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D'Aulaires Norse Myths

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I don't know of any extra materials but you might like to know that it is used for the Norse specialty section on the National Mythology Exam.

That is helpful, but quite a ways off. :001_smile:



Still hoping someone has something so I don't need to make my own!:bigear:

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Not exactly an extra, but Michael Chabon's introduction for the newer edition is really good grown-up reading. But, I'm a bit in love with Michael Chabon. He could introduce the phone book and I would be like... swoon.
DD the Elder and I had both read Summerland independently, but neither of us anticipated much more we would find, savoring, while reading it aloud. *sigh* It's now my all-time-favourite children's book, nudging past The Wind in the Willows by a hair.


ETA: A thorough grounding in Norse mythology greatly enhances the read, though Summerland is probably best put off for a a couple years past 7.

Edited by nmoira
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