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Canadians - whoo hoo - eh :)


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For those of you who have/watch the dvd set Canada: A People's History, what age range do you recommend it for? Is this a "must have"? I've never seen it. I was actually Canadian born and lived there until I was 27, when I got married and moved to the US, so I definitely want to do plenty of Canadian history!

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For those of you who have/watch the dvd set Canada: A People's History, what age range do you recommend it for? Is this a "must have"? I've never seen it. I was actually Canadian born and lived there until I was 27, when I got married and moved to the US, so I definitely want to do plenty of Canadian history!


My 10 and ups will watch it; I don't tend to show my younger kids.

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My 10 and ups will watch it; I don't tend to show my younger kids.


Thanks Carla.


I wonder if anyone can give a recommendation for the best place to buy this (aka the cheapest place to buy the entire set while keeping shipping to the US reasonable). An alternative, if shipping is cost prohibitive, I can have the set shipped to my parents in Alberta, and they can bring it this Christmas.

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Thanks Carla.


I wonder if anyone can give a recommendation for the best place to buy this (aka the cheapest place to buy the entire set while keeping shipping to the US reasonable). An alternative, if shipping is cost prohibitive, I can have the set shipped to my parents in Alberta, and they can bring it this Christmas.


It looks like buying directly from the cbc is about $2-$3 dollars cheaper per set:




I'm having trouble finding their shipping options, though.


The Learning House does carry them, too, and I've always found their shipping reasonable.

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I wonder if anyone can give a recommendation for the best place to buy this (aka the cheapest place to buy the entire set while keeping shipping to the US reasonable). An alternative, if shipping is cost prohibitive, I can have the set shipped to my parents in Alberta, and they can bring it this Christmas.


ADS that I linked earlier seems to carry them for about the same price as the website CarlaJoy linked.




This is their shipping policy locally. You could contact them for US rates if you want to explore getting them sent directly to you:




I would look to see if you could find Alberta suppliers that your parents may be close enough to pick up directly from. Perhaps those in Alberta could recommend some :).


ETA: The above link directly to all the DVD's did not work. You could use the search engine or use this to at least link to the first one.



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Ha! I am a smilie geek ;). Even in email! :O! Sometimes I think it makes me look cheesy! I do it because I am a naturally gregarious person when I'm socializing - have to get that across somehow. Hey, could you give us a report after you've seen the book? I haven't seen it myself, but if it's good I'd like to get it before it's OOP. :)


I'm not as gregarious as I used to be when I was younger :lol: but I do speak a lot with my hands. PMing you. I had an idea.

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Just a quick update. I ordered the Donalda Dickie book from Homeschool and More in Canada - wow, the woman could not have been nicer. We actually had a nice chat about my home country :) The book is only $20 from her, and she charged me just over $7 to ship to California (she got a quote from the post office). What a deal!


I asked her about the other books I have which are Spirit of Canada and The Story of Canada and she said both are good and that I was lucky to buy them last year as both companies are now out of business! She said they are trying to convince the publisher to do another printing of Donalda Dickie books, but she said she has a box left so if anyone wants one before they're gone, definitely call her.


Oh, she also recommended A Pioneer Sampler, which we have currently from the library.


I also went ahead and ordered Canada A People's History dvd set from a reseller on Amazon (brand new). I got the entire set for less than $120 shipped. I can't wait. I feel like we are set for Canadian history for a while. This is definitely my kind of curriculum.

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Just a quick update. I ordered the Donalda Dickie book from Homeschool and More in Canada - wow, the woman could not have been nicer. We actually had a nice chat about my home country :) The book is only $20 from her, and she charged me just over $7 to ship to California (she got a quote from the post office). What a deal!


I asked her about the other books I have which are Spirit of Canada and The Story of Canada and she said both are good and that I was lucky to buy them last year as both companies are now out of business! She said they are trying to convince the publisher to do another printing of Donalda Dickie books, but she said she has a box left so if anyone wants one before they're gone, definitely call her.


Oh, she also recommended A Pioneer Sampler, which we have currently from the library.


I also went ahead and ordered Canada A People's History dvd set from a reseller on Amazon (brand new). I got the entire set for less than $120 shipped. I can't wait. I feel like we are set for Canadian history for a while. This is definitely my kind of curriculum.


