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Is this a debate where the answers are prepared ahead of time, or is it more of a town hall meeting where questions are posed on the fly?


It is supposed to be a town hall style. They are accepting questions from Facebook and Twitter, I believe, as well as from audience members. I am sure the moderators will also ask some questions.

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I have sound from the CNN live site, but no picture. Any ideas??




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So Bachmann homeschooled her kids. Does anyone know for how long or any other circumstances? Very curious if it was short term or long haul . . .


Ugh! I missed that bit! (interruptions and all that...)


So, Bachmann. Who else were everyone's favorites? I thought Cain was interesting...(although his spout about Muslims in the Cabinet was...well...um. At least he was honest about who he is/will be)

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Ugh! I missed that bit! (interruptions and all that...)


Well, she didn't say it tonight, at least not that I'd heard. I knew that about her before. I am curious for more info. :D


Okay, nosy. Whatever. :tongue_smilie:


The moderator was horribly distracting. We could hear him in the background, "Bb," "Bb," "Bb," as he tried to interrupt but wouldn't follow through. It was odd. (At least we thought he was trying to interrupt. Maybe it was something else?)

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Ugh! I missed that bit! (interruptions and all that...)


So, Bachmann. Who else were everyone's favorites? I thought Cain was interesting...(although his spout about Muslims in the Cabinet was...well...um. At least he was honest about who he is/will be)


Generally... :glare:. Gingrich said the most things I agree with, and I despise Gingrich. Argh. I didn't like what Pawlenty said at all, and he was my favorite on potential previously. Dh liked Ron Paul's style :lol:. I'm going to go cry in a corner over not having Huckabee back.

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I see a Bachman/Gingrich pairing in the future if either makes it that far. Did you see it in their answers??


Ron Paul makes me laugh - in a good way. I don't see me voting for him, but I like him; he's a Tell-It-Like-I-See-It kind of guy and :001_tt2: on anyone else. :lol:

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Generally... :glare:. Gingrich said the most things I agree with, and I despise Gingrich. Argh. I didn't like what Pawlenty said at all, and he was my favorite on potential previously. Dh liked Ron Paul's style :lol:. I'm going to go cry in a corner over not having Huckabee back.

Ha! I felt the same way. I despise Gingrich and I actually liked what he had to say tonight.


I like Mit, and though I've laughed uproariously over Bachman in times past, I think she did very well tonight. And I hope she blocks Palin's entrance. Pawlenty -meh. I'm not seeing what Jack Welsh loves about him. I like Cain-rather, I don't dislike anything he has to say yet.


I really wish Jon Huntsman was there tonight-I've been dying to hear him in a debate.


I don't think they did badly at all.

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Generally... :glare:. Gingrich said the most things I agree with, and I despise Gingrich. Argh. I didn't like what Pawlenty said at all, and he was my favorite on potential previously. Dh liked Ron Paul's style :lol:. I'm going to go cry in a corner over not having Huckabee back.


SIGH, me too! :crying:

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