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Would you go to the doc for this? (Female- possible TMI)

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I am still nursing my 10 month old and haven't started my period yet. For the last couple weeks, I've felt like it was about to start- cramps and moodiness and everything. So much so that I've gone to the restroom to check multiple times. But it hasn't started. So- could the cramps and stuff mean something else? Should I go get checked out? The cramps are pretty bad- making me want to curl in a ball with a heating pad. I took a pg test just in case, but it was neg. Besides being pregnant- I haven't been to the doc in a long time. Would you go?

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I probably wouldn't go to a doc or anyone for that, but that's because that's typical for me. My body will start to get ready to cycle again, but it'll take a while, even a few months. I'll get the cramping and such for a while before my cycles come back; it's my body trying to ovulate, but not quite getting there, I believe. The follicles don't quite develop into full eggs for several months. Nursing affects my cycles very heavily; I won't get them back until well after a year postpartum, and then they're not regular or necessarily ovulatory for a few more months. (And yet, I've gotten pregnant while nursing frequently, three times so far, but not before the nursling was two.)

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I nursed my ds until he was just over a year old. My cycle started again right around his 1st birthday, but my body started warning me about 2 months before. I had the cramps & moodiness just like you described. They would hang around off and on for a couple days, then go away and come back a couple weeks later until finally it was the real deal. So, if it was me, I wouldn't worry about it too much unless it got really bad. But I'm not a health care professional, so if your concerned, you need to do what you think is right. Sorry you are not feeling well...I hope it gets better.

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I had something similar and it turned out to be 'Ashermans syndrome' (spelling?)... scar tissue had formed in the uterus and was blocking my tubes and also preventing the menstrual flow that was inside to come out!


Most likely it is your body ovulating but not quite ready for a full cycle... you may also have a cyst (not uncommon).

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I'll probably wait a little while longer- the idea that my body is gearing up to start again really resonates. The cramps are bad- but not any worse than they always are at that time of the month. If it goes on much longer, I'll call. Thanks.

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