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No dilemma, just looking for ideas regarding personal organization

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I have what some non-homeschoolers would consider a large family. 4 children and a husband who works from home so we are all here all day.


I feel like I am constantly reacting instead of being proactive regarding household order and a rhythm to my weeks. Do you have some threads/websites/hints that have helped you become more organized and less reactive to the things that come up in your day? I have been reading through flylady's daily stuff and feel like keeping my home clean is not a problem. Our house is guest ready almost every day (quite an accomplishment since there are so many of us here).


Our home is clean - beacause I work like crazy to keep it so. We have good food - sometimes because I make two/three days and cook a bunch. Our laundry is done almost every day (washed and put away) so that's not a problem. I'm not talking about the cleanliness/order of my family. I mean me :))))


Some things that frustrate me:

I don't make a regular grocery list and have a trip to town day. Sometimes our library videos are late (gasp) and things like that. Regular haircuts, doc appts, dentists, etc. get forgotten. I hardly EVER send a birthday card and have forgotten, 3/4 in the past year. Our family calendar is filled with each person's commitments and we rarely miss something (yay!) but again, I react to the current and next day there :) My husband is eating a ton of veggies/fruit and is always looking for what's to eat since keeping us stocked requires a trip to town (25 mins away). The kids eat when there is a stockpile of groceries and it seems we never have "enough".


I'd love to hear how you all have overcome the neediness of a large family and gotten yourself to a point where you feel like you are proactively managing your days.

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I use a website called Plan to Eat for my meal planning. It lets you store your own recipes (which you can very easily add from online source or even share friends' recipes) and then drag and drop them into a calendar for planning. You can generate a shopping list from your meal plan and then print it out or access it on your cell.


I try lots of things, but rarely stick with them if they are not REALLY simple to use. This has been a life-changer in the area of meal planning for me. I've been using it for right at a year now.

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Oh, and I'm a big fan of Google Calendars. I set it up to notify me in advance of things like due dates. I get email reminders and text reminders on my phone.


Oh, and you can also set up your Plan to Eat planning calendar to show up on Google Calendars. It's a big plus for me since my kids can access it too on their Google Calendars. It cuts down on the question "What's for dinner?" so much....and with 5 kids and a husband, I sometimes hear that question 6 times a day :001_smile:

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Wow! I have just begun exploring Plan to Eat. I have my recipes in and have actually planned two/three weeks. I kindof (meaning I did it once but now forget) sent it to my droid and was able to pull up the shopping list. I loved it!

But that was just a week, lol.


I guess I should start another thread on diligence. Lol.:001_huh:


Just came back here after being at google calendar to edit my post and say I have the technology. It's the know how I struggle with. Oh yes, and the inputting of info...regularly.


Would you like to be friends at Plan to Eat? If you've been using it for a while, you must have some things there that are working for you. (Warning: if we were to become friends, you might get asked how might we become friends there, lol). I have some awesome recipes at least :) to offer in exchange for your help.

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I recently read a book called Confessions of an Organized Homemaker and found it to be very helpful. Her organizational strategy was to get a 3-ring binder and store everything in there. I print off a month view calendar and then use regular notebook paper for the day to day view (it's the only thing big enough!). Then I keep track of what chores I want to do, appointments we need to keep (along with the address, phone number and any other info I need when we're there), which library books are due, and anything else pertinent to that particular day. I also have a running to-do list in the front so I never forget what I had intended on doing. I would recommend the book. I was in the same situation. My house is clean and my life is in order, but I just felt like I could be more organized with my life!

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You need a personal calendar to organize the stuff you describe, a little one that is just yours and fits in your purse.


And you need to buy a WHOLE lot of food once a week, which is mostly what I do. I am a stockpiler so food is not a problem. :D You need to stockpile. Go to the store, plan on spending a lot of money to stock up and buy a bunch of canned, jarred, frozen, non perishable foods so you always have something on hand to make for dinner, even if you dont' plan ahead. Buy five packages of ground beef, divide it into one pound sections and freeze it. Do the same with large bags of chicken breasts...or just buy a large bag of the frozen ones. Buy 8 cans of pineapple, mandarin oranges, etc. so you have fruit on hand when you run out of fresh.

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Would you like to be friends at Plan to Eat? If you've been using it for a while, you must have some things there that are working for you. (Warning: if we were to become friends, you might get asked how might we become friends there, lol). I have some awesome recipes at least :) to offer in exchange for your help.


Just go to the recipe page in your account and there is a tab at the top that says "friends". Click on that tab and you will see a button on the top left that says "add more friends". Click that and then enter my user name MandyMom. It will send me an email and I will approve you to be a friend. Once that's done, you can open the "Friends" page and it will show you all of my recipes. You can then "save" any of mine that you want to show up in your recipe list.


And feel free to ask any questions you want. I don't use all the features that the site offers (like saving whole week meal plans, although I really should start) but I can usually answer them.


Also, looking for a good tutorial on Google Calendars for you. It's a great tool, but I'm much more of a hands on teacher or just answering specific teachers. It's hard for me to just type it all out.

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You need a personal calendar to organize the stuff you describe, a little one that is just yours and fits in your purse.




I've had those, and they just never get used. That's why I like Google Calendars and my phone. It sends me audible alerts that are much harder to ignore :001_smile:

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I use the Plan to Eat site too. But I print off my grocery list, I can't do it with the phone.


I downloaded the Chore Checklist Lite app to my android and it is AMAZING!!! It has an everyday checklist and a weekly checklist and a monthly and maybe even a quarterly. You can delete and move things around. It's everything I've tried to set up on paper, but wasn't good at long-term follow through. This is so much easier.


