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What are you using for memory this year?


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We have tried different things over the years and I always end up dropping it halfway through the year. :glare: This year I am thinking of using something more visual such as VP flash cards, EFTRU flash cards, CLE math fact cards and maybe some others.


I'd love to see what everyone else is using. Thanks!

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My kids do AWANA at church, so we don't do much additional bible memory at home. I generally have my two oldest memorizing a poetry selection and a history selection. We are doing Sonlight American History year 2, so they will focus on more current American poets and history passages. I get a lot of our memory work from Living Memory. I highly recommend that book! Of course they memorize other things from their grammar lessons, science, math, etc as we get to them.


I am embarrassed to admit this, but I realized yesterday that I haven't taught my 5 year many nursery rhymes or fun kid songs, so I will work on those with her. :)

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Well, I have littles, so we'll be doing our address and phone number, a few scriptures, a few well-known sayings, poems and nursery rhymes as well as counting by 10s and 5s, the days of the week, months of the year, etc etc.


The What Your _____ Needs to Know books have been awesome to peruse through for this purpose.

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DO you have Living Memory?

I have had this for years with great intentions and zero follow through; it is just too much for me.


I have this as well, and while my dc have memorized a few things in it, we haven't used it to its full potential. So this summer, I've decided to go through it and make copies of pieces I want them to memorize, and I will include it in their lessons. If something is simply sitting on my book shelf, I forget about it. So I need to make the copies and put them with our active items so it gets done.



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We will also be doing Classical Conversations on our own. I am doing cycle 1 because I really like to start at the begining :D


We are doing everything, including the history timeline. I am also throeing in sine extra Bible verses, address and phone numbers, etc. CC is only 24 weeks, so I have room to add more. We memorized poetry from What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know last year and will do the same from the first grade book this year.


My three year old will be learning her ABCs. She has not shown much interest until recently, so we are going for full preschool this year! I am using the letter of the day curriculum from Brightly Beaming. We will memorize some poems and vocabulary words.

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