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How many out or the house activites did your 5/6 year old do?

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My dd is 5. All she does is Wednesday night church activities and church on Sunday. She *may* do Gymnastics this winter. I really don't know for sure though. It's a half hour each way and last winter was killer with how much snow we got. I hate driving in snow at night.


Next year we'll probably add piano and brownies.

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DD is 5. Her only activities this year will be AWANA one night a week, and probably park days once or twice a month.


We had planned on also doing either karate or dance this fall, but she asked us to wait another year on that, and start it at age 6. We *might* add in homeschool music class at age 6, also (one hour a week). Either that, or we may join a Classical Conversations group next year.


We live out in the boonies, so the cost of gas is prohibitive when we think about activities. Also, I work part-time, so when I'm off work, we try to stick around home for the most part.

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At 5yo my kids were all in swimming lessons. Dd also did ballet at around that age. If we had had money for it, I would have liked them to start a musical instrument around 6 or 7, but I'm not big on heavy extra-curricular schedules at that age.

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My oldest at 6- soccer during the season, cub scouts, and occasional home school field trips or parties.


My middle- soccer during the season, homeschool co-op two times a month, homeschool bowling once a month, homeschool ice skating once a month, homeschool field trips or parties- occasionally, Brownies,


My youngest- occasional homeschool field trips or parties and a part in a play that rehearsed for three months and had a few performances, Brownies, plus occasional trips and activities with our international community (We were living in Belgium then and did things at the Nato Base).


Looking back, if I had the opportunity, I would have had them each in a co-op class at that age but I didn't have that opportunity where I lived.

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Probably going to sound a little nuts but my 6 year old is intensely extroverted and loves being on the go. I wouldn't schedule this much for her if she didn't really like getting out of the house!

I had an extremely extroverted dc, as well, which is why I made it a point to stay home. I believe it was better for her inner self to have to be more influenced by what was going on at home than by all of the outside influences (even though they were "good" influences). Now that she's all grown up, she'll tell you I was right. :)

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