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Teachers' Cabana!

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It's Monday. 'Nuff said. :glare::tongue_smilie:;)


What's for lunch? Kids: bologna and pepper jack wrapped in a tortilla with a side of mandarin oranges in mandarine orange juice. Me: no idea yet.


How is Monday for you so far? Me: feel unprepared ('cause I am! :tongue_smilie:), kids were grumpy, and our day was interrupted by play plans. We started back to school even though ps kids have not. So, while maybe I should have said, "Sorry but we have school today", I figured my kids should take every opportunity they have to play with their friends who do attend ps.


What travel plans do you have for the rest of the year? We're looking into going to So Cali and the beach!:D


Talk to me! :bigear:



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What's for lunch? Leftovers! HA! Whoda thunk? DS had some pasta with meatballs and veggies and a container of yogurt and I had pork tenderloin and au gratin potatoes.


How is Monday for you so far? Not bad. DS is currently vacuuming the house to earn extra $$$. I've done three loads of laundry and exercised. The rest of today will be boring, which is good because tomorrow's going to be nasty.


What travel plans do you have for the rest of the year? I want to take the kids to Great Wolf Lodge, but I also want to go to Mansfield Plantation in Georgetown, SC, sometime. *dreams*

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Lunch - a salad with protein once I get up off of my bottom to go make it.


Monday - This actually is the first day of our summer vacation! Woo-hoo! (Actually I'm rethinking this summer vacation thing since both kids are being uncharacteristically snarky to each other.)


Today I interview a math tutor for ds14 who will hopefully get ds through the math that is now officially beyond me.


And I have to take one of the dogs in to the vet.


Travel plans - I'm hoping that we could go in December to visit my parents. My dad's 90th birthday and my dd's 10th birthday is the same day and I think it would be really neat if we could have a joint party this year. Money is an issue though. I'm kicking myself thinking that if I had avoided the ER last week that I could have used that money to go. . .

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Lunch would probably be a good idea. This day has totally gotten away from me. We aren't back to school yet so I suppose that's not a bad thing.


Travel plans - I have two solo trips planned. One to Minneapolis and one to Florida. Vacation for me! Does that count?

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Lunch: Smoked turkey, spinach and ranch in a pita, followed by the Hershey's Kiss that I found when I put the food away. It was like a little chocolate fairy left it in the refrigerator just for me to find.


Monday so far: Very smooth day. Folded laundry and got some school done. None of our friends are home so it was a good day to just buckle down with the books.


Travel: No solid plans. Possibilities are Nashville (short, touristy roadtrip), Alabama (quick roadtrip with a cousin to see our very ill uncle), or an overnighter with a friend and our kids at one of the waterparks. Only one of these will happen, and it should probably be Alabama.

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Lunch - Smoked Ham & Cheese sandwiches with fruit and veggies. I am craving cookies like a mad man, though, and I really wished that my lunch had been a package of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk - nothing else :)


Monday So Far - Just facing the hard truth that if we don't finish school in the morning we will NOT do it in the afternoon, no matter how good our intentions. Does anyone else have this problem?? Other than that, it's been a fairly well-paced day and I've enjoyed it.


Travel - None at all. I'm nearing the end of this pregnancy and after a few issues with preterm labor last time, I'm on a 20 mile leash - per DH's rules :lol:. I'm eying some out of state travel for next year, though! I really, really want to go to the Feast of the Hunter's Moon in Indiana next fall and see my family up there. Somehow, we WILL make that work!

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Monday is slow and well, so very Monday.

Youngest is sick and was up most of the night.

Oldest and middle are out on an adventure. He's leaving tomorrow, and I'm trying not to be sad. I'm tired and have been sitting with the sick little one today which has kept me from spending the day just worrying about him.


Littlest ate a couple of bites of vanilla almond ice cream. I had the last cup of coffee (that's lunch right?).


The dogs are even sad today because a bear moved in to the shady area behind our house with her two little cubs, and I won't let them spend the day barking at her.


Ugh. I need sleep, food, and a cup of cheer.

A fresh pot of coffee will have to do.

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Karen, why are you spoiling the dogs' fun?? :p


Jean, who gave you permission to visit the ER last week?? And are you okay??


Margaret, I'm glad you got some laundry done because I sure didn't. Did you do any of mine?




Kristen, I have to side with your dh on the 20-mile leash regulation. It's for your own good! :D

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LUnch: fish sticks, some leftover whole wheat pasta w/broccolli and garlic cream cheese sauce, and cantaloupe from the garden.


Dessert: Cupcakes leftover from a weekend wedding we attended.. YUM


Monday is monday. DD7 is not working too quickly. DD8 is only slightly faster :)


Vacations: I want to visit one more Little House site. We did one over the summer. I am thinking of Mansfield next. Also, at some point in the fall we will visit relatives in another state and go to their pumpkin patch.


Other: planning a bday party for one of my children. Do you ever fear that no one will come? It seems like I am having a hard time pinning people down this year. We don't usually have that trouble. I hope it is a wonderful party!

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Lunch today was Chipotle. I find myself typing that a lot in response to this recurrent thread :blush: but it's right by my grocery store, and who in the heck wants to cook after a trip to the grocery store??! Not I, McFly.


Monday has been meh. My kids both had soccer camp this morning so I got to visit with the moms and dads - that was fun. Then camp was over and I had to ride home with two atrociously smelly and sweaty kids - that wasn't fun. Then we ran to the grocery store, had lunch, and came home. We did a bit of school, and now they're swimming. I felt the same about getting time with PS school friends :) we're doing half-days until the PS kids go back in a few more weeks.


We travel a lot in the Fall. The kids go to Arizona with their dad in September and December. I'm taking them to Turks & Caicos in November; it'll be their first trip down there, so they're super excited. We'll probably spend a few days in Miami on the front end of that trip. I also want to take them out to San Francisco to see the Picasso exhibit before it leaves. Traveling is one of the main reasons we homeschool, and THE main reason I keep my job -- for the travel benefits. We'd never be able to do it otherwise.


We like the beaches in SoCal, too :) we were just in San Diego in June, and it was wonderful.

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Jean, who gave you permission to visit the ER last week?? And are you okay??



Dh not only gave permission - he dragged me there!

I'm fine. It turns out that I was dehydrated and low on potassium (which gave me heart symptoms).


Now the dog needs emergency surgery. Ugh! It was really hard handing that leash over and watching them take her down the hall. (She has a uterine infection and needs an emergency spay.)

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