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For Discussion: WWYD differently if...

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I would probably forget most things academic and have a great time with my kids. Loads and loads of pictures would be taken. Written school work would only happen while traveling from place to place.


I would put a lot of money aside for my kids. They wouldn't get it at x age, either. It would be spread out with amounts higher as they got older. I would also set it up for "odd" times so they didn't expect it.

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Not a whole lot really.


Hubby would definitely quit his job (as he would love to parent full time).

We would probably get a larger home/vehicle and take in a few more children.

I'd get some help (cooking, shopping, cleaning, laundry). I wouldn't have it all done as I think the kids benefit from participating, but...

I would do a ton more volunteer work.


I would still be on my kids about school and responsibility because they still have to be here after the ten years (and I think there are benefits even if they weren't going to be).

I'd set my kids (the permanent ones and temporary ones) up so that as long as they are doing well (well being a flexible definition by me), they benefit from the money.


Day to day would probably look very similar.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I would set up trusts or whatever for my kids to make sure they were well cared for.

I would probably not change much straight away but I would be more likely to plan to travel both with and without kids.

I guess I would buy a house in the city and a property in the country. 10 years is a long time.

With that much money i would probably find some way to give- create a charity, an eco business, a cause, get involved in something meaningful, using the money as wisely as I could.

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I would set up trusts for my dc. I would travel with the dc--different things with different dc (Africa and scuba locales with dd, Europe with oldest ds, national parks with youngest ds, perhaps some over lap). I would spend obscene $$ on youngest ds therapy, perhaps it would not help, but I couldn't not do that.

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Thanks for playing. I'm reading a book that asked the question and was thinking about it this morning.


I think life would look more different for dh than for me. He'd quit his day job and work on our farm full time. The $$ would definitely speed up our farm plans. The fencing, vineyard and such would go in much sooner.


The other change would be the amount of travel. I'm not sure how travel and the farm would work together. Maybe we'd build a house and hire help to cover the farm while we were away. With $20 million I think we could afford it.

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DH would quit his job, we'd buy a REALLY nice RV, and we'd travel with the kids. School would be done on the road, and with real life experiences. We'd travel around the world, and we'd see things as we were learning about them. I'd teach my kids what it means to *live,* not just exist.

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