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When will I adjust?

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I should be full swing in school mode. It's been two weeks since we've done lessons on a daily basis.


I just can't concentrate on school. All I can do is research and research some more about celiac. I've been scrubbing my kitchen and shopping to replace items. I've been figuring out recipes. I'm trying to figure out if everything in my house contains gluten including my prescription meds. Ever try to find out if a prescription med has gluten in it? :glare:


I'm stressing about whether my kids have it or not.


I'm trying to sort out FSA stuff with all the medical bills.


Plus, just life in general.


School? Curricula? Lessons?


When will this become normal to me so I can just get on with life and back to home schooling like I should be?

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I should be full swing in school mode. It's been two weeks since we've done lessons on a daily basis.


I just can't concentrate on school. All I can do is research and research some more about celiac. I've been scrubbing my kitchen and shopping to replace items. I've been figuring out recipes. I'm trying to figure out if everything in my house contains gluten including my prescription meds. Ever try to find out if a prescription med has gluten in it? :glare:


I'm stressing about whether my kids have it or not.


I'm trying to sort out FSA stuff with all the medical bills.


Plus, just life in general.


School? Curricula? Lessons?


When will this become normal to me so I can just get on with life and back to home schooling like I should be?

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I've been there. Not celiac, but other stuff.

It almost becomes a bad habit/ obsession.

Try setting aside one particular time of day when you will allow yourself - without guilt - to research all of this. Only look in to it more during that time. It can be as long as you need it to be, but I would think you probably should stop at about an hour.

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I started school 2 weeks ago and realized that I can't do school with a cluttered house. We're taking this week off to declutter. Until the clutter is gone I canNOT concentrate. So, for this entire week, we're not doing any school. Instead, I'm getting my house in order.


I think that you must be feeling like me, only waaaaay more. I think you need to take a set amount of time off to deal with your celiac research, bills, food prep, etc. Forget school until all that is dealt with. Of course, I mean this in moderation. You can't forget school for 3 months, but you can take off a week or two.


Then, once you've handled your initial concerns, set aside a certain amount of time every day to keep up with the celiac issues.

Edited by Garga
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I think setting aside a time a day and only researching it during that time is a good idea.


I hope to have the house completely switched to gluten free by the end of this week. That will help a lot. Then I won't be distracted with making sure I'm not exposed to gluten in my home.

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