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Choose your own adventure history stories


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Okay I had no idea there was such a thing. Ds would love something like this, I think:001_smile: So the ones I've ran across so far are the You Choose Interactive History Adventures and the Choosing Your Way Through ancient,middle ages and American adventures by Walch. Anybody have any experience with these? Preference? Any others I'm missing that are better? Thanks:001_smile:

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What approximate grade level would you put on these? They sound fun, but DD is only reading at about a 3rd grade level.


I wouldn't think she could read them very well on her own. My DS is on a 3rd grade reading level and I read it to him. I'm hoping he might be able to read them on his own in a few months, though. Maybe.

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I recently discovered these too. They're 4 for 3 with free shipping on Amazon. AND they have ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Civil War, Revolutionary War and more. They're on my list too.

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