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Only our 3rd week and I am already burned out!


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It seems everything I have picked is teacher intensive. Dd11's days are taking forever.Dd8 is doing fine but I just don't have enough time because dd11 needs me for everything. Here is what we are doing



math - CLE -

English - EFTC

Spelling - SWR

Writing - WWE per the hardback book. I am using copywork to correspond with our literature reads from AO.

History and science she will take at our co-op which starts next week.




math - systematic math - even though the video is only 10-20 minutes long each day she then takes another 45-60 minutes to do the worksheets.

Grammar - R&S5 - this is taking forever! At least an hour for each lesson.I have her doing most of it orally but even when I have her do just the odd numbers in the written practice part she will take FOREVER!

writing - WWS (this is going really good but again it takes her forever at least 1-11/2 hours per lesson

spelling - SWR takes about another 45-60 minutes together

Vocab - we haven't even started

History and Science she will take at co-op (which I am teaching and there will be 2-3 home assignments each week per subject.)

Spanish - she is supposed to take this with FLVS but again we haven't had time to start.


Just with what she is doing it is taking her 5-6 hours a day and she isn't even doing the content subjects yet. So I don't want to change her math, I am waiting on Winston Grammar hoping that will be a better match for her in grammar. But what about spelling, vocab, writing? I love WWS and do not want to change but how do I fit it all in and still have time for dd8 who needs me? PLEASE HELP!

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I am not completely familiar with a lot of the programs that you are using, but it seems like you are spending a lot of time on subjects that don't need that much daily time. Spelling should not take 45 minutes. Are you trying to do a whole lesson? I know with AAS, I only do about 10-15 minutes and we stop when we get there. Maybe could you try doing RS grammar with one lesson split over two days?


I am just starting out as well and I have already made some decisions about what works for us and what doesn't. Honestly, I have had to make some decisions about what takes more time than it is worth and what is really worthwhile. I have also made some teacher intensive choices which I worry about when I am HSing more than one child. I might have to rethink things later.


Give yourself a little time to get acclimated to hsing and then sit down with your DH and possibly your children and just decide what is working and what isn't. You definitely shouldn't be feeling burned out. Your kids are old enough to do quite a bit of independent work. I hope others with slightly older children can give you a better idea on that!

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My first question would be WHY is it taking her that long? Are there any LDs involved, or is she just being pokey?


I know when my son gets in a rut, he'll take forever on a subject. The best thing to do is to put it away and pull it out later when he's not in that rut. It can be the easiest thing in the world to him, but if he's in that rut, he's not going to move any faster. :tongue_smilie: Can you split some of these subjects up? Just do 15-30 minutes tops, then change subjects. Come back to it later if you need to.


I also agree that 45 minutes on SWR sounds high. Isn't that program one that you go whatever speed? Set a timer for 15-20 minutes and do as much as you can in that time, then put it away. You don't need more than 15-20 minutes a day for spelling.

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I am not completely familiar with a lot of the programs that you are using, but it seems like you are spending a lot of time on subjects that don't need that much daily time. Spelling should not take 45 minutes. Are you trying to do a whole lesson? I know with AAS, I only do about 10-15 minutes and we stop when we get there. Maybe could you try doing RS grammar with one lesson split over two days?


I am just starting out as well and I have already made some decisions about what works for us and what doesn't. Honestly, I have had to make some decisions about what takes more time than it is worth and what is really worthwhile. I have also made some teacher intensive choices which I worry about when I am HSing more than one child. I might have to rethink things later.


Give yourself a little time to get acclimated to hsing and then sit down with your DH and possibly your children and just decide what is working and what isn't. You definitely shouldn't be feeling burned out. Your kids are old enough to do quite a bit of independent work. I hope others with slightly older children can give you a better idea on that!



