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I think people are in love with TJed because the DeMilles are LDS.


I know one family that used it but I would say it is harder than unschooling to make work. And it didn't work for the family I know, really.


And so is Glenn Beck, and if I start to talk about him I will get myself banned :lol:. So. Yeah. Not everyone who's LDS agrees with everyone else who's LDS. But I can see the draw, at least.


Linguistmama, congratulations!!!:party:

I love your new motto in your siggy :lol:. And I checked your blog--cheers to another probably ADD HSing mom, lol. Makes life interesting!

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And luckily it's almost time for our July migration to UT to get out of the heat!


You have got to be kidding me! Utah is hot! :svengo: (Granted, it's not as hot as AZ, but everything is too hot or too cold for this San Diego native. :tongue_smilie:)


I am jealous of your support group. :) I'd like to have something like that, especially as my older kids get older. It's just tough to find other homeschooling families with older children who are a good fit with ours (not religious TJEders, open-minded, interested in the world rather than just the USA, etc.).

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You have got to be kidding me! Utah is hot! :svengo: (Granted, it's not as hot as AZ, but everything is too hot or too cold for this San Diego native. :tongue_smilie:)


I am jealous of your support group. :) I'd like to have something like that, especially as my older kids get older. It's just tough to find other homeschooling families with older children who are a good fit with ours (not religious TJEders, open-minded, interested in the world rather than just the USA, etc.).


And I'm ditching to a charter school at least temporarily, for my oldest. :svengo:


I agree about the heat. No humidity but it's like an oven!!!

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Both of my sisters have used Tjed and they would try to explain it to me, but it just sounded so... lame. One sister, at least, now despises all the wasted time TJed caused her. She now tells everyone to stay away from it.


Thankfully I was introduced to WTM and that's when I fell in love with the idea of homeschooling and knew that I could do a good job at it. Even though I embrace CM more than WTM now, it is WTM that I recommend to everyone who is considering homeschooling. It's a great starting point and it maps out K-12.


I finally read TJed a few months ago and still wasn't impressed. I don't get it: the book and why lds love it. :confused:

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Why are the threads in our social group never this hoppin'? We're obviously a chatty bunch. :lol:


Too many steps to get into the social group for my ADD self. It's like, oh, I should check the LDS group. Hmmm. Get past all the important stuff on the regular board, go to Community, go to social grou--Squirrel!! :lol:

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You have got to be kidding me! Utah is hot! :svengo: (Granted, it's not as hot as AZ, but everything is too hot or too cold for this San Diego native. :tongue_smilie:)


I am jealous of your support group. :) I'd like to have something like that, especially as my older kids get older. It's just tough to find other homeschooling families with older children who are a good fit with ours (not religious TJEders, open-minded, interested in the world rather than just the USA, etc.).


Holy cow, y'all need to come down to Alabama. It is 95 degrees by 10 am and it's humid! And I'm 6 months pregnant! Cry for me. :crying:


Yeah, lds people are WEIRD. Not us, of course.

Edited by hmsmith
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Too many steps to get into the social group for my ADD self. It's like, oh, I should check the LDS group. Hmmm. Get past all the important stuff on the regular board, go to Community, go to social grou--Squirrel!! :lol:


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You have got to be kidding me! Utah is hot! :svengo: (Granted, it's not as hot as AZ, but everything is too hot or too cold for this San Diego native. :tongue_smilie:)


I am jealous of your support group. :) I'd like to have something like that, especially as my older kids get older. It's just tough to find other homeschooling families with older children who are a good fit with ours (not religious TJEders, open-minded, interested in the world rather than just the USA, etc.).


:D I know, it does get hot there. But it cools off so nicely at night! We're lucky if it dips below 100 here at night in July. San Diego would be my ideal...I have a very narrow range of temperature comfort. About 70-75 degrees. If only my family were there. :)


I have read a little on TJed and it excited me at first. I was really motivated to start reading more Classical literature myself. But I had no clue how to translate that to my homeschool. Plus, some of the books on the list of classic lit made me go :confused:.


And what is it with all the LDS people who practically worship "The 5,000 Leap" by Cleon Skousen? I could not get through it.

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Both of my sisters have used Tjed and they would try to explain it to me, but it just sounded so... lame. One sister, at least, now despises all the wasted time TJed caused her. She now tells everyone to stay away from it.


Thankfully I was introduced to WTM and that's when I fell in love with the idea of homeschooling and knew that I could do a good job at it. Even though I embrace CM more than WTM now, it is WTM that I recommend to everyone who is considering homeschooling. It's a great starting point and it maps out K-12.


