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Should I get the Hepatitis B vaccination series?

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I am taking a job (part time, on call) as a labor support person for women who live in the dorm of an adoption agency. I will be hands on during births of women with varying histories (drug use, health issues, etc). The agency is offering me the Hep B series free. Any downside to taking them up on this offer? I've not ever had the Hep B series. I've been tested for Hep B and do not have it.

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I can't make up your mind for you, but know that Hepatitis B can be contracted from a dried spot of blood that was missed during cleanup. This is why it is usually highly recommended, if not mandatory, for health care workers.


eta: To be fair, though, many people will never even know they were infected.

Edited by Ailaena
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What a great job -- a privilege to be supporting those women.


I'm pretty anti-vaccinations for low-risk people, but this sounds your risk could indeed be greater. IIRC, it's one of the vaccines with lower risks of side effects (but I could be wrong on that), and in your situation, I think I'd probably get it.

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Thanks to all who responded. That is pretty much my take, as well, but I wanted to get some other perspectives. I believe I will be doing it.


What a great job -- a privilege to be supporting those women.


Yes, I am very excited to be doing this. These are ladies/teens who may not have other support. I might be the only person with them who is non-medical during the birth. It is the coolest job ever, though not very high paying. I think that the "pay" will be in non-monetary intangibles.

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