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New behavior program people are not allow to address this, advice?

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I am not at all concerned, or interested in changing my ds's need for night diapers. He's pees while sleeping, which is fine. It's the other part I need help with.


He will use his diaper before he falls asleep. I know that it shouldn't be allowed, but how do I enforce it? Do I go and check on him every 5 minutes until he falls asleep? If he's wet, just make him change? Keep in mind that he has some sleep disorders, so once he's sleeping, I'm not going to wake him.


When his diaper leaks, I feel almost guilty for making him help me do the laundry. Please fix this! If I go to bed unprepared for my monthly gift, I have to clean up even though I did nothing "wrong". Should I be teaching him the same? It isn't his fault, but he still has to help clean up, right?


If his diaper did not leak during the night, he'll leave it on in the morning. Most of the time, I'm awake and will tell him right away to throw it out. However, once in a while he'll get up before me. What can/should I do to make it inconvenient (sp?) for him to have used the diaper? I don't want to punish him, but if it is never going to bother him to sit in a wet diaper :confused:, I have to make his choice to leave it on not worth it. If that made any sense, what are some ideas?

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Is it one of the special, wet-feeling disposables? Generally, disposable diapers are meant to NOT feel wet inside, so he won't feel it. Plus, we train our kids to stay in a diaper 24/7 for years and then expect them to suddenly be bothered by it, and I am not at all surprised that some kids still don't mind the feeling when they are using underwear. We use cloth diapers and that helps, because they actually feel wet, but my first dd who started in disposables wears a diaper at night because she sleeps like a zombie. No advice besides trying cloth--she gets up to use the potty now if she needs to go before bed, but not through any change I made.



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My dd struggled with this and honestly, anything I tried to "make it uncomfortable" for her didn't work. She didn't have a dry night until she was almost 8 years old. I would have her strip the bed and remake it. If she woke up wet in the middle of the night, she would have the extras right there and was told to take care of it herself. There wasn't any punishment involved, but like you said... it happened and it needed to be taken care of. I always encouraged getting out of bed to use the bathroom before falling asleep and wouldn't let her change into the "night time pants" until after she had already used the bathroom and changed into pj's. Changing was the last thing to happen before climbing into bed. I also didn't check to see if she had wet before falling asleep since she always took FOREVER to get to sleep, and I didn't want to accidentally arouse her by checking.


She would also sometimes stay in her Goodnights in the morning until I asked her to change it. But we had a long talk about the infections or rashes she could get by sitting in her body's waste for long periods of time and that helped her to stop. Then finally, one day she just started being dry. We didn't change drinking habits, eating habits, bedtime routines... nothing changed except that she was now dry. Interestingly, that happened about the time she began to be able to read. No amount of phonics, reading lessons, practice had made any sort of progress until she started staying dry at night.

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Offer him a reward for every dry diaper in the morning. I'll bet he'll learn to at least use the bathroom before going to bed. Accidents may still happen, but he'll have incentive to try his best and certainly incentive to take it off in the morning and get dressed. :) Helping to change the bed is a natural consequence and a good idea IMO.

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I have been putting off making him a diaper for at least 2 years! I keep saying that once I make the diaper, he'll be dry. But why do I have a problem with that?! LOL.


I do not reward him for dry mornings because he's been dry an average of once per year. He's still soaking wet if we run out of diapers or if he wants to "try just tonight" without one. I feel rewarding for dry nights would be setting him up for failure.


They're not wet feeling diapers. We use diapers from a medical company. Goodnights should put a label guaranteeing leaks!


We do have the disposable chuks, but they go under the sheet. He's so fitful in his sleep that anything not securely tucked in will be on the floor in the morning.


His bed set up- first he has a zip around allergy cover. It's like a pillowcase, but for the mattress, and very hard to get on and off. So on top of the allergy cover is 3 chux, then the fitted waterproof pad, then 3 more chux, then 2 washable chux, 3 more chux, and his sheet! Daily washing is usually just the sheet and comforter and I toss the first 3 chux. Bi-weekly I'll change/clean the whole set up, or do it as needed if there was heavy leakage. I wash the allergy cover monthly, unless needed more. This is all to protect the mattress so if he ever stops wetting, he's got a nice mattress. DD also has an allergy cover and fitted mattress pad, but no need for everything else!


