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S/O Leaving kids in cars unattended POLL

Have you ever left a child or children unattended in a car for any reason?  

  1. 1. Have you ever left a child or children unattended in a car for any reason?

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You took your kids out of the car when you were pumping gas? I just can't fathom-I had to fuel up on every town trip b/c I live 50 miles from town. Sometimes the temps were -30, snow, wind, rain... kids were MORE than happy to stay in the truck!


I'm really impressed with the level of motherly devotion some of you have! I worried about them choking on things but I never worried about them in the situations where I left them in the car for a few moments, or for a nap once we got home under my supervision.


Our kids were helping to drive the feed truck by the time they were four years old so driving didn't have any intrigue for them I guess. They never messed with the vehicle or even got out. very small rural town-ranch upbringing.

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I would never ever leave a young kid strapped into a car while I was pumping gas, even if I was right at the pump. The videos of cars catching on fire very, very fast have always been too much for me.


I'm not being snarky - I really have to ask - just what do you do with the kids when you're pumping gas, in say, pouring rain?


Where do you put them so they're safe if the car catches on fire while you're pumping gas?

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I'm not being snarky - I really have to ask - just what do you do with the kids when you're pumping gas, in say, pouring rain?


Where do you put them so they're safe if the car catches on fire while you're pumping gas?


And how would you keep them safe from other cars coming to get gas? I mean, I've got 4 in car seats!


This is a concern that honestly never, ever crossed my mind.

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I definitely think people who live in warm, but not hot, dry weather have different issues than those who live in very hot or very cold places. It's just not the same when it's bitterly cold outside and people are in giant jackets that must be taken off. I don't see the sense in unbuckling a bunch of kids and redressing them in the driveway just to go grab something in the house.


I wonder, if one lets her 10 year old walk to school or 16 year old drive, or 8 year old bicycle outside the house, or 14 year old walk to a neighbor's house, what's the problem with a child sitting in a car for a few minutes in the driveway, for example. I used to come home from school by myself and spend hours at home alone when I was under 18. I had more opportunity to choke on a peanut there than in the car.


That being said, my kids are little, so I haven't dealt with a 15 year old child of my own, so the poll doesn't really apply to teens,for me.


I don't see how one would pump gas while holding, say, newborn twins.

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I don't see how one would pump gas while holding, say, newborn twins.


:lol: I find the picture this gives me hysterical, considering that I once had newborn twins!


Plus, I'm from NJ where it's against the law to pump your own gas and I have never seen a driver get out of the car while the attendant is pumping the gas.

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I send the kids to the car (in the garage) every day while I'm gathering stuff to get us out of the house. Sometimes, they are out there 5-10 minutes without me.


I have left them in the driveway a few times when dropping something off at a friends' house. I may stand and chat at the front door for a few minutes (can see the car in the driveway).


A couple times, I've left them in the car at the dry cleaners. It's in a small strip mall and when I park, the front of my car is 5 steps from the door.

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My kids are 11 and 9. I've never left them alone in the car. I've just never thought about it and they've never asked. If I needed to get out of the car then so did they ~ it was just never an option.


This is me too. As for pumping gas with littles, the answer for me is easy... I don't. Dh always pumps the gas in the morning before the family goes anywhere.


My kids don't really like sitting in the car. Go figure.

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it seems to me that to not leave someone in the car alone (without mama I mean) ever is almost impossible... I mean, we have to load the car right?


When I get us ready for a long daytrip, the first person in is the likes-to-run-away toddler, so he is contained while the assorted other things are carried in & out of the van.


-- HE ALWAYS has an older sibling with him, and my backdoor is maybe 10-15 feet from the van.

Edited by lcelmer
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I think I agree: nearly every 17-18 year old drives in the US. If we're answering for anyone under 18, then nearly everyone from the US would have to honestly answer yes.


But then maybe there was a slight desire to see a lot of "yes?"


I had no desire to see anything other than the accurate responses.

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No, I never have when they were young, but I realize that I'm fairly compulsive. Besides, they would have screamed.


When they were about 12, I started offering to leave them behind, but they would refuse. I think at about 16, they finally agreed to stay on their own. Rarely. (Why should they sit in the car while I'm in the store having fun?)


I would never ever leave a young kid strapped into a car while I was pumping gas, even if I was right at the pump. The videos of cars catching on fire very, very fast have always been too much for me. I even ask my older kids to unstrap the seat belt if they sit in the car while I'm putting gas in, so they could make a quick getaway if needed. (Like I said, I'm compulsive.)


Uhh...okay. :confused: Well, you said you're compulsive, so I guess that would be a good example, but...surely you must realize that falls pretty far to the outlying edge of over-vigilence.


Have you ever seen a car go up in flames at a gas station (in person)? Did it happen to someone you know? Do you consider that to be a highly likely scenario? If they are unstrapped, that will save their lives? I'm just...well, a little baffled.


Okay, I'm done now. :auto:

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NEVER. There are sooo many reasons to not leave them there. Someone could steal my car while I am inside. They could be abducted. They are unsupervised. I could go on all day. I have never, nor will I ever, leave children in the car. I have 5 kids ranging from 6-23.



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The kids are older now, so yes. When they were younger, it would totally depend on the situation-- usually not, but for instance, if I could see them through the store's window. But in either case never for more than a couple of minutes.

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