I finally read TJed a few months ago and still wasn't impressed. I don't get it: the book and why lds love it. :confused:


The bolded is me. I just haven't seen anyone do TJEd well enough to feel comfortable recommending it. I actively discourage it at this point because I wasted so much time and money that would have been better spent elsewhere. The Well-Trained Mind isn't perfect, but it's a great launching pad for whatever you ultimately end up deciding to do for your family. :)

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Too many steps to get into the social group for my ADD self. It's like, oh, I should check the LDS group. Hmmm. Get past all the important stuff on the regular board, go to Community, go to social grou--Squirrel!! :lol:



When I found out about it, the boards were having their glitches and for the life of me I could not figure out how to get there. Then I promptly forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder Xuzi. So just now when I went to try and find it, apparently my searching skills are lacking and I assume I'll forget about it by tomorrow. I generally forget to check the Yahoo group I belong to too. At least I checked in time to notice the park day change. Although, I'm not sure everyone else did, park day was...kinda empty last week. :lol:


And LittleIzumi, I'm glad you like it. I got it from MariannNova. She said it's ok, so it must be true;)

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:D I know, it does get hot there. But it cools off so nicely at night! We're lucky if it dips below 100 here at night in July. San Diego would be my ideal...I have a very narrow range of temperature comfort. About 70-75 degrees. If only my family were there. :)


Yes, I miss the perfect weather of my home town. *sigh* Dh says the houses in CA are way too close together. He grew up in the country and he says CA makes him claustrophobic.


I have read a little on TJed and it excited me at first. I was really motivated to start reading more Classical literature myself. But I had no clue how to translate that to my homeschool. Plus, some of the books on the list of classic lit made me go :confused:.


Yes, I can totally relate. I read it and got excited and then that fizzled as I spun my wheels trying to make it work.


And what is it with all the LDS people who practically worship "The 5,000 Leap" by Cleon Skousen? I could not get through it.



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But I sometimes think Heavenly Father is just ticking down my list of unfair stereotypes and shoving my face in them until I "give".)




Yes, I have found this to be true, I guess I should watch what I say about living locations!


Both my Dh and I finally BOTH love where we live, and my only wish is for a group of likeminded homeschooling kids for my lo's to play with. A lot of my Dd friends are going off to "big girl" school, and she's starting to ask when she can go too. My reply that "you get to stay home with Mommy!" doesn't go over as well as I would hope. Oh well, she can moan all she wants, she has no clue what that life is like, and I still need a few more credits to reach world's meanest mom status. :tongue_smilie:


It sounds like I really dodged the bullet by not having a brush with TJed. I know next to nothing about it, now I am curious!

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Okay, I have to admit, I've never heard of "The 5,000 Leap", although I vaguly recall hearing the name "Skousen" at a church activity. What's it about?


Hmmm, I know his name best for his God science theory that IMO is waaaay out there theologically. I don't know about the book, but Skousen is seen as a fairly well known theologian and writer. Anybody have more details than I?


ETA: Sorry, wrong theory. Corrected it now.

Edited by MusicMama
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When I found out about it, the boards were having their glitches and for the life of me I could not figure out how to get there. Then I promptly forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder Xuzi. So just now when I went to try and find it, apparently my searching skills are lacking and I assume I'll forget about it by tomorrow. I generally forget to check the Yahoo group I belong to too. At least I checked in time to notice the park day change. Although, I'm not sure everyone else did, park day was...kinda empty last week. :lol:



I was there! Wonder of wonders :lol::lol::lol: for me to remember it.

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Hmmm, I know his name best for his Adam-God theory that IMO is waaaay out there theologically. I don't know about the book, but Skousen is seen as a fairly well known theologian and writer. Anybody have more details than I?

I didn't know anyone really went for that theory. :blink:

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Okay, I have to admit, I've never heard of "The 5,000 Leap", although I vaguly recall hearing the name "Skousen" at a church activity. What's it about?


He lays out the principles that the founding fathers believed and established our government on.


The Proper Role of Government, by Ezra T. Benson is another good one.


As well as The Law, by Frederic Bastiat


I sure didn't learn this stuff in school. Politics finally made sense to me after reading these books/essays. They are all on my classics list :001_smile:

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Okay, I have to admit, I've never heard of "The 5,000 Leap", although I vaguly recall hearing the name "Skousen" at a church activity. What's it about?



Well, seeing as how I haven't actually gotten through it myself, ;), DH read it and calls it a very fundamentalist perspective on the constitution. I have a vague idea that it's basically about how perfect the constitution is and our responsibility as members of the church to up hold it? I might be wrong about that. I like the constitution, but I don't worship it. A homeschooler in my mother's Salt Lake ward was leading a study group on it and my mother forced a copy into my hands.

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Hmmm, I know his name best for his Adam-God theory that IMO is waaaay out there theologically. I don't know about the book, but Skousen is seen as a fairly well known theologian and writer. Anybody have more details than I?



