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Last day of school


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I know many of you have recently finished a school year or are about to finish a school year. I'm looking for fun ideas to incorporate into the last day of school. Our last day of school won't involve any formal work so I'm looking for some celebratory ideas.


Someone gave me the idea for our first day of school activities. We had a box day where new school books were wrapped as presents. We also had first day of school pictures and played games together. The opening of presents was a hit. So I'm looking for some ways to wrap up our school year and have another hit on my hands;) Any ideas?

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We are planning a big water balloon fight. I have been holding off on water balloons, telling them they have to wait until it is at least 90...so they are actually very excited about "early" water balloons.


Also, with friends that do MFW, a Hawaii themed dinner party to celebrate finishing MFW Adventures. (Hawaii is the last state.)

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Every year except for the last one we would go to the local Children's Museum. Last year we couldn't because they were doing a huge remodel. We're all very excited because they are finally reopening tomorrow and we'll get our end of year field trip back!

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Thanks for this thread! This is our first year of home schooling and I hadn't really thought of an end of year celebration just for our family. What a great thing to do as we do need to celebrate finishing a year.


I think a trip to a special park with a picnic and ice cream on the way home may work. To start it as a yearly tradition is a great idea too!

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