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Would CPO life be too much for my 5th grader?

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I am looking for a science curriculum for my 5th grader for next year. I was originally going to continue to keep my two in RSO Life (I've been beefing it up for him), but this week he's been going to space camp and has been really turned on by all the science he's getting. It has made me aware that I need to focus more in this area with him. I would like to keep both kids on the same topic of life science if possible. Would CPO be totally over his head? Other ideas?

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I don't know the answer to the question - I was thinking about using CPO in later grades. At the moment, for 5th grade I'm somewhere between Hakim's science books and a 5th grade textbook that I bought used http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0022800387 . Today dd asked "what is matter?" and lo and behold there it was in the textbook. Then she started reading at the beginning of the book, several pages on her own (we are on summer break right now). She seemed very interested. I haven't had a chance to look through this textbook thoroughly yet. I also picked up a workbook/activity book that goes along with the text. Neither was expensive - probably five bucks or so each. (I should add that in a complete freak-out moment, I ordered a whole bunch of used textbooks a couple weeks ago :lol:. Many of them are visually nauseating :tongue_smilie:. This one has an ugly cover but the inside isn't bad.)

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Have you looked at the samples? I printed out some of them and went through them with dd and decided that she's not going to get the full benefit of the program in 5th. She could probably comprehend the reading but I don't think she'd actually "get" it, IYKWIM.


IMO 5th is a tricky year. It's too old for a great number of the grammar stage programs but too young/early for middle school stuff. I don't find there's a lot out there for this age unless you have a child who's advanced/behind or you really need to combine no matter what.


That said, if we do Bio next year, we'll be going the Elemental Science route since Paige recently released ES Bio for Logic stage. It looks to be at just the right level for grade 5 and she has suggestions on how to fold in younger kids. After going through it, it appears to have the right balance (for us anyways) of reading/writing and hands on. It also looks like it'll be enough challenge for my oldest without being too much over her head.


I do like the looks of CPO and perhaps your child could be ready. Sadly, mine was not and I'm not sure we're going to have enough years to fit it in. :001_unsure: We'll probably end up doing their Earth Science book but that one already scares me (due to labs and supplies required). :001_huh:

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My oldest used BJU Life Science this year, and my younger boys watched Mrs. Vick with her. After the video, my 5th grader read a corresponding section of CPO Life Science for writing practice. We outlined a section and wrote from the outlin or just wrote a narration. He also kept a science notebook where he drew some of the diagrams and labeled them.

We did not try to read every page or answer any questions in the book. Even if you went with ES or something else, CPO is a great supplement.

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My 6th grader has gone through most of it and said that it was really easy to understand. This is the dc that dislikes most school and prefers to read 4th and 5th grade reading material. It, like most science text books, is written with the assumption that there is no prior knowledge.

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