Eeek! I'm scared to ask what that theory is.

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I didn't know anyone really went for that theory.


Aaack! I didn't mean to say that I agreed with that at all! That was just one of the little gems that was thrown at me while I was investigating the church. I think I uncovered it on a FARMS site? I was stunned that now I was getting info on how Mormons were crazy from their "own" sites. I had been relying on the SBC to furnish all the ammo up to that point. :tongue_smilie:


Definitely caused issues. But as you can see I moved past it. But that was the only information I had on Skousen. It discolors his name for me, and I didn't want to totally discredit the guy, maybe he has made other, more positive contributions?

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Aaack! I didn't mean to say that I agreed with that at all! That was just one of the little gems that was thrown at me while I was investigating the church. I think I uncovered it on a FARMS site? I was stunned that now I was getting info on how Mormons were crazy from their "own" sites. I had been relying on the SBC to furnish all the ammo up to that point. :tongue_smilie:


Definitely caused issues. But as you can see I moved past it. But that was the only information I had on Skousen. It discolors his name for me, and I didn't want to totally discredit the guy, maybe he has made other, more positive contributions?


I meant that Skousen is going for it, not you. I liked him before :tongue_smilie:. I have some historical DVDs he did, but now I'm wondering about those.... They seemed solid though.

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Skousen is...kind of interesting. When I was a teenager, my seminary teachers were very big on The First 2000 Years. When I finally read it, I was :blink: However, my seminary teachers were kinda crazy (as is nearly everyone in my hometown, LDS or not; I think they mine it for soap opera plotlines).


I think I read about half of the 5000 Year Leap but I got bored. It's pretty much just a list of ideas in the Constitution that he likes.

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I was there! Wonder of wonders :lol::lol::lol: for me to remember it.

I thought you had girls. The only other people we saw had boys. Oh my heck, wouldnt that be silly if we missed each other like that. I'm not gonna lie, I love that new park. And time.

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Oops, I think we hijacked the thread!:blushing:

2 girls and a baby boy :D
I hope you remember to come this week too, it would be cool to meet you.


Thanks! We weren't at park day because I was sick. I'm feeling better now so hopefully we will be there next week :) I barely know how to get to the social groups, but like LittleIzumi I always check the bigger boards.

I hope you stay feeling better. First trimester is always hard.

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I was sitting with two other moms from the group. I wonder how we managed to not meet up, lol. I plan to be there this week!

Well, we got there at 10 and there was only one other group there. They left around 11. People started coming around 11, but I didn't know anyone (and I'm super shy) and am afraid to ask "Are you in the homeschooling group?" only to find out they're not:lol:. We had to leave around 11:15 bc baby girl started getting fussy. Don't forget, this week is at the park in Provo.

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Well, we got there at 10 and there was only one other group there. They left around 11. People started coming around 11, but I didn't know anyone (and I'm super shy) and am afraid to ask "Are you in the homeschooling group?" only to find out they're not:lol:. We had to leave around 11:15 bc baby girl started getting fussy. Don't forget, this week is at the park in Provo.


I might come. That park is closer to my house and has shade. :)

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Well, we got there at 10 and there was only one other group there. They left around 11. People started coming around 11, but I didn't know anyone (and I'm super shy) and am afraid to ask "Are you in the homeschooling group?" only to find out they're not:lol:. We had to leave around 11:15 bc baby girl started getting fussy. Don't forget, this week is at the park in Provo.


That's exactly what I had to do :lol:. It had been a while so I thought I recognized one mom, but I wasn't sure, and finally I asked before they thought I was a weird stalker or something. :tongue_smilie:

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And what is it with all the LDS people who practically worship "The 5,000 Leap" by Cleon Skousen? I could not get through it.


Our RS President quotes him all.the.time. about the last days etc. She is my friend so I don't say anything but I do think to myself :001_rolleyes: oh, please. And feel like I should mention to everyone in RS that he is not, was not, does not play on tv, a general authority of any kind. I tried to use the books back in the very beginning to organize the timeline of our homeschool but it was just to weird or something; it was a long time ago and I don't remember. I gave them away in a Goodwill box years ago. I can only imagine what the shoppers at the 2nd hand store thought. :lol:

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OOOOooo, I know who you are. If you ever can come to the one in Orem, I think it's worth it. That new playground is really cool. It's super huge.


