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Pros and cons of Teaching Textbooks for Math, Please!!

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trying to consider changing from Abeka to TT math. Son is going to 7th grade and hates math. He can do it,but is lazy, careless and slow about it. I am considering TT for the online appeal and he liked the samples. BUT< I have heard that it is behind other programs, but then I hear the kids that use it are aceing their college prep tests. Thank you in advance

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Pro's: my son loved it and understood it better than any other math program we ever used....(only Algrebra 1 - Pre Calc)


He was able to carry what he learned in TT over into other texts and higher level math


Pro or con depending how you view it: it is not as "rigorous" as other math books. This was a plus for us...because we needed to understand what we were doing. I don't think it was easier...just more in plain language. My son and I both appreciated the step by step solutions for every, single problem...including tests.


Cons: not enough word problems


It was very independent...and my son would get way ahead of me, so I couldn't catch what he was missing repeatedly...and it would throw me off grading and I was also out of his math loop. We had to back up and repeat sections because iphe thought he understood something, but he didn't.


Those are just my thought off the top of my head....


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Interesting you would say not enough story problems because we just tested this week and I thought my son would struggle with this area. He aced it! I was surprised.

He did miss many of the fraction questions though in the basic math area :glare: So we'll be beefing that area up with Key to fractions I think.

Not that TT doesn't teach fractions, it's just an area that my son has a harder time with. That was the only area of math he missed though.


He just completed TT 6 and started TT 7 a few weeks ago. (he also did TT5 FYI)


My son really likes TT so I really like TT ;)


I think if you really want a high level math program that you'll be doing calculus in 10th gr then this is not for you.

if you want a good basic math that will give your child a well rounded math education, this is a good choice.

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My 9 year old LOVES it, my 11 year old HATED it.


If you asked me a few months ago, I would say it was great for kids that like to use the computer. However, as my daughter is learning new concepts (like multiplying 3-4 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers and division) I am finding that she is not getting it. It was fine to reinforce what she already knew, but as far as learning something new, not so much.:confused:


Also, although I love the grading system in that I don't have to do it, I have no idea what she is learning and although she gets 90s, if she is getting the same kinds of problems wrong over and over...it takes a lot of digging on my end to get this info.


It could just be my daughter, as she may need to "see" things or have manipulatives for new concepts.


We are on break now and then I am starting her on Math U See Gamma

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I think that once the new pre algebra and algebra levels come out that the "concerns" about rigor should disappear. The new reworked programs will cover more concepts.


The early years of math, gr 3-7, are pretty basic and the material presented by TT seems good to me in those years.


My ds is doing Lial's pre algebra after 3 yrs of TT math and has had no issues with arithmetic. The only snafu we had was the whole new experience of copying a problem from a book to a paper. TT presents one problem on the screen to copy on your scrap paper at a time, which made copying it easier (less cluttered page).


We never used the textbooks for TT.

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I think that once the new pre algebra and algebra levels come out that the "concerns" about rigor should disappear. The new reworked programs will cover more concepts.




This is why I sold my current pre-algebra and waiting on the new one. Not only will the grading be easier, but I'm encouraged by the "new and expanded lessons."

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I think that once the new pre algebra and algebra levels come out that the "concerns" about rigor should disappear. The new reworked programs will cover more concepts.

According to this post on the HS board, staff at TT said the TOC was reorganized but the content was unchanged:

I just got off the phone with Teaching Textbooks. They said that the content is the same - the only change is the automated grading for Pre-Algebra and Algebra I. The rep said that they look different from the table of contents, but that all the same content is there, with no major changes. She said they should be available by July.



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My ds thought that the nasally voice was annoying and didn't like how the program talked down to him.


As far as academics, it is a sound program and shouldn't really be compared by level since it covers things in it's own sequence, hence why some say it is "behind." If you continue with it through high school, your son will cover everything that needs to be covered for higher math. Every math program is different and teaches things differently, and with a different sequence. The problem most students have is the jumping around from one program to another.


If your ds doesn't like what you're using now, you might buy TT directly from them and try it out for a few weeks and see if it works for him. If not, you can return it for a full refund. We bought ours directly from TT and they happily honored the return policy with us.

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I suggest you read this thread:




I'm a huge fan of Teaching Textbooks, and I started that thread I just linked you to after I got my daughter's standardized test results back for this year and wanted to show how well she did on the math portion of the test after a year of Teaching Textbooks.


Plenty of other people in that thread chimed in to say how well their kids had done, too.


Check it out. :)

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