I've taken to writing down all the chores for the day on my whiteboard ($3 cheap one from Staples hung up in a FREQUENTLY used part of my house). Then I get to cross them off when I do them. I like crossing things off, then at the end of the day I can look and see what I DID accomplish and not worry too much about what I didn't.


So far as diligence, every day just keep trying. Getting something done is better than getting nothing done. Celebrate the success, don't dwell on the failures.

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I've had those, and they just never get used. That's why I like Google Calendars and my phone. It sends me audible alerts that are much harder to ignore :001_smile:


I'm not very techy so the paper calendar in my purse works well for me. :tongue_smilie:It never leaves my purse so I always have access to it.

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I've had those, and they just never get used. That's why I like Google Calendars and my phone. It sends me audible alerts that are much harder to ignore :001_smile:




And if your kids have e-mail, you can send them alerts too. ("Don't forget to give your dog her heart worm meds today").


It even has possibilities for husbands. :D

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Hmmm. To rely on technology means to be dependent on it, doesn't it :glare:


I'm not sure I like where I'm headed...though it sounds good so far. I just don't want to be one of those moms on her phone, kwim?

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Hmmm. To rely on technology means to be dependent on it, doesn't it :glare:


I'm not sure I like where I'm headed...though it sounds good so far. I just don't want to be one of those moms on her phone, kwim?


I guess I see it no difference in a calendar on my computer/phone and a paper calendar for me except that one gets used and one doesn't. :001_smile:


Anything can be overused I guess, but I just see technology as a tool. For me, it makes things more efficient and I actually get things done. If I could remember everything in my head, I would! :lol:


I agree that it can be taken overboard (on the phone/computer all the time), I just don't have time to let it get that way.

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Goodee. I'm in.

Thanks for your help. I had those tools, I think I just need to utilize them more efficiently.


Thanks everyone, really for the replies. I'll be checking back later to see what others might have added.

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I use a website called Plan to Eat for my meal planning. It lets you store your own recipes (which you can very easily add from online source or even share friends' recipes) and then drag and drop them into a calendar for planning. You can generate a shopping list from your meal plan and then print it out or access it on your cell.


I have really wanted to try this, but the price keeps stopping me. Do you really think it is worth the price? I keep thinking I will find an app for my iphone that is comparable but cheaper. So far no luck.

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I will say I personally love the Plan to Eat site!

The owner/creator is amazing at getting right back to you about questions.


Like anything the start up is a bit more timely than the rest of the process. Entering your recipes is a pain but not so bad. Not a pain because of the software/mostly because it's just work to do.


Now, though, I have them. Entered. No worries of getting sauce on them. Easy upload process from alot of major websites that have recipes. Easy bulk entry from food blogs. Pictures!!! and notes, sources, etc.

I love the planner and list functions - simple drag and drop stuff.


Yep, well worth it.

Now to use it!

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"write all the birthday cards for the month at the beginning of the month, and have them ready to send on the appropriate day. You write the date to send them under where the stamp goes, and put them by your calendar (I have a little pocket on the wall by our wall calendar). Keep an eye on the dates on the cards (or write SEND CARD on the right date on the calendar) and pop that addressed envelope out of the pocket, put a stamp over the date and send it on."



This is a wonderful idea! Thank you. VERY helpful and I'm going to the store today! Though I could use a page protector for the pocket and already have cards. Now just to buy stamps.

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I have really wanted to try this, but the price keeps stopping me. Do you really think it is worth the price? I keep thinking I will find an app for my iphone that is comparable but cheaper. So far no luck.


For me, it is worth it because it me from running to the closest store to pick up whatever for dinner or from just going out to eat. It also saves me TONS of time and stress, from meal planning to grocery shopping (I love the grocery list maker).


I looked for over a year to find a good program/app that would help me with meal planning. I tried and really liked E-Mealz, but with that, all the meals are already planned for you. While they were things that my family would mostly eat, I didn't like the rigidity of not using my own recipes.


There were several free programs that I tried as well, but Plan to Eat has so much more functionality and ease of use that it is something that I actually follow through with. That's key for me!


And the creator of the website is wonderful. He actually created it for his wife and decided to make a business out of it. He is very responsive and continually upgrading things.


You can always try it for 30 days without ever entering any financial/credit card info (a lot of sites make you enter this info and then cancel before the 30 days is up....not PTE). If it doesn't work for you, there is no more commitment from you.

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To me it sounds like you are missing the early piece in your day when you do long range and short-term planning. You can have all of the tools at your disposal, but if you don't stop for 15 minutes day to be purposeful about your time, you may still feel that you are hopping from one event to the next with small things dropping through the cracks.


Try ending each day with 10 minutes at your calendar assessing what needs to happen tomorrow, which meals you ahve planned. Make a quick list, taks stuff out of the freezer and then go to sleep and forget about it. The next day take 5 min to review and think about when each item will get done. On Mondays, I look ahead 10 days into my calendar for birthdays, anniversaries and such.

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To me it sounds like you are missing the early piece in your day when you do long range and short-term planning. You can have all of the tools at your disposal, but if you don't stop for 15 minutes day to be purposeful about your time, you may still feel that you are hopping from one event to the next with small things dropping through the cracks.


Try ending each day with 10 minutes at your calendar assessing what needs to happen tomorrow, which meals you ahve planned. Make a quick list, taks stuff out of the freezer and then go to sleep and forget about it. The next day take 5 min to review and think about when each item will get done. On Mondays, I look ahead 10 days into my calendar for birthdays, anniversaries and such.


:iagree: The OP sounds just like me (minus one dc)! I often have the same issue of reacting to our schedule, and I just realized that I need to take a few minutes EVERY day and think through the calendar. Looking forward, what do I need to prepare, make, buy, call, arrange, etc? Who needs to be where when and how does that impact the rest of us?

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