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Finally! Potty training success!!

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I had always been told that boys were harder to potty train than girls, so when my ds was completely potty trained after 3 days and accident free with in a month (just before his 3rd birthday), I thought that life with dd would be a breeze! Boy was I wrong!


We tried with dd at 2.5 yrs and it was a complete failure, tried again at 3 and again - failure! We waited a couple of months and started again in April. I took her to the bathroom every 60 minutes, she would sit and sit and sit and sit and do nothing. I would get her up, put panties on and THEN pee!!! she thought it was so funny!


We did not punish, but we could not ever get her to go on the toilet so we could even reward her. I started rewarding her 5 year old brother, myself and Daddy even! Finally she went once and got a single m&m. In 3 days she earned three m&ms. After a month we got better at getting her to the toilet but she NEVER told us she needed to go. We had to go to pull ups for anytime in public and then just got to wearing them all the time. Fast forward to now...


A week ago she started putting her panties on when she woke up, we made it to the potty, but still had some accidents. If we left the house, she still wore a pull up and would use it like a diaper. Just a few days ago, she dirtied her favorite (and only) Littlest Pet Shop panties...so I made her throw them away. She cried and we talked about using the potty, she asked if she could get new panties and I told her when she started using the potty. She has had one wet accident since then, and she wrapped them in a bag and threw them away by herself!!!


I am so happy! It only took 3 months! :tongue_smilie:

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Mine will be 4 in 13 days and still isn't potty trained.


Exactly what mommabear said - she'd sit and do nothing, then pee as soon as she got up. We've tried every trick and bribe under the sun. She says she will use the potty all the time when she's 4 (thanks to a comment from her big brother that she's a baby until she's 4). We are camping this week and are going to try it when we don't need to worry about the carpeting and see how it goes. All these success stories are giving me hope.

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You know how there is always that one kiddo? I have him :)


There has only been one other child (out of well over 100!) I couldn't get potty trained within a couple weeks, usually, a few days! She was 3 and had mild CP.


Seriously, my kiddo is 3 (May bday). My 3yr old is delayed, but so was my son (who trained at 25mo). I really think Munchkin *could* train. He knows when he's gotta go, he knows where pee and poo goes, he likes the positive attention. He also is dry most of the time, overnight, over nap, etc. So it seems like a choice to be "the baby." At the same time, developmentally, in most areas, he's the level of a 14-20month old. The psychologist (referred to for another reason) agreed I need to think of him as I do my 16month old. It's really hard though.


Anyway, I just don't know. For now, I'm just gonna have to be patient. I've only had him three months so that may also play a part.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I hear your excitement! I am hoping to share in the celebration soon. We are working with DD who is 27 months. She has been going poo on the potty for probably a year now but in the beginning it was us placing her on the potty because we knew she was going, she is very obvious about going poo...grunts etc. Then when she was almost 2, she showed interest in the potty and panties because my niece was going on the potty. We got panties, I had some pretty cloth pullups made and she went for about 4 days and then...nope! wouldn't have anything to do with peeing in the potty. We didn't force it and now she is 27 months and we are going again. This time she tells us "I peed" and so we started again and it is going better. She gets candy and mommy sings "the potty dance" and we clap and say "ya, you are such a big girl!" We aren't forcing, and not punishing for accidents. We figure she won't go to college in pullups!

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My dd was the same way with the peeing as soon as she'd pull up her underwear. She could sit on the potty for an hour, and within a minute of getting up, she'd say, "Uh-oh," and we'd have a puddle. :glare: I was convinced I was going to have one of those kids still in diapers at five years old, but a few days before she turned three (on Mother's Day, no less) she got up, walked to her potty, said, "I pee on potty now," sat down, and went. And had less than five accidents after. She's even dry through the night now, no pull ups or anything. I was never a believer in the idea that when they're ready it'll be much easier, but I am now.

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