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Donna Young's Excel planning sheets ???


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OK, you Excel people have me convinced that I should chuck the pencil plans for next year.


I'll never be able to do this on my own, but I found sheets on Donna Young's site for Excel. The only problem is I can't figure out how to "bump" the assignments over a day (in case of sickness or a really great weather day!). That was the feature you all raved about that convinced me to give this a try.


Can anyone help me figure this out?




(Who, yes, passed the Excel test to keep my teaching certificate, and No, I obviously didn't learn a thing!)

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I think that the bumping assignments came from Homeschool Tracker, which you can download for free here. I print out the sheets and then check when we've done an assignment. If it's not checked, it gets bumped to the next day, it works for us.

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No, there might be way to do that, but I never figured it out. For me it didn't work because I'm used to looking at a grid schedule for the whole week. It just works better for me, helps me stay focused. It's really easy to create Sonlight-type grid schedule sheets on Excel.

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I agree. I use MS Word to make a weekly blank grid now, and fill it in with pencil. I like that because I can see if I'm over-loading one day & adjust. I'll have to ask my dh how to better navigate in Excel, and keep trying with that.




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I made a fill-in-the-blank PDF you can try using if you like...


Hmmm.... I was going to upload it, but it was too big. If you PM me or email me with an email address, I could send it to you to see if it would work for you.

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I use MS Word (because I liked the look of SLs grids). I print mine "weekly" but we work by "day". (i.e. "day 135"). I have a sample of mine on my blog.


So, I don't know how to "bump" days on the computer, but I've adapted to this method.


BTW, I'm seriously tempted to get rid of the week number on my scheds, because I tend to get locked into a 5 day a week mentality, even if we only have time to do 3 days of school that week. (Completely mental, but I think if I were to get rid of the "week" designation, I wouldn't have fits about needing to squeeze in 5 days.)

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I agree. I use MS Word to make a weekly blank grid now, and fill it in with pencil. I like that because I can see if I'm over-loading one day & adjust. I'll have to ask my dh how to better navigate in Excel, and keep trying with that.





I do this too, because I just like to have more control over what goes in the boxes. But I enter everything in for each week on the computer. That way I can I can paste in URLs, make any notes, etc., and make sure it all still fits in the boxes. Plus, my handwriting is atrocious after years of doing just about everything on the computer :001_rolleyes: Unfortunately, this doesn't help you with the "bumping the days" things. I tried to make myself an Excel sheet so that I could do that, but I couldn't figure it out either. If someone as a spreadsheet to share, that would be awesome.


I use MS Word (because I liked the look of SLs grids). I print mine "weekly" but we work by "day". (i.e. "day 135"). I have a sample of mine on my blog.


So, I don't know how to "bump" days on the computer, but I've adapted to this method.


BTW, I'm seriously tempted to get rid of the week number on my scheds, because I tend to get locked into a 5 day a week mentality, even if we only have time to do 3 days of school that week. (Completely mental, but I think if I were to get rid of the "week" designation, I wouldn't have fits about needing to squeeze in 5 days.)


I have the same problem. What I've done is allow myself to school 7 days a week. Most of our social stuff is done during the week anyway, so we end up doing some work on the weekends. I'm considering ONLY keeping the week markers and eliminating the day markers. The only reason I haven't so far is because I'm kind of ignoring them anyway, and just checking things off even if they get done on a different day than the rest of the stuff in the column.

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I use MS Word (because I liked the look of SLs grids). I print mine "weekly" but we work by "day". (i.e. "day 135"). I have a sample of mine on my blog.


So, I don't know how to "bump" days on the computer, but I've adapted to this method.


BTW, I'm seriously tempted to get rid of the week number on my scheds, because I tend to get locked into a 5 day a week mentality, even if we only have time to do 3 days of school that week. (Completely mental, but I think if I were to get rid of the "week" designation, I wouldn't have fits about needing to squeeze in 5 days.)



We use an undated calendar just for that reason. I do number the weeks for my sanity IE: 1-36, but the days are listed as .1 - .5. My son like to know each day what work he is doing,and he would get bent out of shape if we tried doing Tuesday's work on Thur's, so it doesn't matter if .1 if a Monday or a Wednesday. For example we are on week 28.5 right now. Going undated has saved my sanity this year.


I used a regular planner this year, but for next year I printed my own on a word table modified from one of DonnaYoung's planners.

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Thanks for the offer!


I've got our grids from this year updated with next year's subjects, so I'll just use those if I don't get the Excel figured out. My dh said, "You just have to highlight the row and then pick it up and move it." Given his tone of voice and the rolling of his eyes, I think this was a big ego-boost for him!




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Oh - your post made me remember why I quit trying to type in my plans last year. I have a hard to "seeing" things on the computer (not visually, just mentally). I end up needing to write it out in pencil first *anyway* - so why not use that?


And, I planned six weeks at a time this past year - but I ALWAYS changed my plans the weekend before it was time to teach. (I can understand tweaking SL or TOG or whatever - but my *own* plans?!?!?!?)


IDK - I'm going to hopefully be away from here, and trying to get something productive done today!


Thanks for all your schedules, btw!


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