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Teachers Cabana

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Only today we're headed for the mountains because I can't do HOT anymore! Ugh. And we're not just going to be in a cabin but a Ponderosa Lodge because I can't do "small" anymore! We live in a 2BR/2 Bath townhouse with FOUR of us! God willing, we'll be in a HOUSE with much more space within the year!


What's for lunch today? We might be having lunch-on-the-go as I'm tempted to go look at houses today!:)


If you have started back into the schooling routine, how's it going for you? Here: SLOW with hiccups.


If you have not yet stopped schooling from last year, are you going to give yourself a break? (HINT: You really need to do so. At least a short one!)


Talk to me!:bigear:

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What's for lunch today? Mexican. Ds won a free lunch for 1 certificate in teh summer reading program so we used it today.:)


If you have started back into the schooling routine, how's it going for you? not started yet. Plan to on the 15th but dd has an appt out of town on the 16th so we may wait until the 17th. Today I was trying to make a workable therapy schedule for dd and it ended with a headache instead. She has 6 hours of therapy a week and I really want it on 2 days not 4. Seems the only times her therapists have available (thanks to the crazy scheduling of the center owner) are during naptime and it is messing up other activities I have scheduled.



If you have not yet stopped schooling from last year, are you going to give yourself a break? (HINT: You really need to do so. At least a short one!) We stopped in June. We didn't take breaks the last 2 summers and I am really burned out. So much so I really don't want to do school this year.


Heat index is currently 116 here. I hope everyone is not cooking in the heat. I Had to take dd to therapy today and it was miserable even with the ac on.

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Lunch - dum da dum dum. . . salad with protein! A cobb salad to be exact.


School - Ds is taking a break from math until I can find him a tutor. He is officially way beyond my ability to teach as of last week. He still has to finish one assignment in English and one chapter in science.


Dd is only doing enrichment stuff.


We will take a break for a week at the end of the month for family camp. Unfortunately I don't get a break because I'm teaching at the camp.:tongue_smilie:

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Lunch today was leftover pizza, salad (not leftover), and clementines for the kids; I warmed up a vegetarian burrito.


School starts tomorrow for us, so I'm letting the kids have one last really fun afternoon off since they were REALLY GOOD when we had to run all over town this morning - DD's school to drop off cupcakes for the teachers' back-to-school luncheon, DD's therapy, Target for a painfully wallet-emptying school supply shop, Yankee Candle to celebrate a successful school supply shop, the library to drop off the last of our summer reading books, and back to the school to take the supplies by so I'm not dragging it all with me in the morning... and Dobela, yes, we cooked. Almost literally after I forgot to cover my leather seat with a towel while heading into Target.


As for that cabana, can we just stick it in Antarctica? I'm ready for some REAL cold... though I'll admit that right now anything below 80 seems frigid.

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Lunch today was leftover pizza, salad (not leftover), and clementines for the kids; I warmed up a vegetarian burrito.


School starts tomorrow for us, so I'm letting the kids have one last really fun afternoon off since they were REALLY GOOD when we had to run all over town this morning - DD's school to drop off cupcakes for the teachers' back-to-school luncheon, DD's therapy, Target for a painfully wallet-emptying school supply shop, Yankee Candle to celebrate a successful school supply shop, the library to drop off the last of our summer reading books, and back to the school to take the supplies by so I'm not dragging it all with me in the morning... and Dobela, yes, we cooked. Almost literally after I forgot to cover my leather seat with a towel while heading into Target.


As for that cabana, can we just stick it in Antarctica? I'm ready for some REAL cold... though I'll admit that right now anything below 80 seems frigid.

I will go with you!I told my dh yeaterday that snow days are way easier for the kids than these heat days. At least I can bundle them up in the snow and send them out. Now it is so hot that our pool is even too warm to swim in. With the ozone warnings and the heat warnings we just stay in and struggle thru a new form of cabin fever.

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It is sad here today - at least it was for 10 or 15 minutes.

The kids had breakfast, did their summer school work, made their own lunches complete with fresh squeezed lemonade, and got our park bag ready in time to leave to the park with our friends on time. They worked so hard. When we left the house, it started sprinkling. When we got to the interstate, it was pouring. We got a message that our friends had abandoned the park because of the rain. Park Day was rained out for the first time this year. :(


The little one, who had made lemonade to share with her friends, sat down and cried when we got home. After a good cry, she joined her sister for a picnic in the living room. They're now happily playing and haven't even noticed the sun came out - which is good because I can't do the park this time of the day - I have meetings.


Lunch for me was hummus and carrots at my desk instead of with my friends. :(

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Lunch today is no name mac and cheese, followed by chocolate bars. Nothing like highly processed carp to over come the morning ha ha. Actually school today is going much much better. We managed to finish half the list before lunch break (which we are doing now at 2 pm), the kids are starting to catch on to my expectations this year and so far their work has been pretty decent(of course it is only day 2, but I am working at focusing on the positives of the current day). After lunch back at it, they have a reading comprehension quiz to do, time travelers explorers lesson, cursive, grammar and writing left. Oh and ds has his math, dd asked to write her math test while she at lunch to get it over with.


I have not even started the younger kids lessons today, but they are easy, both have read alouds, math and HWOT and DS also has AAS and OPGTR so for both of them it only take me like 1.5 hours.

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We are taking a break until after Labor Day. DD9 is in theatre camp for the next two weeks and I am in the midst of costuming a musical. Busy does not even begin to cover it around here right now. After camp is over and the show opens, I will need a week or two to decompress. We have been busier this summer than during the school year.


Sweet Pea had lunch at theatre camp. Boo-Boo had a lunchable and I ate a sandwich of ham on a spinach tortilla.

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It's almost 5 pm and we're still not finished with schoolwork. Ugh. Where did I go wrong today? :confused:


Tonight we finished at 6 pm(though we started at 10am), BUT that was a full 5 HOURS sooner than last night. Last night the kids tested every limit about getting their work done and dd did not finish until 11 pm last night. Today they did better but still tested a little, we finished 5 hours sooner. Tomorrow I am hopeful they will do even better.

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