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Which best describes you?  

  1. 1. Which best describes you?

    • I am pro-life and oppose circumcision
    • I am pro-life and do not oppose circumcision
    • I am pro-choice and oppose circumcision
    • I am pro-choice and do not oppose circumcision
    • Other

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With caul-fat. Hard to source, but nothing else compares :D



Hard to rhyme, though. So much for the love poems... which is probably why it's never caught on.
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You honestly think that? I don't know anybody who wants to see more women have abortions.


What I have seen is 70-year-old men weeping as they talk about loved ones they lost to illegal abortion. And once you see that, you understand how this is about saving lives for people who are pro-choice, not about celebrating or promoting death in any way.


Maybe if people didn't feel as if the lives of women were being valued less than an ideology (because most pro-choice people know that the legality of abortion has little or no impact on incidence), then they wouldn't feel as if they had to so vehemently defend it. But as long as they feel like people are out there trying to pass laws that, in their view, will have the effect of killing women, then of course they are going to fight that.


I said, it's almost as though..... From where I am, the radical pro-choice movement doesn't promote adoption at. all.


What I have seen are post-abortive women grieving for the baby they had aborted. Realizing too late that there were other viable options that they didn't know about. Decisions that were made, and encouraged, in a time of shock and surprise. All to prevent embarrassment, or make life easier for 9months. (If an abortion is prescribed by a doctor to save a woman's life, it should be done in the dr's office or hospital, where other life-saving procedures are done, imo)


I vehemently defend anti-abortion laws because babies are being killed. Dear, sweet, innocent beings that have no choice. A baby whose own mother won't give it a chance at life with a loving family.


How, exactly, do pro-choice people know that the legality of abortion has little or no impact on incidence? Are there studies and statistics from reliable sources on this?


Truly, I can understand your argument. I do not agree with it, of course, but I do see where you are coming from. Because PP makes a profit from abortions, though, I don't see how abortions are going to become rare. :(

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My dearest Johnny

I think you're all that

Come here so I may

rub you in caul-fat




Best I came up with was "mall rat."

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Well, I'm both pro-life and pro choice. I don't like that the term pro- choice= pro-abortian in the minds of many. I don't think there are many people who are really pro-abortian.


As far as I circumcision goes, I do not oppose it, but exercised my choice as a parent to not do it to my son.

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It's a lacy kinda viscera membrane

Wrap some round Johnny D

And watch the girls all go insane

Oh yea, Caul-fat

Is really where it's at




It's so Silence of the Lambs, except with Johnny still alive.

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Or Sweeney Todd :tongue_smilie:
I liked that much more than I should have. Even the blond kid.
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I googled, I couldn't find pictures of him with caul-fat, lard OR butter.
I think I'm relieved.
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Ponder the phrase, "Lard Information Council."

LIC, huh? :lol:


I feel adequately informed now, don't you?

We'd all be happy if we ate lard.


That's it! That's exactly it! Oh goody, happiness is available at your friendly neighbourhood grocer! :D

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Lard Information Council, a made up entity, is on facebook.

Ah Facebook, who isn't there?

Party Pooper.
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Seriously? I just told you that you could friend a fake organization and you're upset? Pff! I'm going to add them right now.
Don't forget the British Lark Marketing Board.
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Nice. But schmaltz is harder to rhyme than caul-fat.
"Waltz" is very close, and much more romantic.
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You honestly think that? I don't know anybody who wants to see more women have abortions.


What I have seen is 70-year-old men weeping as they talk about loved ones they lost to illegal abortion. And once you see that, you understand how this is about saving lives for people who are pro-choice, not about celebrating or promoting death in any way.


Maybe if people didn't feel as if the lives of women were being valued less than an ideology (because most pro-choice people know that the legality of abortion has little or no impact on incidence), then they wouldn't feel as if they had to so vehemently defend it. But as long as they feel like people are out there trying to pass laws that, in their view, will have the effect of killing women, then of course they are going to fight that.


Um, the abortion facilities that make money off of abortions want to see more women have abortions. Money does play a factor.

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I guess the difference is that I value life both from beginning and from the end. If we as a society don't respect life from the beginning, it won't be long before we dont' respect it at the end either. No additional evidence needed. Valid arguments for legality of killing (no matter what point of life) doesn't mean it's right. And I find it odd that a person that murders a pregnant woman gets charged with two murders, but the mom can kill the baby if she chooses without consequence. My kids are out side my belly and drain me to no end, more than when they were in, so do I get to choose now? I don't want to put them up for adoption b/c I fear they could be abused, but I can't care for nor do I want them (not really meaning this, just that I don't see a difference in killing them in utero and killing them out)


Because of this lack of valuing life, we already have people aborting a twin because two babies "would be too much work". Or they are aborting a child with Down's Syndrome because the child isn't "normal". When you cross the line, there's a slippery slope on the other side.

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