The price for Donalda Dickie's book is the same as anywhere else that has been linked here but the $7 shipping is excellent :). I had ordered the Spirit of Canada through Amazon.ca but ended up cancelling it because it was slowing down our Rosetta Stone order. I will try it again at a later date and if worse comes to worse I will just use it from the library. The Story of Canada, if you mean Lunn's book, there are still some available and Chapters Indigo still has copies as well. Our library carries that too so I am not going to worry too much. I do not need that one for now. It is very irritating though that all these books are going out of print. What will be left for us to teach Canadian history :confused:!

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Is the Spirit of Canada really going out of print? Many, that bites. I hate having to order books just because I don't want to have to hunt for OOPs.


I did buy the Donalda Dickie, but shipping to me from CHER was $14 and we are in the same province. Canada Post really sucks :(. Shipping to the US is actually cheaper than shipping within Canada a lot of the time.

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I'm a Canadian!!


Check out Donna Ward. We are using her Canada, My Country along with a lot of the recommended books for an intro to Canadian geography, and I'm going to throw a short history book in - the OOP one by Isabel Barclay that a sweet hive member traded me :).


Donna Ward has Courage and Conquest for a history program - haven't used it, but looks good.



We will be using Courage & Conquest next year. I plan to fit it in as a unit study.

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Is the Spirit of Canada really going out of print? Many, that bites. I hate having to order books just because I don't want to have to hunt for OOPs.


I did buy the Donalda Dickie, but shipping to me from CHER was $14 and we are in the same province. Canada Post really sucks :(. Shipping to the US is actually cheaper than shipping within Canada a lot of the time.


Homeschool and More's minimum shipping appears to be $8.50. ADS, where I am getting ours from wants $14 just like you said. It is why I am just going to pick it up at our convention. I would rather pay $10 and have the opportunity to go to the convention than to pay it on shipping when they are not that far from me. Their hours and days of operation are just not convenient for me for pick up. I had seen that ADS carried it and they say in their site that it is out of print but I still refused to pay the shipping and just waited. I hate being forced to buy things just because they are going out of print also.


As for Spirit of Canada, when I had ordered it through Amazon it said 1 to 2 months for shipping. It was why I cancelled it. They currently have 4 copies in stock but I won't be rushing to get it since I don't need it till next year. I have several "Kids Book of..." books on my list for next year and I will order it when I am ready to order those. If it is gone, so be it. I will use it from the library. Our library system has four copies.


Janet Lunn's, I am just not going to worry about either. I won't be needing it for a while. Our library has many many copies. I am not going to spend money for something I don't need right now. I am just getting Donalda Dickie's book because I have heard many good things about it and we will be using it next year.


At this point with all these books going out of print I am really going to take a close look at Modern History Through Canadian Eyes and see if it is worth even getting it. I mean if everything they recommend is going out of print why bother :tongue_smilie:! I think I will be taking a closer look at Courage and Conquest while at the convention. Maybe I'll just go for that instead :). I could get the download and save some money too or just buy it at the convention. This is starting to sound better and better at this point.

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We will be using Courage & Conquest next year. I plan to fit it in as a unit study.


Now you have me thinking... ;)! This could work well with TOG.

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I just finished my first year homeschooling a grade 7 History buff. We used the Pearson History and Geography filp book as a spine. I was at a loss as to what to use and thus took a look at the Ontario trillium listed textbooks for schools. For history, I food that the DVDs Canada A People's History were excellent and many of the facts presented on the DVD corresponded with sections in the text.

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Well, I found a Janet Lunn used at Amazon.ca for $5.72 (hardcover) so I bought it...($6.51 shipping) - there are still a few left there for a good price used if you get the hardcover (which I think is an older edition....possibly, hence the lower price - the paperbacks are listed for $122...ummm, no - Chapters does have them in stock online, I checked - $25 or so).


Also bought the Spirit of Canada - couldn't help myself CHER has it for $39, but Amazon.ca for $18.

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Well, I found a Janet Lunn used at Amazon.ca for $5.72 (hardcover) so I bought it...($6.51 shipping) - there are still a few left there for a good price used if you get the hardcover (which I think is an older edition....possibly, hence the lower price - the paperbacks are listed for $122...ummm, no - Chapters does have them in stock online, I checked - $25 or so).


Also bought the Spirit of Canada - couldn't help myself CHER has it for $39, but Amazon.ca for $18.