This kid absolutely has the cleanest bed in the house!


The only thing I can think of to hold off on in the morning is breakfast. I think that sounds mean, but if he gets the routine, it'll be nothing. The bathroom/laundry room is right across the hall from his room and all I want him to do it get up, toss the diaper, pee (IN THE TOILET!), check his sheet and comforter and put those 2 in the bathroom if needed, toss the next layer of chux, again if needed. I don't mind checking below that layer. Once he finishes this 5 minute max routine, he can have breakfast.


I'd love to reduce the chux/diaper waste, but it would come at an increase in water and electric useage.

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All I can recommend is what you probably already do: make sure he pees before putting his pullup on, right before getting into bed, and first thing when he gets up in the morning (enforcement of that second part is a problem for me, because I don't want to get up). Ideally, you'd be at the bedside as he's waking up (unrealistic, I'm sure).


I've had kids in Huggies pullups, just overnight, for years :glare:, and still do, and I don't recall a time when the Huggies leaked substantially. Surely they must have at some point, but not enought that I noticed before a regular sheet wash. Maybe it depends on the volume? Could it be the brand you're using? I thought Huggies made some bigger sizes (maybe that's the goodnights?) I think ds5, who is medium to large for his age in that area, wears the 4-5T comfortably. My other ds wore pullups till he was around 7, and it was that 4-5T also, I think, though he's small for age.

Edited by wapiti
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All I can recommend is what you probably already do: make sure he pees before putting his pullup on, right before getting into bed, and first thing when he gets up in the morning (enforcement of that second part is a problem for me, because I don't want to get up). Ideally, you'd be at the bedside as he's waking up (unrealistic, I'm sure).


I've had kids in Huggies pullups, just overnight, for years :glare:, and still do, and I don't recall a time when the Huggies leaked substantially. Surely they must have at some point, but not enought that I noticed before a regular sheet wash. Maybe it depends on the volume? Could it be the brand you're using? I thought Huggies made some bigger sizes (maybe that's the goodnights?) I think ds5, who is medium to large for his age in that area, wears the 4-5T comfortably. My other ds wore pullups till he was around 7, and it was that 4-5T also, I think, though he's small for age.


By volume, he outgrew pampers size 7s at about 4. Those diapers held a lot more than the pullups or overnight type diapers. The problem for us with the goodnights is that they're so low-cut, he pees right out the top of it!


It is the brand, but we're not covered for the ones that will work. The best I've ever found are the tranquility diapers. They sent a week's worth to try and we had no leaks! The insurance will not cover tranquilities, so we use Sleep-Overs. They're not terrible, it's again a volume issue. He's been checked for medical problems that would cause increased thirst (like diabetes) and all was well. He's active and takes in a lot.

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I would make it a habit to brush teeth and try before he goes to bed, but Amazon has Seventh Generation has a shipment plan that you can subscribe to... My son is 8 and it's just starting to work... that he can get up and go. Course, he sometimes tries to pee in the corner... (he's asleep) so when he does get up... we hop up and help him to the restroom....

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Our son's mom and older brother wet while sleeping until between the ages 14-16. Our son is now 12. I have a very hard time, sometimes, with my attitude because I wish so much that he could control it (I know I shouldn't get an upset attitude... really, I know it, but I do struggle with that).


He wears pull ups about 1/3 of the time. He wets about 3/4 of the time. He gets up, showers and does his laundry. The pediatrician recently gently asked him doesn't he get tired of doing that... and wouldn't he rather cooperate with me... because I try to limit his drinks after 6pm and he gets really upset... and I give him reminders to use the bathroom and he gets upset.


I do offer rewards for 3 nights dry in a row and that works great sometimes (not when there is a lot going on/stress for some reason in the home). It costs less to take him out for a scoop of ice cream for 3 dry nights than it does for pull ups... I do understand, though, your difficulty because yours doesn't stay dry very often. Maybe in a couple years :^) .


I'll be so glad when he stops sleep wetting... So glad. :)

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