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Does this looks like lymes disease? Rash inside...

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Dh was hiking in the woods in NC with ds on July 5th. He noticed this on July 8th, said it was twice the size that it is now. It was itchy and he thought it was poison ivy but it hasn't moved past his upper shoulder. It is getting smaller and is a little itchy now but no other symptoms.

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It does not look like a typical bullseye rash to me (I had one and it was a perfectly round red ring with white inside, then the red dot in the center), but if it is bothering him or if you have an instinct about it I would have him checked out.

Edited by RanchGirl
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It just looks like a tick/bug bite to me. We almost always have them look like this when we get them.


:iagree: I think it's a localized reaction to some kind of bug, spider or tick. Lyme's is not common in NC, (there is a map online in which you can check out incidence) but of course none of us can rule it out online. If you're concerned, go to the doctor. You can also google images of bullseye rashes.

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Thanks for the advice. He is not feeling bad at all and he is sensitive to bug bites. If it persists or if he gets other symptoms I will have him go in. But then again, if he is having other symptoms we have probably let it go to long. I am also going to have my brother take a look at it tomorrow and see what he thinks. He knows a lot about lymes so if he is reassuring also I will probably have him wait for a bit.

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