Yep, I am going to try for Spirit of Canada later in the year also, through Amazon. I am not paying $39 for it. I really like it but not badly enough to pay $39 for it :tongue_smilie: plus shipping. I also want the Janet Lunn book but I have a huge order still to place later in the year (around October). I won't even bother telling you what my total is like for the year. Just to give you an idea though, we have already spent over $1,000 ($500 from our school) and we are far from being done. I just cannot afford to add stuff I will not be using this year. I do intend to use Spirit of Canada though so this is why I want that one soon. I will wait and hope for the best with Lunn's book.


I went to Donna Ward's website and looked at Courage and Conquest and Canada's Natives Long Ago over and over again and I don't think it will work for me for this year. I took out SOTW because it would have been too much using both Volumes 2 and 3 with TOG. If I got Donna Ward I would have to use Canada's Natives and part of Courage and Conquest. Way... too much with TOG. I will revisit them when we are on our second cycle though. I'll check them out at the convention but doubtful that I will get either one for now. So... it looks like I will be going it alone again with the resources I had planned.

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That is JUST what I was thinking about MHTCE too Marie! Umm, but that is why I'm buying these books now ;).


Actually, I decided against MHTCE. I just looked it over and will take a closer look at the convention but I think it is out. At this point I would probably get something from Donna Ward before getting MHTCE. I went looking for the resources in their sample and was not finding some of them on Amazon so at this point I am wondering what will happen by the time we are in our second cycle. I am not about to buy all the resources on there now just to use MHTCE. I am sure I will find alternative resources when the time comes. Also, I don't buy used online. It's just me. I hate buying without seeing. The only used I buy at this point are through our library and those are only 10Ă‚Â¢ each :lol:. Anyway, I better run and get ready :auto:. Enjoy your books :).

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Ach. I hear you Marie. I won't be using these books this year either...well, maybe...but I just keep adding to our Canada studies and it is taking me longer than I wanted already. DD opted to do the 'optional' notebooking I told her she could do IF she wanted to, so it is taking...longer. She takes a long time to do 'projecty' type things - including notebook pages. We are still in the Maritimes. (Starting from East to West because we are using Canada, My Country as a loose spine). Hopefully we will be finished Nova Scotia...SOON, we have been stalled out on that province forever ;). I think DD is afraid to go into Quebec (she has mentioned not wanting to take 'Bucky' there several times due to the homeschooling persecution taking place there). Ah, homeschooling politics tie-ins to geography studies. ;)


It could be that our library has some of these too, but we just can't do the library. We don't go to town regularly enough, and my little people are rough on books. The last time we got out 'family books' at our local library my 2.75 year old (then 1.5) tore ONE big page of a picture book in half and we had to pay like $18 for it. Hah. Now you know my secret about why we ACTUALLY don't use the library ;). Okay - it's true that the collection there just isn't great - there are only like 3,000 people in the entire county after all. Considering that, it's a great collection!


I'm hearing you about spending too. I try not to keep track TOO closely on that....;).

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Is the Spirit of Canada really going out of print? Many, that bites. I hate having to order books just because I don't want to have to hunt for OOPs.



Spirit of Canada went out of print once and then got reprinted. I'm hopeful that it will happen again. Story of Canada has been available through Scholastic but in a 3 book format rather than one book (it says in the flyers that it is not available through stores). From what I can tell by perusing someone else's set of 3, the content is largely the same as the book I have.

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Just a plug for Barbara Greenwood's books also. I just quickly read Factory Girl (from the library) and her writing style is really good and informative. She has all the Pioneer Sampler books also, but seems she has quite a few more. Something to check for at your local library!

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Spirit of Canada went out of print once and then got reprinted. I'm hopeful that it will happen again. Story of Canada has been available through Scholastic but in a 3 book format rather than one book (it says in the flyers that it is not available through stores). From what I can tell by perusing someone else's set of 3, the content is largely the same as the book I have.


I agree with you about The Spirit of Canada. If it is out of print, I really hope they reprint it. It's a wonderful collection and would be a shame if it disappeared. With Story of Canada I came across a new revised edition (2007) soft cover for $34.95 at the convention. For the price it was not worth it. It is a cheaper quality reprint and seems to be the one offered by Chapters here.




While I would consider paying $23 for it, as far as I am concerned it was not worth $34.95. They had a vendor at our convention with used books and I scored some great deals for new (never used) and very good condition books. However, the lady told me I missed a Story of Canada hardcover older edition for $12 that she sold about an hour or so before I got to her booth :banghead:. She said she will keep her eyes open for me though and will save me one for next year if I want (they are from Winnipeg).


