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Shadow Children?

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I have a love/hate relationship with this series.


I began reading it in the 8th grade, so about 13/14.


Throughout the whole series, there is a doomed and dark feeling. I hate stories like that, but there was always that bit of hope that you were hoping would triumph (and it always does, in its own ways).


I think an adult would enjoy it, but I wouldn't recommend if for younger than 16, depending on maturity. I would have definitely appreciated it more reading it now than when I was 13/14.


If you've ever read A Series of Unfortunate Events, the feeling is somewhat like that, but more idk, intense I guess.

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I loved that series. A few summers ago we had 3 pre-teens/teens visiting- the 3, plus my 2 teens plus me could not put those books down.


Very well written. Sad, it's a future/what if kind of scenario but realistic.


I think the author should re-do them into an adult series- make them longer, more intricate and a bit deeper.


I enjoyed reading them, wished they had been longer.

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I really enjoyed it, but agree it is pretty dark. I'm waiting to give it to dd's - oldest is almost-9 and it wouldn't be a good idea right now - probably around 11, maybe 12. It's not as graphic as the Hunger Games series, more suspenseful than violent.

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I just read the first one, Among The Hidden, prereading it as a possibility for ds. It is a bit dark for him, but we might try it as a read aloud so I can talk him through some of the more intense bits. I did think it was well written and I enjoyed it.

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I used these in my classroom when I was teaching public middle school. I taught ESL and most of my students were illegal immigrants. They identified closely with the characters in the story and their plight and would BEG me to assign more pages for homework so that they could see what would happen next.


They're definitely interesting enough for adults. You could read each book in an an afternoon or less.

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my girls both loved the books. They are dark and the first one contains the death of a major character. We used this book in a book discussion class at co-op and one of the younger siblings from a large family was a little freaked by the theme, however, he ended up reading them all and trying to get the other kids to discuss them.


I would say middle school aged.

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