I had a heart attack at that park when dd4 (at less than 2 years) disappeared. After I had my phone out to call the police, I spotted her hundreds of yards away in the field. I'm glad she wasn't in the pond or the road, but that park has bad memories. :tongue_smilie:

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I had a heart attack at that park when dd4 (at less than 2 years) disappeared. After I had my phone out to call the police, I spotted her hundreds of yards away in the field. I'm glad she wasn't in the pond or the road, but that park has bad memories. :tongue_smilie:

Do you mean Nielsen's Grove? We just moved it to Windsor instead partially for that reason. Two of our group's kids got lost. (Mine included.) Unless y'all are in a different homeschool group :lol:. The extra shade at Windsor is a great bonus.

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That's exactly what I had to do :lol:. It had been a while so I thought I recognized one mom, but I wasn't sure, and finally I asked before they thought I was a weird stalker or something. :tongue_smilie:


I had a heart attack at that park when dd4 (at less than 2 years) disappeared. After I had my phone out to call the police, I spotted her hundreds of yards away in the field. I'm glad she wasn't in the pond or the road, but that park has bad memories. :tongue_smilie:

It's at Windsor now. Boy, I don't blame you though, that field was HUGE! And the pond made me nervous.

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Yep, it was Nielson's. We haven't been back since and it has been three years. :)


Dd3 & her friend ran off inside of 30 seconds & were found 20 minutes later, skinny-dipping in a fountain base behind some trees. :svengo: :svengo: :svengo: Soooooo it's at Windsor Park now.

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Our RS President quotes him all.the.time. about the last days etc. She is my friend so I don't say anything but I do think to myself :001_rolleyes: oh, please. And feel like I should mention to everyone in RS that he is not, was not, does not play on tv, a general authority of any kind. I tried to use the books back in the very beginning to organize the timeline of our homeschool but it was just to weird or something; it was a long time ago and I don't remember. I gave them away in a Goodwill box years ago. I can only imagine what the shoppers at the 2nd hand store thought. :lol:


This is so reassuring to hear! When my mom's ward was going through this craze I was feeling really guilty that somehow that book was crucial to the salvation of my family and I just.didn't.get.it. Phew, we are still on track for the Celestial Kingdom. ;)

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You have got to be kidding me! Utah is hot! :svengo: (Granted, it's not as hot as AZ, but everything is too hot or too cold for this San Diego native. :tongue_smilie:)



That's what I thought too! And I grew up in MT/WY. I'm kind of liking this springtimey weather we're having this year. Usually it goes from 45 degrees one week to 95 a week or two later. This extended run of 70's with all the nice rain has been lovely. (Well, y'know, except for all the flooding and the fact that nothing in my garden is growing quite right.)


Why are the threads in our social group never this hoppin'? We're obviously a chatty bunch. :lol:

I always forget it's there. :blush:


Holy cow, y'all need to come down to Alabama. It is 95 degrees by 10 am and it's humid! And I'm 6 months pregnant! Cry for me. :crying:


Yeah, lds people are WEIRD. Not us, of course.


I am. I'm weird. Ask anyone who knows me. I don't think it's because I'm LDS, though.

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Also, I'm feeling envious of all you Happy Valley folks and your park meet ups. However, not envious that you are in Happy Valley. Anyone want to meet me in Holladay next month? :001_smile:


Or does anyone want to come to Kyrgyzstan to meet with us? We don't hear anything weird at church because we just get to do our own thing at home. And I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone doing TJE for a thousand miles around. No Skousen books either. Totally safe. :)

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Or does anyone want to come to Kyrgyzstan to meet with us? We don't hear anything weird at church because we just get to do our own thing at home. And I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone doing TJE for a thousand miles around. No Skousen books either. Totally safe. :)


:lol: :lol: :lol: I'd love to take a field trip there!!


And, boo hoo that everyone is in Utah county. I'm up in Davis.

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Also, I'm feeling envious of all you Happy Valley folks and your park meet ups. However, not envious that you are in Happy Valley. Anyone want to meet me in Holladay next month? :001_smile:


We may be moving near that area in February when DH graduates :)


Or does anyone want to come to Kyrgyzstan to meet with us? We don't hear anything weird at church because we just get to do our own thing at home. And I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone doing TJE for a thousand miles around. No Skousen books either. Totally safe. :)


And no Palin rallies, right? :lol:

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That's what I thought too! And I grew up in MT/WY. I'm kind of liking this springtimey weather we're having this year. Usually it goes from 45 degrees one week to 95 a week or two later. This extended run of 70's with all the nice rain has been lovely. (Well, y'know, except for all the flooding and the fact that nothing in my garden is growing quite right.)



I always forget it's there. :blush:




I am. I'm weird. Ask anyone who knows me. I don't think it's because I'm LDS, though.


We have been having lovely weather lately. :) And I like being weird. :tongue_smilie:


Or does anyone want to come to Kyrgyzstan to meet with us? We don't hear anything weird at church because we just get to do our own thing at home. And I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone doing TJE for a thousand miles around. No Skousen books either. Totally safe. :)



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