Thanks for the response. We have been hs for 3 years now so it is not that I am not used to it. It seems more like now that dd11 is getting older and moving into the logic stage that things are just taking really long. I wish she were more independent but as soon as I walk away she will begin to mess around and then nothing gets done. So I am strapped to her for 5-6 hours a day to finish school. I dont want it to sound like I mind teaching her just that I dont have enough hours in the day and dd8 is the one suffering for it!

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My first question would be WHY is it taking her that long? Are there any LDs involved, or is she just being pokey?


I know when my son gets in a rut, he'll take forever on a subject. The best thing to do is to put it away and pull it out later when he's not in that rut. It can be the easiest thing in the world to him, but if he's in that rut, he's not going to move any faster. :tongue_smilie: Can you split some of these subjects up? Just do 15-30 minutes tops, then change subjects. Come back to it later if you need to.


I also agree that 45 minutes on SWR sounds high. Isn't that program one that you go whatever speed? Set a timer for 15-20 minutes and do as much as you can in that time, then put it away. You don't need more than 15-20 minutes a day for spelling.


I will have to try that for SWR (we may never make it through the book but as long as it helps me stay sane!)

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math - CLE -

English - EFTC

Spelling - SWR

Writing - WWE per the hardback book. I am using copywork to correspond with our literature reads from AO.

History and science she will take at our co-op which starts next week.


I would probably not do EFTC, maybe not WWE. I'd probably do SWR and copywork.




math - systematic math - even though the video is only 10-20 minutes long each day she then takes another 45-60 minutes to do the worksheets.

Grammar - R&S5 - this is taking forever! At least an hour for each lesson.I have her doing most of it orally but even when I have her do just the odd numbers in the written practice part she will take FOREVER!

writing - WWS (this is going really good but again it takes her forever at least 1-11/2 hours per lesson

spelling - SWR takes about another 45-60 minutes together

Vocab - we haven't even started

History and Science she will take at co-op (which I am teaching and there will be 2-3 home assignments each week per subject.)

Spanish - she is supposed to take this with FLVS but again we haven't had time to start.

I wouldn't have her do R&S orally. There's your time sucker. You should be able to go over the lesson briefly, no more than 5 minutes, and then let her do the seatwork.


She doesn't need WWS. There's plenty of writing in the R&S English. I also wouldn't add vocabulary.


Alternatively, drop R&S English and wait for Winston Grammar, and have her do WWS.


Are you *sure* she needs SWR? Could you allow her to do Spelling by Sound and Structure instead? She could do that independently.

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Are you new to CLE math? We used it all last year, and will continue with it and my girls have gotten remarkably faster. My neuro typical daughter only takes about 15 minutes to do her lesson and my daughter with LDs takes about 30- a little faster if I sit on top of her.

Hang in there with CLE because it will be your least teacher intensive program in the end. It does get better.

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Are you new to CLE math? We used it all last year, and will continue with it and my girls have gotten remarkably faster. My neuro typical daughter only takes about 15 minutes to do her lesson and my daughter with LDs takes about 30- a little faster if I sit on top of her.

Hang in there with CLE because it will be your least teacher intensive program in the end. It does get better.


No dd8 has used CLE from the beginning and it is fine., Thanks

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I would probably not do EFTC, maybe not WWE. I'd probably do SWR and copywork.



I wouldn't have her do R&S orally. There's your time sucker. You should be able to go over the lesson briefly, no more than 5 minutes, and then let her do the seatwork.


She doesn't need WWS. There's plenty of writing in the R&S English. I also wouldn't add vocabulary.


Alternatively, drop R&S English and wait for Winston Grammar, and have her do WWS.


Are you *sure* she needs SWR? Could you allow her to do Spelling by Sound and Structure instead? She could do that independently.


Ah, Ellie my voice of reasoning. So with dd8 just do SWR (I'm assuming you mean with the enrichment activities) and copywork. No EFTC or WWE? Just have her do narration on her reading?


