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granola bar recipe

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Here's my recipe, copied from another post because I seem to have misplaced my recipe card:


This recipe calls for your choice of honey or corn syrup. I've only used corn syrup. (but at least it's not high fructose corn syrup) I love these, and dh and dc do too. Need to make some tonight!


Granola Bars


2 1/2 c. rice krispies

2 c. oats

2/3 c. brown sugar

2/3 c. peanut butter

2/3 c. honey or corn syrup

1 tsp. vanilla


Combine cereal and oats in a large bowl. Set aside. Very lightly grease a 9" x 13" pan (either 2" or 1" high). Melt brown sugar & honey (or corn syrup) together, either on the stove or in the microwave--stir occasionally. Stir in peanut butter. Heat mixture for another minute or so. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Add to cereal/oats mixture. Combine well. Press into pan with the back of a large spoon. Cool. Cut into squares or granola bar size strips.


You can substitute other kinds of cereal, like Special K, Cheerios, etc. The recipe is also flexible on the proportion of cereal to oats. I sometimes use 2.5 c. oats and 2 c. cereal. I also sometimes increase the total cereal/oats combo to 5 cups without needing to increase other ingredients.


ETA: This is a very soft granola bar. You can use either creamy or crunchy peanut butter. One of these days I'm going to add stuff like peanuts and/or crushed chocolate chips. You could also add raisins, cranberries, your favorite seeds (sunflower, etc), and so on.


3/21/09 ETA: I just made some with Cheerios. When I've done this previously, it was just a bit of Cheerios, combined with other cereals, plus the oats. This time the cereal portion was all Cheerios, and I think the 2.5 c. just wasn't enough. Maybe there wasn't enough surface area. If you use Cheerios, I recommend that you use at least 3 cups, plus the 2 or 2.5 c. of oats.

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This is the recipe I use. Someone shared it on this board a long time ago. It's certainly a keeper. My kids LOVE these bars. I do squirt an extra little bit of honey in, and sometimes add an extra tablespoon of butter for good measure, but that's it. Don't over cook them either. As soon as they start to get light brown around the edges take them out. You can really add whichever type of filling you would want. I've done dried blueberries and almonds, cranberries, etc. Once I've cut them and they've cooled, I individually wrap them in saran wrap for an easy on the go snack. I seriously make 2 or 3 batches of these a week, they're that good. :p

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I use Alton Brown's recipe, and we love it. I do typically double the recipe and change the wheat germ for flax seeds and the almonds for peanuts and use whatever dried fruit I have, and chocolate chips are a requirement. :lol: So I use his recipe as a guideline for my granola bars.


This is what I do as well. ... I mean, my substitutions are different than Karen's, lol, but I start with Alton Brown's as well and go from there. :)

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I have used this one several times and really like it; good luck :)


That's the one I use, but with desiccated coconut instead of the wheat germ so it's GF. I usually substitue brown rice syrup for half the honey, too, to make them less honey tasting... Hugely popular wherever I take them. (my favorite version is cashew and dried cherry)

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