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Any WTMers doing Insanity?

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Go to youtube and search Insanity videos. You'll get tons and you can see what they are like. They are not easy. Before Asylum came out, I've heard that Insanity was the hardest workout program on the market. When I started Insanity, my heart rate was easily 170+ nearly the entire time. Now that I'm more fit, it's in the 160s. When I started Insanity, my resting heart rate was in the mid 60s..it's now in the low 50s...no kidding. And for the first time ever, I have oblique ab muscles! I have a waist again, lol.

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I did my fit test yesterday (if it was a real test, I would've failed) and did the first workout today. I drank 40+ oz of water in that 40-50 minute workout. I then had to walk upstairs to check on the kids and almost fell over. I'm going to stick to it, I swear I am. I just hope I have the willpower to not make excuses about doing it.

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Yup! I am about to start my second round.


Yes, INsanity is 6days/week with one rest day.


Jennifer - You go girl! What do you think of Asylum? Do you love it as much as Insanity? More? The same? Is it harder? Is it the same but different?


I just received the bonus DVDs for Insanity. I like the upper body workout (only viewed it) and the Insane Abs. Someone mentioned the sports training DVD is her fav of all the Insanity workouts. I can't wait to view that one today.

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I did my fit test yesterday (if it was a real test, I would've failed) and did the first workout today. I drank 40+ oz of water in that 40-50 minute workout. I then had to walk upstairs to check on the kids and almost fell over. I'm going to stick to it, I swear I am. I just hope I have the willpower to not make excuses about doing it.


You will get used to it quickly. You did well to drink. Drink all day. Where I live, it's been hot. After all my sweating w/ Insanity, then out in the hot sun for a 3hrs, I've been dealing w/ nausea and headaches from dehydration. Also, I highly recommend a recovery formula. Beachbody sells ones, many use low fat choc milk and there are other formulas online for making your own. It really helps to drink that w/ 1hr of exercising. It helps greatly w/ soreness and will fuel your muscles for the next day.

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Jennifer - You go girl! What do you think of Asylum? Do you love it as much as Insanity? More? The same? Is it harder? Is it the same but different?


I just received the bonus DVDs for Insanity. I like the upper body workout (only viewed it) and the Insane Abs. Someone mentioned the sports training DVD is her fav of all the Insanity workouts. I can't wait to view that one today.


Asylum is definitely harder than Insanity. I really like the no-nonsense Shawn T!!! I am pushing myself harder than I did with Insanity and I think it's because he's telling me I can do 5 more and NOT to quit. I don't!


I think I like Asylum better. I find the workouts more focused on particular body parts and I'm loving the results. I have much more definition. But, I'm the type of person who needs variety in my workouts. I see myself going back and forth between Insanity/Asylum/P90X after this next round of Asylum.


But, I signed up for a couple races this fall. I should probably fit in a run or two in there too!!! And, trying to do a Beachbody workout and then an hour run is just too much for me once school starts. So, I'll be alternating, I think.

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YEs that is my plan as well....a P90X/Insanity/Asylum hybrid after I finish Insanity and a round of Asylum. I miss the X! Then I'm hoping to get P90X2 from Dh for Christmas. Let me know if you find a P90X/Insanity/Asylum schedule published or if you write your own.

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YEs that is my plan as well....a P90X/Insanity/Asylum hybrid after I finish Insanity and a round of Asylum. I miss the X! Then I'm hoping to get P90X2 from Dh for Christmas. Let me know if you find a P90X/Insanity/Asylum schedule published or if you write your own.


I need to figure that one out. I'd like to find one that's already published. My priority for the next couple months will be to get back up to 13.1 miles for the Detroit half marathon in October.

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How does Insanity compare to P90x? My dh has been doing P90x for 5 weeks, and I just started it with him this morning. :tongue_smilie:


I did P90X a long time ago. But, Insanity has a lot more plyo. Lots and lots of jump training. You work up a sweat RIGHT away. You work all parts of your body, but it's all very aerobic. Good stuff!!!

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I need to figure that one out. I'd like to find one that's already published. My priority for the next couple months will be to get back up to 13.1 miles for the Detroit half marathon in October.


Would you really need a combo of all three? Asylum is like P90X and Insanity condensed into 1 month, at least IMO.



Capt - Asylum has a P90X/Asylum hybrid schedule in the Asylum package AND an Insanity/Asylum hybrid. Those are really, really tough. I couldn't manage the hybrid AND do my other stuff..

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How does Insanity compare to P90x? My dh has been doing P90x for 5 weeks, and I just started it with him this morning. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: w LG Gone Wild. THey are very different and many people find a P90X/Insanity hybrid to be the best of both worlds. Insanity is high-intensity cardio but there are a lot of push-ups so you do get some shoulder, chest, back in there and there is some tri-cep work. there isn't a lot of bicep. Of course w/ all that jumping you're getting tons of leg work. If you've done PlyoX, think some version of PlyoX daily for 60days and you have Insanity.


I did two rounds of P90X (half of 1st round was doubles and all of the 2nd round was doubles). I'm in week 6 of Insanity. Next I'll check myself into the Asylum for 30days.....If I come out alive, I'll do a P90X/INsanity/Asylum hybrid until I get P90X2 for Christmas.

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Would you really need a combo of all three? Asylum is like P90X and Insanity condensed into 1 month, at least IMO.



Capt - Asylum has a P90X/Asylum hybrid schedule in the Asylum package AND an Insanity/Asylum hybrid. Those are really, really tough. I couldn't manage the hybrid AND do my other stuff..


Maybe not. I just really like the variety of the different workouts. And, Tony is really nice to look at . . . .

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Would you really need a combo of all three? Asylum is like P90X and Insanity condensed into 1 month, at least IMO.




Capt - Asylum has a P90X/Asylum hybrid schedule in the Asylum package AND an Insanity/Asylum hybrid. Those are really, really tough. I couldn't manage the hybrid AND do my other stuff..


I don't do other stuff although I'd like to add a few runs in each week. I hope to do a 5K the end of August.


I won't know until I do Asylum of course. I was thinking more of do P90X Monday, an Insanity workout on Tuesday, Asylum workout on Wednesday etc...not doubles just rotating. When I was in my 30s, I used to do an hour of solid weight training and then 45min of cardio. The cardio wasn't as intense as Insanity Max.

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:iagree: w LG Gone Wild. THey are very different and many people find a P90X/Insanity hybrid to be the best of both worlds. Insanity is high-intensity cardio but there are a lot of push-ups so you do get some shoulder, chest, back in there and there is some tri-cep work. there isn't a lot of bicep. Of course w/ all that jumping you're getting tons of leg work. If you've done PlyoX, think some version of PlyoX daily for 60days and you have Insanity.


I did two rounds of P90X (half of 1st round was doubles and all of the 2nd round was doubles). I'm in week 6 of Insanity. Next I'll check myself into the Asylum for 30days.....If I come out alive, I'll do a P90X/INsanity/Asylum hybrid until I get P90X2 for Christmas.


Since the hybrids are 1 month long you could do P90X/Asylum followed immediately by Insanity/Asylum. That may save you from having to design your own schedule. Just a thought.

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How does Insanity compare to P90x? My dh has been doing P90x for 5 weeks, and I just started it with him this morning. :tongue_smilie:


I just started P90X this morning too. I'm hoping to go through it twice (classic then doubles), and then switch to Crossfit (I'll have the equipment by then). The first workout was cool - not what I expected, but better. I thought it would be more like P90.

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