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Sorry I've waited to introduce myself

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Lest you think I'm a troll ;) I should probably tell you a little about myself...


I sort of introduced myself in the networking area when I first joined, but I thought I should finally take the time to set up a signature and make a formal introduction since I've been posting on other topics and asking a few questions. Sorry! That was rude of me.


I'm Samantha. I have a son in 9th grade and two daughters in 6th and 1st grade. Our homeschool philosophy is summed up in my signature. These forums are certainly active! I have enjoyed reading, especially on the high school board since that is the area weighing most heavily on my mind these days. Someone on the LCC group said this would be a great place to get answers to my high school questions and that has been the truth!


Thanks for letting me come and hang out. :001_smile:

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Welcome here! The high school board is a great place to get info! I only wish I had discovered it earlier... but I discovered it in time to make it easier to get my oldest into college. Middle son is a senior this year and we'll be doing the college application thing all over again - with experience this time as well as experience gleaned from the hive.

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