As for dd11, (UGH!) yes, R&S is killing us. Her math takes her awhile but that I expected. I did not expect grammar to also be over an hour, and another hour on writing. Can I be honest, neither one of us like it (R&S). There I said it and feel better! It is sooooooooooooo boring! I think we will drop it when Winston gets here and just move ahead in that and WWS. As for SWR, I just gave her this year's placement and she placed in list V. It put her around a 7.5 level. Do you think I could move her on? I have to also ask, you don't do vocab? How long should Spelling by Sound take her?

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Well your most immediate way to get things under control is to set a timer and STOP when it goes off.


Yes I know but do you have any idea how long it would take us to get through one grammar book if I let her stop after 15 minutes? I would be lucky if she had her name and date written!!!!!!!:svengo:

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I had a similar problem with ds11 but mostly with math. Dh suggested using a timer and telling him that whatever was not completed, he would have to complete during his free time. This seems to help them stay focused. On the other hand, sometimes he would just not understand something and just sit there staring at it without asking for help, so we had to have a talk about that...kids!

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Yes I know but do you have any idea how long it would take us to get through one grammar book if I let her stop after 15 minutes? I would be lucky if she had her name and date written!!!!!!!:svengo:


Having used R&S for a while, I feel your pain. Do you have the workbook that goes with it? It's only a couple bucks. Get that, do what's in it, and totally skip the rest. And only the workbook only do say 1/4 or 1/2 the exercises on the page. See if that helps. Or do just part of the exercises in the student text each day instead of the whole thing.


That's why we went to Shurley. Personally, with an 11 yo I think Shurley 6 plus WT2 and maybe something for editing (Editor in Chief, Take 5 Minutes editing, etc.) would be plenty. With WT2 you can use the co-op lessons, meet once a week, and let the rest be homework. If you want to stick with whatever you're using, shift how you're using it to a format more like that.

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I am pretty sure Elizabeth that you are on to something. Dd11 hates to write. I don't mean writing stories and such, I mean the physical act of holding a pen or pencil in her hand. That is why we were trying to do most of it orally. I am just giving up the R&S. I have Winston on the way and hope that works. I will look at Shurley if it doesn't. It is funny you mention WT I was just on their site. I love WWS and know that it is exactly what she needs though. I have allowed her to type all her assignments but they are still taking her over an hour. There really isn't any way to cut up the assignments because when you read the passage you need to complete the lesson then. I may have to face facts that with dd11 it just isn't going to work with her writing difficulties. Although she has never been diagnosed I am pretty sure she has dysgraphia. She has almost all the signs. I am going to have to rethink alot for this year. I guess I was hoping as she got older it would get better for her. She is so smart and sucks up everything like a sponge but I know the writing aspect holds her back alot.

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Yes, I was going to ask if you had gotten her any evaluations yet. 10-11 was when we hit that wall. They can't cover it anymore, and you have to get some help. I'd look into getting a neuropsych or ed psych eval (to see what all is going on) and an OT eval for the writing. Our OT found stuff I wouldn't have caught on my own and helped us make changes that made a big difference within a couple months in her ability to sit down and write. You want to know though *why* she's having the trouble, whether it's eyes or processing (dyslexia) or tone/spd or a bit of multiple things.


We do our diagramming (which we do even with Shurley) on a small whiteboard. I highly recommend it. Some things are more fun on the whiteboard than they would be on paper.

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Dd11 hates to write. I don't mean writing stories and such, I mean the physical act of holding a pen or pencil in her hand. ......Although she has never been diagnosed I am pretty sure she has dysgraphia.


My oldest is very similar. He has an amazing creative mind for storytelling but put a pen or pencil in his hand and forget about it.


One thing someone suggested to me at a recent expo when I described my son's behavior (not knowing what dysgraphia is), is using Dragon Naturally Speaking to help him get his stories and other long written work done. I haven't tried it as we don't have the funds but maybe it would work for your daughter?

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