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Do you have House Rules?

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1. If you know what you are doing is bothering/annoying someone, you must stop.


2. If you get something out, put it back when you are done. (Clean up after yourself)


3. You must treat your siblings as nice as you treat your friends or you lose permission/privilege to get together with friends.


4. Speak with kindness and love. Someone on this board recommended the THINK standard, I love it! Before you speak, ask yourself:

Is it True?

Is it Helpful?

Is it Important?

Is it Necessary?

Is it Kind?


5. No boys in girls' bedroom and no girls in boy's bedroom. Not a rule for siblings, but when friends come over. I wanted to start this when they were young so it was already an established rule before they hit the teen years.


Looking forward to having input from others....



dd 10

dd 8

ds 6

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We wrote house rules with our boys when they were young. We sat as a family, discussed what everyone felt was important, then wrote them all on a huge piece of paper that we later hung in the room where we school.


Having them involved in the process helped them to "own" the rules and they really did much better following them after. I can't remember all the rules but things along the lines of doing what they are asked, no hitting or name calling, etc...

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