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Airport security with kids

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If you have flown recently, about how long did it take to get through airport security with kids? Did you have many carry-ons? Did the scanners or pat-downs take much time? (And please, let's not discuss which is better/worse, just what happened). I will be traveling with both kids next month from DC (Reagan) to New Orleans. If you have info specific to those airports, that would be especially helpful. Thanks!

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I flew in the fall, AND I'd lost my driver's license on the trip, so I had to go through security without proper ID. Even with that, it wasn't a huge hassle.


The things to remember with kids are that 1) they need to take their shoes off (so it's probably a good idea to have them in shoes that they or you can get on and off easily) and their jackets if they have jackets on, 2) if you have a stroller, it needs to be folded up and send through the scanner (so if you have somebody too little to walk, you'll have to either have somebody else hold them while you fold up the stroller and put it on the belt, or figure out how to do that while holding the baby), and 3) if they have pockets secretly stuffed with Hot Wheels cars, they will keep setting off the security buzzer until you manage to find every single one. Ask me how I know that one. ;)

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We flew to Hawaii a few weeks ago. Both ways, we had carry-ons. Both times, they diverted the kids and I through just the metal detectors. They had dh go through the metal detector once and the scanner once. We went through the normal lines, until you put the luggage on the screeners....ie...they didn't have a special line for kids. After the carry-ons went on, they gestured us towards the metal detectors.

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Thankfully we are finally past needing a stroller, but I am considering having each of us bring a backpack and rolling suitcase (kid sized for the kids) and avoiding the extra charge for checked bags. Since we will travel to the airport via Metro, so I really don't want to bring a big heavy bag to check. Of course, that assumes we can get everything into the smaller bags.:glare:

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It takes a fair amount of time to get four people's stuff through security, yes. We fly out of BWI, and they almost always have a "family line" for people like us, who clog up the line with our stroller and booster seat and tiny shoes.


We fly a few times a year, and I have always found TSAs to be very kind and accommodating with kids.

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I've never flown before with kids, but I have flown out of Reagan several times and in my opinion, it's easier to navigate than Dulles since it is smaller (or at least seems smaller, I'm not sure how they actually compare in terms of size).


Again not speaking from the experience of flying with kids, but having flown a lot recently, I've found it to be not much different than previous years. Easy shoes to take off and put on would obviously be good.


But overall Reagan is a pretty pleasant airport - not too much ground to cover between security and the gates if I'm remembering correctly.

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I flew in the fall, AND I'd lost my driver's license on the trip, so I had to go through security without proper ID. Even with that, it wasn't a huge hassle.


The things to remember with kids are that 1) they need to take their shoes off (so it's probably a good idea to have them in shoes that they or you can get on and off easily) and their jackets if they have jackets on, 2) if you have a stroller, it needs to be folded up and send through the scanner (so if you have somebody too little to walk, you'll have to either have somebody else hold them while you fold up the stroller and put it on the belt, or figure out how to do that while holding the baby), and 3) if they have pockets secretly stuffed with Hot Wheels cars, they will keep setting off the security buzzer until you manage to find every single one. Ask me how I know that one. ;)


That reminds me of the year my little brother coming back from family vacation decided to stick some sort of toy car contraption in his backpack. He set off the metal detector and the poor TSA person had to go rifling through his backpack (through all sorts of dirty tissues and candy wrappers my little brother apparently couldn't be bothered to throw away :confused:) to look for any dangerous materials. I still feel bad for the TSA officer - ugh, having to look through all that stuff.

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We flew to Hawaii a few weeks ago. Both ways, we had carry-ons. Both times, they diverted the kids and I through just the metal detectors. They had dh go through the metal detector once and the scanner once. We went through the normal lines, until you put the luggage on the screeners....ie...they didn't have a special line for kids. After the carry-ons went on, they gestured us towards the metal detectors.


In Honolulu, or elsewhere?

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I went through Denver and Orlando over Memorial by myself with dd. Orlando had a family line and as far as I can tell Denver did not but the line was short. They tested prepackaged applesauce that I had in the diaper bag both times. (I am not sure what I would put in applesauce, but OK). They helped in getting the stroller on the conveyor belt. I only had carry on luggage no checked bags. We only went through the metal detector. Don't let the kids touch the side of the metal detector as you go through.

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I just flew through LAX and Montgomery with my kids.


