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Do some kids just find Singapore math more fun than MM?

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I've been using MM 1A and 1B with my son. I got a great deal on Singapore 1B and started using it last week. I had previously resisted Singapore because I didn't want to juggle a textbook, workbooks, etc. I've been surprised to see that in the one week we've used SM, my son has enjoyed it much more than MM. (Of course, he's also enjoyed MM 1B much more than 1A...maybe because 1A is just so repetitive with math facts?)


Anyway, is it common for young kids to enjoy SM more than MM?

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Guest RecumbentHeart

I have no desire to buy SM but it does look more inviting. Not sure if that would inspire DS or distract him ... probably either/or, depending on the day.

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My DD enjoys Singapore more...my older two both really like the texts. DD was bummed when I told her 3A isn't in full color anymore, but then she got excited when she saw it was in pink. :lol: We switched to MM for a bit when she got stuck on subtraction with regrouping. I'll probably use MM as a supplement if we have anymore troubles. MM is much more in depth, but that isn't always needed.

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A lot of kids will probably like the layout more. I use IP and CWP, and I've noticed that my son doesn't seem to care about the layout differences. He's more interested in whichever one is more challenging. So if we're doing something new in MM, he loves it (fractions in 2B and multiplication in 3A have been a huge hit this week). He loves word problems, so if MM has a page of those, he gets excited. We haven't used the SM text, and have no plans to. Adding in the extra fun stuff (SM and PCM) have helped spice things up.


Also, MM1A is incredibly boring. B is better. 2A was even better, and it has improved from there for us.

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My dd did not like the busy pages and endless drill of MM 1A :-(

She prefers an SM workbook to MM and MEP, and likes CSMP best of all.

I decided to work through one program consistently, so we are using MEP.


I have all 6 levels of MM and hope to use it in later years.

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We love SM here because of the inviting layout. I just switched from the US edition for 2B to the standards edition for 3A next year, and it keeps the colorful pages. I have a supplemental program (Mastering Mathematics), but haven't needed yet. We incorporate review daily and do a page or two a day in SM. My dd would do more every day if I let her.

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Yes indeed, it has made a difference for my daughter! We spent last fall with Math Mammoth. So uninspiring and ho-hum for both of us.


Singapore has gotten her excited about math again. As her teacher, I also love teaching it! It's done wonders. Math is now one of my daughter's favorite subjects. Hooray for Singapore Math!

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Just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I just bought dd SM for next year, and somehow MM caught my eye and I'd been wondering if I made a mistake. I like seeing why people prefer one over the other. For some reason the MM in black and white kinda turned me off, but I can't put my finger on why. Everything else seems to go with what I'm looking for.

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Just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I just bought dd SM for next year, and somehow MM caught my eye and I'd been wondering if I made a mistake. I like seeing why people prefer one over the other. For some reason the MM in black and white kinda turned me off, but I can't put my finger on why. Everything else seems to go with what I'm looking for.


The MM download is actually in color, just to clarify. The SM workbooks, CWP, EP and IP are in b&w, but the texts are in color. The SM workbooks and CWP are much less cluttered than MM and they are definitely more appealing for my daughter.

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We started with MM in Nov/Dec. 7yo DD#1 is finishing up MM4B and likes it. DD#2 is almost 6yo and doing MM1A and was ho-hum so I added in Sadlier-Oxford's (SO) Progress in Mathematics Grade 1 workbook (also glossy and has coloring, etc but a solid curric). SO is actually more gradual on math facts. She doesn't want to give up MM, tho. So we do both (or actually 3 if you count DK math workbooks, but I like to wallow in math for K-2). We'll cover the concept in MM for a few lessons then practice it in SO.


I looked a lot at Singapore and used some with DD#1, but like the sequencing of MM and SO better. I do wish the first couple levels of MM were a little more...playful or silly to interest the younger child.


In our case, we solved the aesthetic preference issue by adding in some eye candy on the side. :D Just a thought for folks currently using MM (and struggling with kiddos enthusiasm). :) Of course leaves me juggling books, but I usually just alternate twix lessons.

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