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Driving Poll

What do you do? What do you expect the driver to do?  

  1. 1. What do you do? What do you expect the driver to do?

    • I pass him on the right. He stays in the left-most lane.
    • I wait for him to move over to the right. I pass him on the left.
    • OTHER, of course.

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Indeed, we were near DC :)

Egads! World's Scariest Driving

Dh and I were shocked to find out that it's not legal to pass someone waiting to turn in NC! You are supposed to sit and wait no matter how long it takes, unless there's actually a second lane that you can move into. We're from MD. :lol:

*snort* We came up through NC after our honeymoon and I found that I become an agressive driver when all around me are put putting. Dh was shocked when I flew up a merge lane (something that I usually scream at other drivers for doing) just so I could cut off a line of people that were doing the speed limit :lol: I just wanted to go five over, five over! Is that TOO MUCH to ask?!? Suffice it to say, we haven't gone back to old North Cacilacky.

Around here we pass people waiting to turn all the time...not sure if it's legal though - I'm assuming it is?:)

I don't believe so, unless there is an actual lane. We do it in town (like I said before), but the lanes are really wide.

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Well, some I ride with, drive so close I feel as though our car will flip over theirs... waiting for the other car to move...



Tailgating is considered aggressive driving and only serves to anger the driver in front of you.


Also, moving over is the last thing I'm going to do with someone so close to me I cannot possibly anticipate their next move (What if they whip over and accelerate just as I start to move?). So, if that is a driver's purpose in tailgating me, it's going to be counterproductive. :glare:

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I learned (also in NY) that the left lane is the passing lane, not the fast lane. People are not supposed to drive in it forever. Slow-poke is supposed to move to the right to allow other cars to pass, so I give him a minute and if he doesn't (grrrr), I will pass on the right. Hey, life is short. ;)


Exactly what I do. Learned to drive in NC. Lived in MA for four years. And now have lived in VA for 14. But, I'll be back in NC in four weeks!

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So I guess getting right behind them and ramming them a couple of time is out? Hey, only if you can't see any carseats in the car.


:lol: My mom used to say that she wished she had a big rubber bumper for times like that.

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I voted other, because ideally the slower driver in the left lane would move over and I would legally pass on the left. However, that isn't always the case. I have and will pass on the right. I don't get in the right lane, pass and then move to the left lane, but get in the right lane and continue driving.


People can be so funny on the roads. On the interstate I typically set my cruise control and stick with one speed. But there are people out there who do NOT like to be passed. Whew!



ETA: I got my permit/license in Maine, but I don't think that has anything to do with how I drive. My mom is a pretty agressive/defensive driver and she's the one who taught me how to drive. I moved to Dallas when I was 18 and have always been a traveler.

Edited by TN Mama
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I move over to the right. Since I learned to drive in No VA in rush hour (since I was one of the older kids in this particular class having a Jan bday) and dh learned with pulling out from parking lots onto highways, we are both used to heavy, bad traffic and driving. I have since been driving in CA, OH, NM, all around Europe including Italy where there is truly crazy driving- like the three backups we saw on highways to get to a missed exit- and we only drove in Italy maybe a total of two weeks in our three years in Europe, FL, and again the DC area. We are moving to Huntsville AL in less than 2 months and my youngest will be learning there. While we know we will be able to teach her mountain driving fine, I think we will have to take a roadtrip to Atlanta maybe to encounter more typical city traffic.

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One of the things I like about NJ is that the big trucks aren't allowed in the Left Lane of a lot of highways. Whenever I drive over the border into Pennsyvania it throws me off because they seem to change lanes with little warning.


You mean they actually follow that rule?? There is a stretch of interstate between my mom's house and my house that is marked this way. It's a steep grade and trucks are supposed to stay right, but they don't and often everyone else is made to go 20 miles+ under the speed limit. Don't love it. Nope.

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