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What's the best thing you do to get grumpy/fussy kids to laugh?

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Enjoy it while it lasts. ;) That gag was up by the 5th birthday around here. Now it's public humiliation. I'm talkin' walking and talking like an ape in the middle of WalMart. But only for a minute lest they run away and hide like they don't know me. Mostly it's threats of public humiliation.

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I used to tell DS that I didn't realize we were having a grumpy contest, and that he was going to win. He just had to make sure that he did not smile or laugh, no matter what. And then I'd try to be as grumpy as possible. Almost every time, within minutes, he'd be laughing.

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Tickling, making funny and loud noises, producing a toy hammer and screwdriver and telling him I need something "fixed", anything to do with water, funny voices and lots of other things actually.


I admit I have a very cheerful 2 year old. Not sure how long that lasts, but I'm enjoying it now.

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I just tell them "Don't laugh. I'm serious. Don't you laugh. Uh. Wait. No I said DON'T Laugh!" In my most stern serious face. If I start to see a smile peek through I act like I am interrupting them and tell them they "Don't you dare smile!" to which they always start laughing. Worked from day one and still does to this day. I do day care and I have done it with well over 10 plus kids and it works on all of them no matter how grumpy or mad they are.

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