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Any Experience with Spanish for Children Primer A?

Jenny in GA

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I just saw Spanish for Children in the store today and I liked the look of it. My kids are 10 and 8 and I have been trying unsuccessfully to find a Spanish curriculum that doesn't cost a fortune and doesn't consist mainly of cooking and crafts.


Anyway, I was wondering how anyone liked (or disliked) Spanish for Children, and any ideas or tips on how to implement it with kids this age. Or are they too young for it?


I should add that I always liked Spanish myself and remember a good portion of the two years of it I had in high school.



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My language-loving, grammar-loving kid is enjoying it. We've done Spanish casually for a few years, and started SFC about a month before taking our summer break.


It's basically Spanish taught the way Latin is normally taught. For my DD, who already has a good amount of vocabulary, it's fun to substitute in words she knows and expand her sentences, and she likes the DVDs and CDs. I plan to continue coupling this with reading and doing some of her other academic work in Spanish and getting as many immersion opportunities as possible.

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We have it. I tried with my now 10 year old maybe two years ago? a year and a half? and we gave up on it pretty quickly. But we returned to it this past spring, and he's really enjoying it now. He took an outside class with a native speaker in the interim, and, of course, he's gotten older, so it's a lot easier for him. I just ordered the DVD (only had the book before) and another book for my 8 year old, and I'm going to have both of them work on it this fall. I'm still not in love with it; I think the format is kind of weird (like PP said, it teaches Spanish as if it's Latin, with chants and whatnot)...but I haven't found anything I like better for that age/level. DS tried Galore Park before we went back to SFC, and he HATED it.

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I just ordered it from CBD to teach a co-op class. I love the looks of it and the concept behind how/why it's set up! and it was only like $16! If you are not fluent you may want the DVDs- there is a sample clip on the website.


I have taught K-2 and high school spanish, but this will be the first time w/3-6 graders. I'm excited to use SfC like a spine and then add in fun activities/games and especially songs. I love the Sarah Jordan bilingual CDs and I ordered a couple bible song cds from CBD.

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