Hey, by the way fellow Canadians from Winnipeg, congratulations on your new hockey team :hurray:.


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Ach. I hear you Marie. I won't be using these books this year either...well, maybe...but I just keep adding to our Canada studies and it is taking me longer than I wanted already. DD opted to do the 'optional' notebooking I told her she could do IF she wanted to, so it is taking...longer. She takes a long time to do 'projecty' type things - including notebook pages. We are still in the Maritimes. (Starting from East to West because we are using Canada, My Country as a loose spine). Hopefully we will be finished Nova Scotia...SOON, we have been stalled out on that province forever. I think DD is afraid to go into Quebec (she has mentioned not wanting to take 'Bucky' there several times due to the homeschooling persecution taking place there). Ah, homeschooling politics tie-ins to geography studies.


It could be that our library has some of these too, but we just can't do the library. We don't go to town regularly enough, and my little people are rough on books. The last time we got out 'family books' at our local library my 2.75 year old (then 1.5) tore ONE big page of a picture book in half and we had to pay like $18 for it. Hah. Now you know my secret about why we ACTUALLY don't use the library. Okay - it's true that the collection there just isn't great - there are only like 3,000 people in the entire county after all. Considering that, it's a great collection!


I'm hearing you about spending too. I try not to keep track TOO closely on that...


As someone whose favorite part of her past life profession was budgeting, reporting, making spreadsheets, graphs... I enjoy doing this. Add to that my obsession for planning and having a road map of where I am headed and there.is.just.no.way I could not keep close tabs on what I buy and what I spend on it ;).


As for MHTCE, I did not buy it and will not be buying it. Blame it on TOG :tongue_smilie:. I am spoiled now and nothing is good enough. I did not find it worth the cost for something I have already been doing on my own. The activities etc. are just suggestions I could come up with on my own. As for the rest of the book it is just a booklist by topic. I can do that myself. I would not get much use out of this book so I did not see the need to buy it.


The First History of Canada by Donalda Dickie? Now there is one I had no problem spending the money for. It is a little book (about the size of a paperback novel) and about 220 pages but it is loaded with information and I like the narrative. I snatched that one :). Did I tell you the other benefit of going to the convention? No taxes :D!


I also took the time to go over Donna Wards Natives and Courage and Conquest. I was thinking of perhaps getting Natives for this coming year and leaving Courage and Conquest for the following. My goal was to put more emphasis this coming year on our native people of Canada anyway (we only did a brief this past year with a main focus on our BC natives), and I thought it might work for me. Again, I just found them to be a booklist with what to read when, although at least these had some decent activities. The format would not work for me either. Many of the books I already had on my list that I had found on my own since this past year anyway. I was expecting more! Like I said, TOG has spoiled me :lol:.


So it looks like any kind of Canadian type curriculum is out for me and I will be going it alone. I wish Marcia Somerville would consider adding a small Canadian history tie in to TOG! That would definitely be worth my dollar :D!


Yah, the littles we need to watch! Malcolm is pretty good with books. He has been since about 19 months but I am still very careful with library books. Adrian takes his to his private library next to his bed and the others I watch. He will carefully flip through pages on his own but has had accidents where a page got caught somewhere, started to rip and so he finished it off :banghead:. That has been with our books though. I don't let him handle library books on his own.

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If anyone is considering My First History of Canada, since it is out of print anyway, perhaps I could post the table of contents for you (if it would help) and a sample page. I am not sure if this is against copyright laws though so I hope I don't get in trouble :tongue_smilie:. Anyway, if anyone is interested let me know.

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I would love to see the Table of Contents for My First History of Canada. I am considering it for my boys, grade 2 and grade 4 next year. We have done almost no Canadian history so far. Thanks!


Not a problem. I need to get some sleep but will post it some time during the day :). Stay tuned...

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...and here it is.


My First History of Canada by Donalda Dickie & Rudiger Krause (illustrated by Lloyd Scott)


Table of Contents:



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Here's the opening:




Note to moderators: If my attachments violate policies in any way, please accept my apologies. I am just posting them to help those that may be interested in ordering the book, get an idea of whether it will work for them or not. Please delete if I am in any way in violation.


ETA: I am dissapointed! They are not zooming in. I will have to try a different way.

