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OK....wait a minute! Everyone stop what you are doing and explain to me....

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Really? So.....did they believe AM and didn't believe you & the others? Why would they get mad? They should have appreciated you warning them.


:iagree:; stick here. The Chit Chat has waaaaayyyy too much drama and it gets to the point where every innocent thing you post gets twisted. At least mine did. I said, 'I'm outta here!' and never looked back. :001_smile: But, I do frequent the Homeschool Discussions board (they are generally civil), occasionally the Swap board. I love reading the Reviews though. Why don't we have a Reviews board here?? Or do we and I just never knew. :blushing:


More along the lines of we're just as bad as she is. She has too much time on her hands for posting fake stories, and we have too much time on our hands for troll hunting. And we were very nasty and mean in our posts to the troll here on the boards. :rolleyes:


That and we should be more compassionate because it's obvious that she needs / wants attention or has several screws loose somewhere.

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Here's a few responses:


Frankly, if those aliases are the same person and that person is a teenager, as a mother, I would hope that a group of homeschool mothers on a bored would extend some grace.


Yes she lied and made things up. If it were my teenager, of course I would want to figure out why and I would be upset.


I could not believe the high schoolish, bashing behavior going on in some of those WTM posts by the so called "troll hunter's"


Really sad!




I agree that some on WTM forums were especially cruel to her/him/whoever it is. I was a little sick to my stomach reading all the nasty replies. Now I don't like being duped but I really stayed away from all these ladies(well guess it was just one person after all) for the most part because they seemed way to out there. I just felt bad for all of you who invested time offering advice or solace to the imagined problems.




It is sad when people play with or take advantage with other people's good intentions and advice. A lot of people here are genuine, caring people, just wanting to help.


It still blows my mind how some people can truly take things too far (referring both to the impersonator and the WTM troll hunters!

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Do you think this is the same person? I copied and pasted. When I first saw this, I thought of the strange similarities...


"Back to HOD!

by Katherine A. on Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:16 pm


I posted here a month ago? Asking about placement & such.


I have 12 biological children (3.5 year old Identical Twins (girls), 6 year old Identical Triplets (boys), 7 yos, 9 yod, 11yos, 14yod, 15yos, 16yod, & 18yod)


A couple thing's have changed since i sense posted; the biggest being we Added 6 more dc to our family (4 yod,6 yo boy/girl twins, Almost 9yod,11yos & 13yos) !

My neighbor (more like a friend) passed away from Cancer & her husband passed away too (he committed suicide ), the didn't/don't have anywhere to go, so they are living with us and we're in the process of adopting them.


A couple other things..

My 18 yod is engaged & expecting. My 11 yos wanted to do school during the summer, so i got him ACE. And he flew threw them. (the 7th grade one's)


This is we're everyone is academically now: 2 8th Grader's, 2 5th Graders, 6 2nd Graders, 3 Pre-Kers


I've gone back and fourth of *what* to do with them. I've changed my mind 4 times!


I eventually ended up back to HOD for the 2nd Grader's (BLHFHG), And for the 8th Grader's (Rev To Rev)!


Now I'm back to HOD for Everyone!


I'm going to be using; LHTH, BLHFHG, CTC, & Rev To Rev! And I'm excited!


Thing's have been pretty crazy, and will continue to be so (planning a wedding ), 18 yod having the baby, etc,etc. It's essential to use something open & go! I'm thinking this year will be great "


My head hurts reading her posts. :tongue_smilie:



A person that homeschools with this many problems in writing a basic post on a message board is really doing their children a disservice.

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I had my suspicions too, unfortunately, though I hoped she was for real!


I remember looking through an interactive database the NYtimes had about family size... you could put in the number of kids in the household and see how many such households there are in the country. I can't remember the exact number but the households with 15+ children were so very few, in the hundreds at most (if even?). It just struck me as unlikely we would happen to get one such family here... though I guess not completely implausible.

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Well I understand that but the point I guess? This is a homeschool board ya know. I just guess I don'y understand why someone would go to all the trouble for a homeschool board unless she wanted something. To me it's just reading on the board it is not attention in the way I see it I guess. Maybe any attention is attention to some.



This board moves fast. It's easier for a troll to slip in than on a slow moving board where everyone knows everyone.

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also -- i go on vaction for a few days and ALL this happnes, good grief I can't leave you ladies alone:lol::lol:


Dang. I step away from the boards for one lousy day and I miss all the hoopla.


Darn it! Me too! We had a "no computer Sunday" (which was surprisingly quite nice) and I missed all the fun. How is that fair?


If I were going to make an alternative/fantasy life, it would not involve 17 kids! Maybe just dh, me and a private island....


Of course you know my alternative/fantasy life would involve Johnny Depp. No, wait, that IS my real life. Isn't it? :lol:

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I wonder if she got banned because her posts killed so many kitten with her misuse of apostrophes.


Sorry that is being so rude, but I couldn't understand how one person could make that many errors unless they hate kittens.



Think PETA got involved? :tongue_smilie:

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It just seemed a little fishey to me because they all had pretty neat names with cool nicknames. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But...her posts (under the AM name) were like immediately chit-chatty; like she'd been here forever and was just chiming in normally. It wasn't anything like, "hello...I'm new here and want to introduce myself". It was like she was always here. Weird.

She probably had been here for a long time... only she used to be somebody else, and before that she was a different user name, etc. A whole string of trolls!

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It's actually very sad. I apparently missed all of the drama created by this woman, never corresponded with her on these boards or in email. But based on what I have read describing what has happened, this woman sounds to me like someone that my family came in contact with a few years ago.


Factitious disorder (I don't know how to link to a page that describes it) is a mental disorder where someone makes up elaborate stories about their lives, often involving over-the-top tragedies or unbelievable incidents in their lives.


A few years ago, a woman called my husband (who is a preacher) and said she had been reading stuff online and felt she needed to be baptized. The long and the short of the story is that after that happened, immediately horrible things started happening to her. She was pregnant and her husband, furious that she was baptized, beat her up and caused a miscarriage. Then while she was in the hospital for that, they discovered cancer, etc. etc. It kept getting more and more sensational. The thing is, we went to all of the hospitals and could never find her. My mother even worked for one of the hospitals and was able to access the patient files and no one was listed under her name.


We became very emotionally caught up in her story. Finally, another preacher from a nearby state heard about it and called us and said it sounded eerily similar to a woman he and his congregation had helped. We exchanged pictures, and lo and behold, it was the same woman working under many different personas.


It was very sad and very emotionally exhausting. Turns out this woman was abused when she was young and making up these stories and getting people emotionally attached to her stories was her coping mechanism. I don't believe she had hurtful intentions, but was seriously mentally ill.


I say all that to get to this point-I believe that the woman described in this thread very possibly could be suffering from factitious disorder and this woman needs our prayers and compassion. I would also be watchful on other boards and forums you are a part of because if she's been banned here, she will most likely seek that emotional fix elsewhere.


So very, very sad. :(


~Marita in IN

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