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WWYD? School scheduling conflict...

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We always start school the day after July 4th.. Because of a mission trip and then VBS at the end of July, this is not looking so good this year. We will only have 9 school days before a 2 week break. I am really fighting the temptation to just hold off and start school on Aug 1st. It will crunch the rest of the year more, and I hate that, but I also hate to start a routine and then kill it right away, kwim?


So, WWYD...wait until Aug 1st or just go ahead as planned and start on July 5th? :confused:

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Start when you normally do, work on Saturdays until the mission trip. Plan for reading material to be covered on the trip. I assume their is a drive or flight, some travel time. Or do a report/presentation including visual is on the trip.


Most VBS programs here are about 3 hours a day. You could still do your school work around that. It may make for a crazy July, but better that than the rest of the year being off.


Another option is to start in August, extend the end of the school year and throw in some Saturday, or shorten holidays. The's the beauty of homeschooling....you can make the schedule work around what you want to do.

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I'd wait for August 1st, absolutely. ... Why would it be a crunch later? That's still a pretty early start date. You could finish in May if you only take breaks when the schools do, or early June if you take a few extra weeks here and there. Maybe August 1 will become your new regular start date. Or not. But I'm pretty sure it will all work out. :)

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I would do a 10-day science "camp" at home and just focus on one or two subjects until your break.


Or get a head start on writing skills.


Just a thought. That way, you're not dealing with retention problems if you start something (say in math or foreign language) which doesn't work so well with long breaks in between.

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I would go ahead and start - get their feet wet. If you just took a long break for summer, it's probably nice to get in the groove, and then take quick break. We do year-round, so it's never really and issue.


But do what you feel is best. It all works out in the end!

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I would do a 10-day science "camp" at home and just focus on one or two subjects until your break.


Or get a head start on writing skills.


Just a thought. That way, you're not dealing with retention problems if you start something (say in math or foreign language) which doesn't work so well with long breaks in between.

:iagree: This sounds like fun!

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I don't know when you want to finish, so that you won't be crunched, but here is our schedule starting the week of August 1st.


Start August 1st (will probably take a couple of days off in September)

Weeks off: Oct 10, Nov 21, Dec 19-Jan 6, Feb 20, Mar 12, Apr 23

Finish: June 1st



I like the idea of doing something special for the 9 days, too.

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We are starting July 20th, I wanted to start sooner but we have been having a few mini vacations and such. I have just been taking time to plan things out and let them have some fun. We still do read daily though and sometimes if they ask for school work I let them work out of workbooks I don't plan to use. if you situation I would wait to officially start on the 1st and maybe just do some light stuff till then

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We're doing a little "writing camp" for the first couple of weeks. Then we'll have a short break and then we'll start our regular schedule. You could use these two weeks for something special like that or you could use them as review time to get them ready to start.


Do you think July mission trips and VBS will be the norm? If so, then you might have to make some sort of permanent change to your start up schedule.

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I would go ahead and start. I always like to start August 1st so we can be done mid-May, when the weather is nicer. Last year, though, we went on a vacation from the end of July to mid-August, and we didn't start until we got back. I felt behind all year long. I hated it.


This year we are starting on August 1st. DD will be gone to camp that week, so she will be doing some work before she leaves.

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