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9th Grade plans...what do you think?

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We will not be using A Beka for high school this fall. Here's what I've got planned. What do you think?



English, History and Bible- Notgrass- Exploring World History, In Their Words and Windows of the World(IEW).


Science- Apologia-Physical Science


Math- Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1


Latin- Henle Latin 1


SAT Question of the Day


Physical Education-1 semester/Health-1 semester-The President's Challenge, sports and a study on our bodies--still working on this one.


I would really appreciate your feedback.

Thanks bunches!:001_smile:

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I think it looks realistic and complete.


Are you going to divide the physical education and the Health into two semesters or will you do them concurrently throughout the year? The reason I mention it is because my kids seem to like having a few courses where they spend a little less time weekly, so for some things we'll do what could be one semester of work over two semesters. Plus, phys-ed could be a nice break from the academics throughout the year. Either way, the credits still add up the same.

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I think it looks great, because it's quite similar to my own 9th grade plan! :D


We're doing:

Notgrass World History

IEW writing

Windows to the World

review of some weak areas in math, followed by TT Algebra 1

Apologia Physical Science

art ("How to Look at and Understand Great Art" lectures from Great Courses, plus Artistic Pursuits Senior High Book 1)

Beginning Japanese



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I think it looks good too - cuz it's similar to mine as well:


Bible/History/English - My Father's World AHL (which is going to be here tomorrow - yea!!)

Math - TT Alg 1 and LOF Beg. Alg

Science - Chem at co-op - was going to be Science Shepherd Bio - but taking advantage of an awesome science teacher!

For. Lang - Visual Link Spanish (I think)


Speech & Debate at co-op

Youth and Gov't at Y (I think)

Guitar and Piano lessons, cont...

a possible Computer Prog. class...

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