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afterschooling (by parents) blogs on the net

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These type of blogs are sort of hard to find.


Any links to share? Ideas on how to hunt them up?


I notice when I google afterschooling vs. after schooling (with a space) different things come back.


Most of the time in my searches I end up finding after school programs at the PS or YMCA or community centers in town..that sort of thing.


Any ideas on how to narrow it down a bit more?


Has anyone actually seen one?

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The only other Afterschooling blogs I know of besides mine are: http://enchantedschoolhouse.blogspot.com/, and: http://edufunmom.wordpress.com/

If I could find some more, I wonder if anyone would be interested in an Afterschooling blog roll button, like the homeschooling blog roll button I sometimes see? We could have a page with everyone's Afterschooling blogs on it, and then people would agree to have the button linking to that page. I could promote the Afterschooling blog roll by hosting an Afterschooling blog carnival. It would all be free, but might take me a bit of work.

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I like that idea Jen, pretty cool.


As a subject to search on, it is really hard to find similar goals (in blog format anyway).


Have you ever seen in the k-8 area where they do blog updates? I like that system also.


I've been bouncing around limit qualities on a blog; I think not putting the little one's photo up (and I'm talking just my personal pov/life here) is where I'm most comfortable.


I think I need to sit and draw up some of those rules for myself before I publish and share on a message board again.


I guess when I'm looking at homeschool blogs, I most enjoy seeing the projects and recommended books, the applications is what I guess I'm getting at.


I love seeing the kids art projects also.


I like on FTM blog the direct link to amazon to go poking around so I don't have to search.


I don't like sidebars with ads at ALL. Or flashing things. Uck.


I'm not thinking for me/myself/I that commenting is a big deal, but I'd include it....


Just some early thoughts from me. I'd like to do this.

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There used to be an online forum and a yahoo group but they both died out. The only challenge I would have is that my blog is not only about aftershooling but a more holistic look at our family life, which happens to also include supplementing the girls education....I would imagine other folks do the same and my be a bit hesitant to share everything w/the public.

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I understand the reasoning, the very solid and intelligent reasoning, behind that.




Aly the forum that died, do you mean the yuku one? I've read about everything there, and it was in the reading of it I understood why it died.


There were some really awesome folks there, great ideas.


I've also run across other forums who wanted to discuss after schooling but due to the ______<- you name that monster..."pressure" I guess...won't speak up. I don't know if it's well known as a syndrome or not, but I see it all the time now and am sensitive to it appearing.

Edited by one*mom
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I recently started a blog called Enrichmints.


Here's a description from my About page:

Parents are kids' first—and arguably their most influential—teachers. Studies have shown that parental involvement is important to student success.


Enrichmints are hacks, ideas, resources, activities, and tips you can use to to enrich your children's education and help them learn.


The purpose of Enrichmints is to share ideas for educational enrichment and to encourage and empower parents to teach their children and be actively involved in their education, whether they’re homeschooled or public- or private-schooled.


Though any parent who wants to be involved in their children's education can find tips here, Enrichmints especially target afterschoolers—parents who supplement their children's public or private education with intentional learning enrichment at home.

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I recently started a blog called Enrichmints.


Here's a description from my About page:

Parents are kids' first—and arguably their most influential—teachers. Studies have shown that parental involvement is important to student success.


Enrichmints are hacks, ideas, resources, activities, and tips you can use to to enrich your children's education and help them learn.


The purpose of Enrichmints is to share ideas for educational enrichment and to encourage and empower parents to teach their children and be actively involved in their education, whether they’re homeschooled or public- or private-schooled.


Though any parent who wants to be involved in their children's education can find tips here, Enrichmints especially target afterschoolers—parents who supplement their children's public or private education with intentional learning enrichment at home.



Very cool!

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I've started constructing a blog with my guidelines in mind. I don't think I'll be including any personal information or identifying photos.


I did notice as I was arranging pages the question of audience came into play.


Am I writing this for guidance purposes for someone else..as if I were trying to explain my methods to someone out there...or is it best for me to just focus on it as a portfolio and journal record?


I'm going with the portfolio of our experiences, and not writing it as a guide for someone else. I was feeling a little split about it, but I needed a focus. This question will help me to write it in first person as an account of our style.


I think it was a moment of pause for me to realize the vastness of approaches in afterschooling. It's about impossible to customize it for a general audience and have it really mean anything to me, it's a burden in that regard.


So I'm just going to put it out there as we do it, if it ends up being helpful to someone else later on, that's a bonus I'm not expecting or aiming for.

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"another story" <--indeed..lol


I spent a bit of time thinking about it, that whole issue-and I guess, to be blunt about it...I'm not investing my time into something that is fodder for debate.


I do what I do here, suits my needs as a mother, and those needs of hers as a student.


I think by enabling a comment section etc., that somehow suggests that I'm open to exploring the opinions or approaches of others on that url.


For me, this board is where I'm open to bouncing around theories and such; but not in a home journal. It's a one-way share for me. So I'm probably going to appear at first blush a bit more selfish upon critique.


Blogging in very general terms has a socialization and exchange element in it; but for me, this particular one-that's not going to work well.


It's tiresome enough to defend and debate over distance and by words only on the concept of home education (wherever that may fall for one)-and that's just not going to be an element for me with this blog.


Does that sound very snotty? Be honest.

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Okay, I was wondering if my reasoning was coming across okay.


I have one particular blog which I share with my family and have had it a very long time. Years.


I never once had a problem with it until I had a very recent incident much like your described situation above. It's of no matter the why or what's, but just that it happened was enough to spook the pants off me.


I think passionate opinions in the home education world can be an avenue to that sort of thing happening; so I'm going to pass on anything "extra" just for my sanity sake.

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These type of blogs are sort of hard to find.


Any links to share? Ideas on how to hunt them up?



I have had a few on my reader over the years. But it seems most of the blogs I was reading haven't posted in a while.


http://teachmama.com/ - I've got some cool ideas from here. Mostly for younger kids though (I have a 2nd grader now).


and I'm so inspired by the parents at


But most of what they post is high school/SAT/ACT related. It's still always a fabulous read and helps me understand why I've been doing what I do.


http://perfectscoreproject.com/ - Debbie posts to KTM, too. SAT & high school related.

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