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"New House" open house--would you do one, if so, how?

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We recently bought a new house as the state is putting a highway through our current home. We live in an area where people just don't move much---our "newest" neighbor has been her 12-14 years :-) so this is a bigger deal than in many areas where people move around a great deal.


We are tossing around the idea of having an "open house" type thing for everyone who wants to come and visit our new house, see where we are, see the improvements (things like clearing 4 acres of land, building a barn, etc. as well as updating inside). We aer NOT NOT NOT looking for housewarming gifts.


Our new house is bigger and nicer than what we have now and we are repainting most of it (pink and purple walls with teal countertops just aren't me :-)). I just don't want people to think that we are bragging or showing off at all. It would still be considered a modest middle class home--3 bedrooms plus office, etc, nothing fancy but yet I know many families are struggling and I don't want to seem like we are "showing off".


Would you have an open house? If so, how would you handle it, word any announcements? I was thinking of posting it on facebook, sending out an email to people from church and friends, etc.


We were sorta thinking of a Saturday from 4-8 or something or even 6-8 or whatever and serving just light snacks in the garage.


Any thoughts on this? We have had so many people ask when they could come and see it, etc. and I don't want to leave anyone out either.

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I think this is an awesome idea!


Thoughts on wording: Come on by, we'd love to have you visit! Just drop in for some snacks and let's catch up!


Whatever feels comfortable for you.


I'm sure others have good ideas, but just a thought -- stipulate what you do or don't want, like "No gifts, please" or BYOB. People appreciate gentle direction, I think, especially given that in your area such events don't happen too much.

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I would just invite everyone to the house for fun -potluck, snakcs, games, or such. I wouldn't call it a Housewarming though.


Exactly. Do not breathe a word of it being an event in honor of your new home - just ask folks over for a day of horseshoes, potluck, what-have-you. Then you can show the house and acreage off to anyone interested. Believe me, people will be curious and will attend.

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Thanks for the ideas. We won't be settled enough to do a Labor Day weekend thing but might try something soon after that.


One nice thing about the new house is that most of it is on the main level and we will have a ramp to the door and a fairly handicap accessible bathroom where as our current home is a bilevel with STEPS EVERYWHERE. This will make hosting the elderly and handicapped (including my mother in her wheelchair) must easier.

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I missed that you finally found a place. I'm happy you are happy! I know it must have been stressful.


Yes we did find a place. It has great bones and has 3 bedrooms plus an office we will use as a bedroom for now and 2 1/2 baths and MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY ROOMS with a walk in closet and cabinets:):):). There is room for another bedroom, another office, and a family room in the mostly unfinished basement. Dh gets a 32x48 14 foot high garage to put his automotive repair stuff in and I am getting a 30x32 pole barn for the horses.


We had to clear a lot of land $$$$, build the barn $$$, redo some electrical $$, run water to the barn $$$, paint $, put in some new flooring $$$, etc. but in the end it will be a nice place.


One of my favorite things is that it has a small pond with water fall feature. It is so relaxing to sit out there and listen to the water. It also blocks the noise from the road---we are about 300 ft. off the road though.


Lots of work and the house as no AC and we have had one of the hottest summers on record but in a few weeks we should be ready to move in.

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We knew a couple that did this. They called it a Home Blessing. It was an existing home, but they had to replace all the carpet (due to pet allergies), then they painted and put their own touches on the home. When it was all ready they invited everyone from church for a couple hours for a light lunch. At some point they had the pastor "bless" the home. It was very casual, no gifts. Not sure how they worded it but we knew they didn't want gifts, just to share their joy in finding the right home for them.


It's very exciting to hear your new home is working out well for you.

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