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It is finally hitting me that ds is leaving Tuesday for Basic Training with the AF.

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I have known about this since he enlisted into the DEP program after his junior year in May of 2010. I have been so busy with preparing him to leave, my own issues, and running our home that I hadn't settled down enough to really think about what this is going to be like. On top of that we had been told from the very beginning that he would probably be deployed to Iran/Iraq or Afanganistan sometime in the first couple of years so be prepared for that.


We had a party for him last night, which had a good turn-out and gave us all a much needed break from all of the stress. I am just dreading Tuesday when he swears in and then leaves on the plane to go to San Antonio for Basic. Trying to keep it together and not think about it until then.

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I'm a newbie around here so I feel a little funny about posting most of the time. However, this is a subject I'm confident about. My DH is a drill sgt and I want you to know that your son will be in good hands. Our military is doing a wonderful job training new soldiers. DH and all the other drill sgts work VERY hard to make sure the pvts are ready for active duty. If your son has common sense, knows how to follow directions and has respect for those training him he'll do just fine.


Hugs to you and thank you for supporting his decision to join the military. Your support will take him far!:grouphug:

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Tell him to keep repeating to himself, "Time will pass. It gets better." (You might want to repeat this to yourself too!) The first few days are rough (they're supposed to be), but after a while it gets to be kinda fun:). Time will pass more slowly for him at first, so it would help if you send him letters frequently as soon as you know his address.


Thank him for his (future) service. And thank you for raising this young man who wants to serve.

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thanks for all the support. I know alot about the military; I went into the Army right out of highschool so I have tried to educate him the best I can. He has had a great recruiter who has been very supportive and has not been bsing us. He told me today he finally decided to go in for 6 years; his choices were 4 or 6. I totally support him in this decision but i have friends and some family on dh's side that can't understand why I didn't put my foot down or stop him. HUH? Why would I have done that?


His gf was a Navy officer and served two tours in Vietnam and we just found out he has liver cancer which has matatisized. Steven went last week to go see him for almost a week because he may not see him alive ever again. Dh's father was so impressed and touched by this and ds said he loved just sitting and listening to all his military stories.


Definitely, my son knows what he wants and is making wise choices. I can see him making a career out of this.

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