We had NO trouble getting through security. I thought security would be the longest in LAX and it still took less than 20 minutes start to finish.


In LAX, TSA sent us through regular metal detectors instead of the scanners most everyone else was going through. In MGM, all they had were metal detectors.


I made absolutely sure the kids had NOTHING metal on them. No hair barrettes, belts, change, etc.I packed their carry-on for them just to make sure it was neat and had nothing in it that would set off an alarm.


I also had to take an Epi-Pen through. I made sure to have it in the original box with prescription information, removed it from the carry-on bag, and sent it through separated (as told to by TSA). They didn't even blink.


It wasn't a problem, but boy was I worried about it.

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Yes, Honolulu. They are the ones that made dh go through the scanner. The Tulsa airport sent the whole family through the metal detector.


Thanks. We are flying this fall out of Honolulu, and as long as they don't scan or grope the kids, we should be fine. I can handle the pat-down for me.

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That reminds me of the year my little brother coming back from family vacation decided to stick some sort of toy car contraption in his backpack. He set off the metal detector and the poor TSA person had to go rifling through his backpack (through all sorts of dirty tissues and candy wrappers my little brother apparently couldn't be bothered to throw away :confused:) to look for any dangerous materials. I still feel bad for the TSA officer - ugh, having to look through all that stuff.


The Hot Wheels situation was actually quite funny. DS was like a clown car with those things. We'd think we emptied his pockets, and he'd beep again, and we'd find another car in another pocket. I think it must have taken 3 or 4 tries to get all the cars. Thankfully the other people on line had patience and a sense of humor, and everybody was laughing about it.

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We fly frequently. DD's gotten so used to the routine that it has become, well, routine.


We approach the security with me in front, dd behind me, dh behind her. If there was a stroller (we're past that), I would take DD's shoes off while she's still sitting in it. Shoes and declarables (sippy cups, the quart bag, medicines) all go in one bin. I usually have two carry-ons no matter what I do - one for emergency clothes and food, one for toys and books and my wallet/phone/keys (I usually pack my purse in a checked bag). The carry-ons go first, then the bin, then another if we have coats/sweaters. As I'm doing all this DD was still in her stroller - contained. After loading carry-ons I grabbed DD out of her stroller (now she just waits at my side) and DH would collapse and load stroller, then do his carry-on and shoes, belt, etc.


DD goes through the "magic arch" (metal detector) in front of me, then I go through. then I just reverse - DD in stroller (or shoes on), next dump declarables back into the carry-on, load up again and move on. DH has always been responsible for his own stuff and all he has to do for me is collapse and load the stroller - now he doesn't even do that. My tip - slip on shoes or velcro straps. Don't even attempt lace ups - for anyone.


If we fly without DH I just keep DD in front of me at my side. She's so accustomed to flying that she knows better than to run off. I've told her that the consequences are severe and she believes me (I got "that look" in my eye when discussing it!).


We've never been directed to a scanner. I will refuse and go for pat-downs if it ever happens, as MIL is a radiologist and has requested that DD and I NOT be scanned. She's the expert, so I'm listening to her.


Sorry so long - hope it helps.

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sounds fun, doesn't it? ;) I have been concerned about security, but we orginate at a very small airport that seems very kid friendly. Praying it goes without a hitch for both of us. :D


Do you go have any layovers outside the US? If you do, be prepared to do the security thing again once you're overseas. At least in Germany and Turkey I've had to go through security again once I landed and before transiting to my next plane. I don't know if it's an international to domestic thing or a German/Turkish thing.


I wouldn't worry too much as most of yours are older and the olders can be "airport buddies" with some of the youngers, taking some of the load off you.


Good luck!!

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I've had great experiences and been brought to the head of the line. Of course I've also had everyone, including 3 mo baby, patted down and all bags searched. I even once had security try to remove the one child I was travelling with while I was patted down. (That was the only time I became really angry-and they returned the child to my line of sight.)


Leave yourself plenty of time-you could fly through or have delays. I have come to the conclusion that there is no way to predict what happens.


Also-have a plan for getting up and down escalators/elevators with all bags and strollers in one trip. I once was stuck at the top with half the family and planned to return to the bottom to get the rest. There was no return to the bottom possible. Even airport security wouldn't help. I had to shout down to other passengers to assist in getting stuff up. Fortunately they were all very kind.

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