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How much do you need to accomplish for it to count as a school day?


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K is not mandatory in WV. I don't have to report. However, I am keeping track of school days mostly to practice for next year. Today we slept in and the kids watched a lot of TV because I was sick. By about 11, I was feeling better. We started our Canada unit study. We read a picture book about Canada and colored a picture of the Canadian flag. We had music class. We read a chapter in our current read aloud (and will read another one before bed). Then the kids painted for THREE HOURS. I kid you not. They love it.


So, it wasn't supposed to be a school day, but they did a lot. But there was no math, no reading, no phonics, no handwriting, etc. Would you consider this a school day or not?

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That sounds like plenty for a kindergarten day, in my book!


Generally, my goals in the early years are basic math and phonics. Anything else is gravy. There are so many educational experiences that little ones get just by being around us, and taking part in the day to day life of the household.


A little history, music, read-alouds and lots of painting sounds like a solid K day to me! :001_smile:

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The longer we homeschool, the more everything starts blending together...like there's no more specific schooltime or schooldays (we school year-round, maybe that's why :glare:).


:D I would count it! Painting is good for them! My kids painted yesterday, too.

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I agree with the others. I sounds like a great day whether you count it toward school or not.


I had an experienced home-school mom tell me many years ago to be like the public school and preset my calendar at the beginning of the school year. Make no changes for sick days (just like public schools do). If you decide to take a snow day, a it's so nice outside day, etc then you have the option of changing your calendar to make up for that day. But remember learning is going on then too. :001_smile:

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Unless your state requires a specific number of hours to constitute a "school day", I wouldn't worry about it at all. If we do any school, I count it as a school day. As it is, I will probably have about 215 school days (that's school days where we probably do a good chunk of our subjects) since I school year round. If we go on a trip to the zoo, that's a school day (field trip!). In my state, I have to report attendance, so I tell them what days we "did school". I don't worry about how much we did. What you did is more than what I'd do on a typical day with K'er, so absolutely I would count it! For K, I'd do 30-45 minutes of math/reading/handwriting and count it as a full day. That's all you need at that level. My second grader gets done in about 2-2.5 hours with a full load of subjects (see my sig). That's a full school day for him, and he's usually accomplished MORE than what the kids in school would be doing in those topics.

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So, it wasn't supposed to be a school day, but they did a lot. But there was no math, no reading, no phonics, no handwriting, etc. Would you consider this a school day or not?



Not every school day needs to involve every skill or subject.

Some school days can not even be neatly broken down into subjects, field trips for example.

Your kids learned today.

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A charter school teacher once told me that they tell their parents to count it as a school day if the parent spent the day with the child. They figured that if the child spent the day with the parent, the child was learning from the parent. In general, that sounds reasonable to me for early elementary.


ETA: I am not saying that all you should do is "spend the day with your child." Obviously you should do much more than that, but for reporting purposes the above seems like a good rule of thumb.

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