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My apologies to anyone that was looking forward to this. I tried two different types of files. The one would not upload (the files were too big) and the other is what you see in the previous attachments. I can't put any more time into this but if you find a supplier you will be buying from perhaps they could send you a few scanned pages to look at.


My apologies once again. I tried... :( All the best to everyone :).

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Thanks much for trying. We ended up near CHER today (Canadian Home Education Resources; I live in Calgary), so I popped in and checked the book out it person. And then bought it! It looks perfect for my two boys for next year, along with Canada, My Country (which I also bought). I've got a few other resources kicking around (Wow Canada, Kids Book of Canada, etc.) so I think we are good to go for our first intro to Canadian history/geography. (That is, other than real life travel, visiting Heritage Park, Fort Edmonton, etc. which we've done lots of.) Thanks much to this board for the wonderful discussion and getting me excited about a subject that does not come naturally to any of us in this house. We're math / science / logic / language geeks. :-)

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Thanks much for trying. We ended up near CHER today (Canadian Home Education Resources; I live in Calgary), so I popped in and checked the book out it person. And then bought it! It looks perfect for my two boys for next year, along with Canada, My Country (which I also bought). I've got a few other resources kicking around (Wow Canada, Kids Book of Canada, etc.) so I think we are good to go for our first intro to Canadian history/geography. (That is, other than real life travel, visiting Heritage Park, Fort Edmonton, etc. which we've done lots of.) Thanks much to this board for the wonderful discussion and getting me excited about a subject that does not come naturally to any of us in this house. We're math / science / logic / language geeks. :-)


:hurray: So glad you got to check it out for yourself. I really liked it also and was very excited when I got to check it out in person. We are using some of the Kids Book of... books next year also (starting early 2012) along with some Natives books I used parts of this past year. Oh.. and the Spirit of Canada, which I am hoping to get later this year. The issue we have is that we use TOG, which is a very full program so I have to be careful how much I add to it. Using another curriculum alongside it would not work for us so this is why I think my best option is to go it alone. Hope you have a fun year :)!

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I've been really frustrated with the lack of Canadian history/geo curriculum to.

I'm planning to use Canada My Country next year. After we finish that I'll probably use DW Native history book.

But since I'm not a workbook fan, I'll be trying to add in lots of reading and activities.

I'm trying to plan away to follow CMC using a style similar to FIAR, since we have enjoyed that so much.


I'm hoping to start Canadian history after we do a Native study.

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Have you looked at the Canadian Flyer series (similar to Magic Tree House, but Cdn)? Mine liked them a lot when younger (grade 1-2). My friend says her daughter, age 8, loves the Dear Canada series of novels as well. And there's Kayak magazine too, which I sometimes pick up at the library and leave around the house for the boys to pick up.

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Have you looked at the Canadian Flyer series (similar to Magic Tree House, but Cdn)? Mine liked them a lot when younger (grade 1-2). My friend says her daughter, age 8, loves the Dear Canada series of novels as well. And there's Kayak magazine too, which I sometimes pick up at the library and leave around the house for the boys to pick up.


I haven't seen the Canadian Flyer yet, but I do have some on my wish list! We have many of the Dear Canada books and I'm planning to uses them as well.


Do you know of any books that would be similar to the "Little House on the Prairie", but set in Canada?

My girls just love the Little House set. It would be great to find a similar book set in the Canadian bush or prairie.

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I've been really frustrated with the lack of Canadian history/geo curriculum to.

I'm planning to use Canada My Country next year. After we finish that I'll probably use DW Native history book.

But since I'm not a workbook fan, I'll be trying to add in lots of reading and activities.

I'm trying to plan away to follow CMC using a style similar to FIAR, since we have enjoyed that so much.


I'm hoping to start Canadian history after we do a Native study.


TOG Year 2 literature selection, see if you like it. I am looking forward to this one since I know it is something Adrian will enjoy reading.




Here's the link from Amazon.com. They have preview pages.



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There is an excellent series by Robert Livesay headtitled "Discovering Canada." The individual titles are:


  • The Vikings
  • The Fur Traders
  • New France
  • Native Peoples
  • The Defenders
  • The Rebels
  • The Loyal Refugees
  • The Railways
  • Black Heritage
  • The Mounties
  • The Great War

These may not be in order, and somehow I think I'm missing one, but I'm not sure. Another book by Livesey is Footprints in the Snow. It is OOP, but usually readily available in most libraries.


