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Does anyone actually use TT on grade level?


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I have used TT for my younger daughter on grade level. We have used it for two years and she will begin TT Pre-Algebra when they send it (which should be this week). :tongue_smilie:


We used Saxon and MUS previously. She always struggled with math before. In NC we have to administer a standardized test each year. Before TT she scored below grade level. This year she actually scored above grade level for math. I really attribute it to the fact that she finally really understands what she is doing. She is finally mastering it. She needs the immediate feedback and that's what I love about TT.


My younger son is doing TT a year above his grade level. He needs that.


I hope that helps!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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I believe that NanceXToo is using TT at grade level with her daughter. She had a great thread regarding her testing & she explains why she decided to stay at grade level.




Yep! My daughter was never very "mathy"- but she wasn't "behind" in math, either. She scored pretty much average two years ago in math as per standardized test scores. Then last year I decided to start TT, and use it at grade level. I wanted her to "get" it, I wanted her to enjoy it, and while I heard a lot of people say they thought it was "behind," I decided I didn't care. I figured even if it did nothing but help her with review and help her build confidence, that was fine.


We used TT5 this past year at grade level with no supplementation and it went great. It did everything I hoped it would. And her test scores vastly improved. She enjoyed math all year, and now counts math as one of her "favorite subjects." This kid who used to say "Math is too hard," or "I'm not good at math."


And because I saw what her test scores were and know they stack up against kids who used all sorts of different math programs, not just TT, and because I've seen a relative down in Florida bring home 5th grade math homework while we were vacationing there and didn't see it as being any more "advanced" than what we were doing, I'm not so quick to believe all the "TT isn't good enough, TT is behind, TT requires supplementing" etc. hype.



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We use it on grade level. Both of my boys are average to above average in Math and uses the Iowa's for required testing. If it is "slower" than other programs then fine, it works for my kids and it streamlines our school day. I enjoy math being mostly independent so I can spend my time and energy on fun and elaborate science experiments and history projects. If I still used Saxon or MUS then I wouldn't have the time or energy for everything I want to do with the kids. I have discovered that for me I can't do everything with all 3 kids all the time and TT is effective and easy.......feels like a gift to me.

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