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Some pics from our camping trip with our Fresh Air Fund kids :)

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Here are a few of the pics I took on our camping trip- we picked our Fresh Air Fund kids up from the bus Monday around 4 and went right over to the campground where we stayed for three nights, getting home just before noon today. We stayed in a really nice cabin, which we all loved.


So far things are going very well. The little boy, Malachi, is only 6. He loved the pool at the campground, although he doesn't like water in his face. He's very sweet and affectionate and loves to play with my kids and nephews. His second day with us, he spontaneously hugged me and said, "I love you." lol. He's afraid of our kitten and he asks me all the time if he can take things home with him hehe. But he's just too cute. He's looking forward to when we go to the lake, where there is a small sand beach area, because he wants to dig for a pirate chest.


The little girl, Kamryn, is 9 1/2. She and my daughter are getting along extremely well. She has already asked if she can come back next summer and if she can "just stay two more weeks" (they are here for a total of 8 nights this summer). Our first night at the campground, she told my husband and I, "You guys are really nice to take me here," and she told me, "You're pretty, Miss Nancy!" (Yes, she calls me "Miss Nancy" by choice lol). She loved trying to catch butterflies in her butterfly net.


Anyway, they enjoyed the camping trip very much. Today we just hung around home. Tomorrow, we're going to a small zoo that has a really cool safari ride where you go out in open air buses and it will stop at different locations to see the animals- and various ones, some huge, will come right up to the bus so you can lean over and touch them and feed them. There's also a reptile house, a petting zoo area, and stuff like that. The kids are looking forward to it.

Edited by NanceXToo
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That cabin/campsite looks awesome! It's so great that you took these kids in and are taking them places.


I wish they did that here (though we don't exactly live out in the country). We are taking in two exchange students for two weeks on Tuesday, though.

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