All of Barbara Greenwood's books are great. Kids Can Press has several titles in their Kids Canadian History series by her, but other titles that are good to find are:


  • Factory Girl
  • A Pioneer Story: The Daily Life of a Canadian Family in 1840
  • A Pioneer Sampler: The Daily Life of a Pioneer Family in 1840 (which is a crafty complement to Pioneer Story)
  • A Pioneer Christmas: Celebrating In the Backwoods in 1841
  • A Pioneer Thanksgiving: Harvest Celebrations in 1841
  • Gold Rush Fever: A Story of the Klondike in 1898
  • The Last Safe House: A Story of the Underground Railroad
  • Spy In the Shadows
  • A Question of Loyalty


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There is an excellent series by Robert Livesay headtitled "Discovering Canada."


Thanks! I have Livesay's books on my wish list, but had not seen them yet. I'm glad to hear they are good. :001_smile:

We do have 2 of Greenwood's books as well, the Pioneer Christmas and Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to using them this year.

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  • 2 months later...

We changed our plans here and will continue with TOG Year 1 for this year since we still have a lot to cover but I will be adding a Natives unit (last year we focused mostly on our BC Natives so we will be expanding) and Geography unit, after we are done with TOG Year 1 and before moving onto TOG Year 2. Anyway, I just wanted to post for those that may still be looking to purchase The Spirit of Canada that I just found it at Chapters for $18.77 (members price) and $19.76 (regular online price). My copy just came in and I love it! Great quality and price. After I mentioned the copies available on Amazon.ca in my previous posts everyone ordered and I missed my chance :tongue_smilie:. So glad I found it at Chapters because I was not about to pay CHER $29.95 for it plus shipping :)! Also, check out Chapters price on The Story of Canada by Janet Lunn. It is the paperback newer edition I am referring to here but with 80% off who cares! I just paid $6.64 for it as a member and they offer it for $6.99 (regular online price). So... glad I waited :D! They also still carry some used hardcover copies of the older editions from other sellers for more reasonable prices that those on Amazon.ca. I thought I would let those that may still be interested, know :).

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Also, check out Chapters price on The Story of Canada by Janet Lunn. It is the paperback newer edition I am referring to here but with 80% off who cares! I just paid $6.64 for it as a member and they offer it for $6.99 (regular online price). So... glad I waited :D! They also still carry some used hardcover copies of the older editions from other sellers for more reasonable prices that those on Amazon.ca. I thought I would let those that may still be interested, know :).


Oh, great price! I'm jealous! I picked my copy up in the spring at our convention, think I paid $20-25.

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Thanks for this!


You're welcome :)!


Oh, great price! I'm jealous! I picked my copy up in the spring at our convention, think I paid $20-25.


I can't remember exactly but I think I found it at our convention for $29.95. Chapters already had it for less ($21 or so I think at the time) and since they offer free shipping for anything over $25 it was still worth it to wait and get it from them, even though I would not have had to pay taxes at the convention. I don't think I will be using it this year (I will probably save it for another couple of years) but after buying The Spirit of Canada I just decided to check what the going price was for this too, in case they run out of copies and I don't get the chance to get one, and was surprised. I snatched it up quickly because I was eyeing another book by Pam Schiller for my little guy, I waited too long, and the price jumped by almost $10. Luckily, I found that one at Bookdepository for a good price and grabbed that now also. This was why I came here immediately (after securing my copy ;)) and posted for anyone that may want to take advantage of the price. I tend to follow the books on my list from my four regular suppliers. It's a lot of work but saves quite a bit of money :).


On another note, I had compared the quality (I think it is in one of my previous posts) between the older hardcover and the newer edition and there was a difference in the printing quality and paper (the older hardcover editions were much better quality) but I am a chicken and don't order used online :tongue_smilie:, so I waited.


That is a good price! I paid $10 all together for a hardcover from Amazon.ca - it was used, but that included shipping!


Well, considering you got what I feel is the better quality one ;), I would say it is a good price. Was your copy in good shape? I would have paid up to $25 at the most for the copy I got but $30 at the convention just seemed too high to me. I am cheap that way sometimes :tongue_smilie:!

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It was actually in awesome shape Marie ;). I have been very happy with all of my used purchases from Amazon.ca - I always try for very good copies, and they have all been almost like new!


:thumbup: Glad to hear it!

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