes a good hour + of our afternoons)


Free play time - and I tell them if you guys can't figure out something to play and play nicely, you can go back to bed.


I wish I could find more hours in my day.

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Do they play together well at all? My boys are also 7 & 8, and we don't allow any screen time at all during the weekdays and limited on weekends. They will play very well together most of the time. They currently have a giant universe of toy "worlds" set up in every room of the second floor.


However, they sometimes do say they're bored. I say, "You may read a book or find something else to do, or I will assign you something to do." After a few times of washing down tables or dusting the furniture, they learn not to say that so often. When they fight, I give them a warning that the next time I speak to them, they will have to write each other a love letter. That hasn't happened too often, but I just had to have them write another one last week. It really curbs the fighting.

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How our afternoons are normally spent:



Play-doh (yours may have outgrown the fascination?)

Art projects


Science/history hands on projects

Evan Moor literature pockets

Read alouds (this takes a good hour + of our afternoons)


Free play time - and I tell them if you guys can't figure out something to play and play nicely, you can go back to bed.


I wish I could find more hours in my day.




I wish we had MORE time for these kinds of things too...

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Read alouds




Shootin' hoops

Riding his bike or scooter

Calling his grandmas

Making paper airplanes


Playing with the little ones I watch

Going for a walk with big brother

More Legos

Help prepare dinner

Reading Eggs or PBS Kids (short amounts, not everyday)

Did I say Legos??? :tongue_smilie:

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My job is to provide opportunities for free play, his job is to take them. :D We have a no video game/no tv policy until 5pm. But we have a tool kit, Boys Life magazines, The Dangerous Book For Boys, Knot tying books and rope, archery sets, cookbooks, clay, Legos, marbles, balloons, paint/charcoal/pastels, a garden, solitaire games...


If he's bored then that's what he chooses to be and nothing I offer will change that unless I structure his entire day (not happening). When we started out hs'ing he spent a few months finding himself and whining/complaining almost daily about having nothing to do. Now he works quickly to get to his free time!

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You can just ban screen time until 3 or 5 in the evening and let them figure out what to do. If you feel compelled to put them in organized activities or plan something for them, they might not get the chance to figure out what to do. Send them outside to play. They NEED lots of daily exercise. If they fight, separate them. If they complain about wanting screens, ban them longer. They need TIME to figure out their schedule and they might not 'do it right' for a while. If they believe the whining will wear you down, they won't give up. If they know it won't, they'll find something to do.


My mom gave chores to kids who complained about boredom. We found things to do :-)

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At home they have Legos, Little People, blocks, animals, Star Wars, dress up, stacks of plain white paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils, markers, crayons, games, books, bikes, and the yard. I make suggestions for what they can do with their time if they can't come up with anything. If whining persists I offer to find them a job to do. Usually, wiping off all the tables and chairs gives them enough time to think of a fun activity to keep them busy.


Out and about we visit playgrounds, nature trails, walking paths, bike paths. Actually, we use to do that, now we live in the country so we just head outside.

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