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Switching Math (3rd Grade Level)

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I am looking into switching my 7yo ds to a workbook type math. We have TT3, which he's used and is fairly adept at, but he prefers pencil, paper, and Mom. :001_smile: He's made it through Lesson 22 of TT3. I'm thinking about switching him to Horizons 3.


Any other suggestions?:bigear:

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I love Christian Light. Its an accelerated math course for sure. Its not uncommon for children who start using it to place lower in their curriculum. But if you have an accelerated learner it they might place at or at least one grade level above.

My girls like that its broken down into 10 workbooks for each level. It makes them feel like they've accomplished something. Plus all the instruction for about 200 and up is independent. So your child can work on it much more independently than other curriulums that require more time from the teacher.


For what its worth Christian Light's 400 level is the equivalent of Saxon 6/5/. That I know. I know their 200 level is the equivalent of Saxon 3, and their 300 level the same as 5/4.


The nice part is you can try a workbook or two to see if it works for you (which each workbook is 3.25) versues an entire curriculum.


I looked at Horizons and was almost ready to get it but found that Christian Light works really, really well. They both use the same type of learning (spiral) but I like the fact that the teacher manual for CLE is much more user friendly and actually worth having , versus Horizons manual which most people will agree isn't worth buying. Plus I like how each concept is gently taught in the Christian light Light units ( workbooks). It literally seems like no effort on part of the kids to learn the material. I haven't used Horizons to tell what the difference is, but I'm glad we chose CLE instead.


Of course this is just all my two cents.

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Make sure you take a placement test in whatever you choose. TT levels don't usually match up with other curricula levels.


We enjoy Math Mammoth here. Definitely workbooky. :D Singapore is also good. I haven't used Horizons or looked at it much. CLE is good if you want spiral. My friend uses that with her daughter and really likes it. I prefer mastery for my oldest, since he gets bored by too much repetition. MM has been great for him (with a side of Singapore IP and CWP for extra fun challenge ;) ).

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I like Horizons a lot, but it requires 1) that you *teach* it (you have to be comfortable explaining concepts yourself), 2) if he's been using TT, you need to give him the readiness test for Horizons before ordering, to make sure you get the right level.


Another good choice would be Singapore. Personally, I like Horizons and Singapore together for that age.

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abbeyej, he hasn't been using TT all along. We did Saxon 1 and 2 before going into TT3. He just prefers time with Mom, I think. Plus, the workbook. It's kind of interesting how it's panned out so far. Though, I've been looking, trying to figure out what to use with him, I hadn't decided on anything yet. Then today, a gal who now has her kids in public school dropped off a TON (almost literally :D ) of a variety of hoomeschool books for me to disperse as I see fit. In the midst of those boxes, was an almost complete Alpha Omega Math (3rd Grade) set. SO, I'm going to use that, for now. I'm sure I'll need to purchase something more mid-year, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it! :) God is so good! ;)

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