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If you were working more on writing than grammar for a year...

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...what would you use to keep up grammar skills learned in previous years? We're going to work a lot more on writing this year, because the girls really need more practice. They have used R&S for 3 years (through grade 6 text), but I don't think there will be room in our schedule to do it this year. Can you recommend something quick/easy that they could use to keep their grammar skills from disappearing? They will be in 7th and 8th grades, but have learned together in the same level of grammar. Now if you think it's a terrible idea to drop the R&S this year, please tell me. TIA!

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The great thing about MCT thus far is that the grammar book doesn't take too long to ge through. We should be done with it within the first 6-8 weeks of the school year. Grammar practice is done completely independently with the practice books and only tales @ 5-10 minutes 4-5 times/ week. Because the grammar is reinforced through the practice and vocabulary books, We don't have to spend too much on grammar instruction. This frees us to focus heavily on writing. We're doing Town this year and we might dive into Voyage towards the end so I don't know how ramped up the other levels will get, but this year we too will focus more heavily on writing



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I am focusing on essay writing this year also, but I want to share that I don't think you should give up Rod and Staff. I plan on completing Rod and Staff in three months and then spend the rest of the year doing writing assignments for essay writing.


So, what I plan to do is start off with Rod and Staff only for about 6 weeks to get acclimated with the grammar. Then, I am going to dive into essay writing. I plan to take the writing slow at first and then really fast after a few weeks. I mean by slow. I will do one essay a week to start and move to two few weeks after.


Basically, I think that you can do Rod and staff in 3 months and then move into writing for the rest of the year.





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I was actually in that exact position a couple of years ago. What I did was assess grammar learning to date, identify a few weaknesses, and then use Voyages in English (much easier and also broader than RS) both to teach to the weaknesses and to provide some practice in the well-learned stuff.

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